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October 29, 2017

Absolutely Devastating New Report Implicates CNN In 'Fake News' Russia Collusion Story - Media Fails In Attempts To Cover Up Their Lead Role In Creating False Storyline


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

An absolutely devastating new report has come out implicating CNN as taking a lead role in creating one of the biggest "fake news" stories that has been circulating since Donald Trump was elected President of the United States of America.

The excellent investigative report is credited to The Daily Caller, in an article titled "CNNs Undisclosed Ties To Fusion GPS," where they show that one of their lead reporters of the much-talked about, "salacious and unverified" Trump dossier which CNN helped get pushed to the front of national coverage, and that was partially funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, had close ties toFusion GPS operatives.

Side note- It has also been recently revealed that since April of 2016, Obama's campaign organization,Obama For America (OFA), alsopaid over $972,000 to the law firm,Perkins Coie, which secretly paidFusion GPS in 2016.

For those that do not know, Fusion GPS is responsible for producing the Trump dossier, which former FBI Director James Comey once called "salacious and unverified," and to which major portions have already had documented disinformation included within. Said information was in large part fed to former British spyChristopher Steele, by Kremlin operatives and Russian sources.

Via Bloomberg:

In the Clinton case, Fusion GPS, the firm working on the Trump opposition research, paid Steele, a foreigner, with the campaign's money. The U.K., of course, is a U.S. ally; Russia is an adversary. But the information Steele produced came mainly from Russian sources. Unlike lawyer Natalya Veselnitskaya, who once did legal work for the FSB domestic intelligence in a minor property dispute, these sources were really well-connected, if Steele is to be believed. They included, according to the version of his dossier published by Buzzfeed, "a senior Russian Foreign ministry figure," "a former top level Russian intelligence officer still active inside the Kremlin," "a senior Russian financial official" and "a senior Kremlin official."

Long story short on Fusion GPS and the Trump dossier is the Washington Free Beacon hired them before Donald Trump became the GOP nominee, for opposition research, they canceled their contract with them after Trump was nominated, then the DNC, the Clinton campaign, and it appears Obama's campaign organization provided funds to Perkins Coie, which then hired Steele to create the now infamous Trump dossier.

Related:WSJ editorial board calls for Mueller's resignation and accuses Clinton and DNC of collusion



Now we find out from the Daily Caller article that CNNjustice correspondent Evan Perez, who has run quite a few stories on the dossier, including one of the first to help kick off the Russia/ Trump dossier angle, has close ties with multiple Fusion GPS operatives.

Via the Daily Caller:

CNNs reporting on the dossier, led by justice correspondent Evan Perez, has been favorable to the firm, Fusion GPS, and hyped the dossiers credibility. Left out of Perezs reporting, which has relied largely on unnamed sources, is his personal closeness to Fusion GPS operatives. Fusion has repeatedly been described in Senate testimonies as a smear-for-hire operation that manufactures misleading or false media narratives for its clients.

Glenn Simpson, the Fusion co-founder most often associated with the dossier, is used to working on stories with Perez. As reporters at The Wall Street Journal, Perez and Simpson regularly co-authored stories on national security.

Another Fusion founder, Tom Catan, worked as a reporter for the Journal at the same time as Perez and Simpson. The third Fusion co-founder, Peter Fritsch, worked above Perez and Simpson as the senior national security editor.

Simpson and Fritsch left the WSJ in 2011 to launch Fusion. Perez jumped from the paper to CNN in 2013. Another longtime Journal reporter, Neil King, left the paper to join Fusion in December 2016.

DC also has a variety of images which were posted to Facebook that "underscore the personal closeness between Perez and the Fusion GPS operatives."

To date CNN, nor their reporter Perez, who helped shape the coverage and narrative of the whole "Russia" storyline, has bothered to disclose their reporter's close ties with Fusion GPS operatives.

It is not only being noted by right-leaning outlets that the MSM seems to attempting a "coverup," regarding the shadowy back story of the dossier and the ties between intelligence agencies, the Democrats and Fusion GPS, as on October 15, 2017, the Wall Street Journal wrote about how the Justice department should not protect the FBI and Fusion GPS, stating clearly at their conclusion, "Americans dont need a Justice Department coverup abetted by Glenn Simpsons media buddies," which we now know CNN's Perez is one of.

For the record, it was also CNN's Evan Perez that broke the story thatSpecial Counsel Robert Mueller filed the first charges in his investigation into Russias alleged interference in the 2016 election.

Amazing how much inside confidential information gets "leaked" to that man, isn't it?

CNN has suffered quite a few scandals, from a "Russia" story that had to be retracted, deleted, and all links removed, which also resulted the forced resignation of three of their high profile employees, to the undercover camera footage of CNN representatives admitting the whole Russia/Trump collusion narrative was "b*llshit" with another panelist calling it a "nothing-burger," to having to correct and retract another story, as just some recent examples of how CNN has been one of the leading outlets to creating a false narrative while attempting to downplay the very real Russia collusion with the Clintons and Obama administration with the Uranium One deal, exposed by The Hill recently.



With nearly two-thirds of Americans (65 percent) believing the MSM is feeding them "fake news," including 20 percent of Democrats, at some point there needs to be a serious discussion on how to hold them accountable for the deliberate "fake news" stories they publish, and it is not just conservatives that should be outraged, but liberals who were blindsided when President Trump won the election over Clinton, should also be demanding some accountability.

Remember, it was NBC's Chuck Todd, in January 2017, that admitted publicly that the "mediaknew how hated Hillary was in heartland and we underplayed it," meaning they deliberately kept their readers and audience uninformed of reality in order to protect their preferred candidate.

It is not only "Russia!" or anti-Trump fake news stories, or the MSM acting as the propaganda arm of the Democratic party, that they should be held accountable for, but other things that have been recently uncovered, such as how the NYT killed a story about Harvey Weinstein sexually abusing women in the Hollywood industry, in 2004, and only exposed it in 2017...... leaving a man being accused of multiple rapes and sexual assaults to continue along his merry way for 13 additional years, simply to protect a Democratic donor, and Hollywood itself.

There are so many examples showing why the media should be held accountable for their deliberately fake news reporting, as well as refusing to report the truth if it doesn't fit with their own agenda, it is impossible to list them all in one article.

With that said, we are not talking about the first amendment and "free press," nor saying mistakes don't happen, after all they are human as well, but when a consistent, systematic pattern can be seen to the point where 65 percent of Americans note it, then the idea that the MSM is still a "free press" instead of a paid propaganda arm of one political party or another, or in the case of the Washington Post, the CIA (Post's owner Jeff Bezo's $600 million contract with the CIA), then asking for accountability for outright and deliberate fake news, should not be too much for the public to demand.

There is a difference between making a mistake and pushing fake news, like when Wapo claimed "Russia" attacked the U.S. power grid, just to correct it, then days later headline an article saying Russia did not attack the grid, because when it comes to organizations that have hundreds of employees, travel expenses, legal departments, and millions to spend, they cannot blame a massive screw up like that on a simple "mistake."


The recent connections between CNN and Fusion GPS that have just been exposed, highlights exactly how corrupt the MSM has become, because these types of examples are being seen throughout most of the major news outlets, whether it is direct connections, burying stories, killing narratives that don't fit the agenda or official account, or outright lying to their viewers/followers on purpose, we are seeing a deep rot that leads to the very core of what "free press" is supposed to be.

Below Mike Adams of Natural News discusses Independent Media and why it is so important, and he is right, if you look through Independent Media sites, the news is varied, original and definitely not in lock-step with the "official narrative," nor is it scripted by corporations, as seen in the video beneath Mike's.

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