Welcome to ANP's first official 2017 Snowflake Edition, where Hollywood has-beens are publicly calling for Martial Law to prevent Trump's inauguration, with celebrities being taken to task for an utterly disturbing video of them singing "I Will Survive" (and destroying the song forever) in regards to Trump's winning the presidential election, with college students continuing to freak out at campuses across the nation, and Democratic politicians along with the media cohorts are suffering complete meltdowns, leading us to ask, very seriously if "Snowflakism" is a legitimate mental illness?
To be clear, not everyone who is unhappy that Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election, is being lumped in with "Snowflakes" that appear to be mentally ill, because had Hillary Clinton won the election, the other side, Trump supporters, would have been unhappy as well, but I seriously doubt they would carry out the antics and make the suggestions shown below.
Starting with the celebrity has-been Rosie O'Donnell, who recently tweeted "I FULLY SUPPORT IMPOSING MARTIAL LAW - DELAYING THE INAUGURATION - UNTIL TRUMP IS "CLEARED" OF ALL CHARGES," to which in the first video below, we see Judge Jeanine Pirro, in one of her best jobs of shredding outright stupidity, explains to Rosie exactly what Martial Law is, how Rosie herself would not enjoy living under it, calling her tweet "dumb," and pointing out that Donald Trump has not been "charged" with anything in the first place, before calling O'Donnell "mentally unstable."
Also note that 2,304 other mentally unstable people "liked" that O'Donnell tweet.
Next up, "'Liberal snowflake"Hollywood stars come under fire for 'pathetic' video which shows them singing 'I Will Survive' about Trump's inauguration," reports Daily Mail, where actors and actresses like Emma Stone, Natalie Portman, Amy Adams,Taraji P Henson,Andrew Garfield, Chris Pine, Hailee Steinfeld, and Matthew McConaughey, sing, and in some cases just read, the olden goldie "I Will Survive" made famous byGloria Gaynor.
Anyone that has fond memories of the song, here is your "trigger warning.: This may destroy the song for you forever.
"On that day, we intend to teach about the agendas and policies of the new administration, be it the proposed dismantling of economic and environmental regulations or the threatened rollback of the hard-won rights that form the fragile scaffolding of American democracy," a description for the teach-in explains, later accusing Trump of institutionalizing "white supremacy" and allegedly proposing the "expansion of state violence targeting people of color" and other marginalized groups.
"On that day, we intend to organize against the proposed expansion of state violence targeting people of color, undocumented people, queer communities, women, Muslims, and many others," the description continues. "On that day, we intend to resist the institutionalization of ideologies of separation and subordination, including white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia, Islamophobia, and virulent nationalism."
The American Federation of Teachersis organizing another round of "sanctuary campus" protests for the day before Donald Trump's inauguration. According to Campus Reform, "In addition to protecting illegal immigrants from deportation, though, the AFT is also demanding "sanctuary" for "Muslims, African-Americans and all people of color, and LGBTQ people." Videos of professors laying out their vision for "resisting Trump" are over at College Fix.
The examples shown above related to the election of Donald Trump as president, but there are examples of other concerning issues happening at colleges and universities across America, found at Campus Reform and College Fix, to get an idea of how out of control these little snowflakes truly have become.
ANP has already detailed the MSM meltdowns occurring now as they push for civil war, as well how easily thing could "spiral out of control" on inauguration day, so, I won't delve into that here, but all of it, seen together, leads me to my final point and the headlined question: Is "snowflakism" a dangerous mental illness?
Recently I ran across a brilliant, must-see video from July 2016, where images that have gone viral across the Internet of college snowflakes and cupcakes, completely out of control, perfectly fit an actual documentary about mental illness, where the videographer inserted the documentary narration as a voice-over to the images of social justice warriors having complete break downs.
His description of the video makes it clear he was not trying to con anyone, but was using it as an example as to how their behavior is so accurately described by the actual mental illness documentary, as he states "This is what happens when you add the voice over of a documentary about mental illness on to a video about SJW's, the funny part is that had I not told you it was a voice over you would have had no problem in believing it was an actual documentary about SJW's."
These behaviors, from O'Donnell's tweet, to the horrible rendition of "I will Survive" to the antics across our nations schools, is not normal. This is more than just butthurt snowflakes and their inability to accept reality, these are classic signs of mental instability.
The examples shown in the video above are just a drop in the bucket to what you find on YouTube as compilation videos for "Social Justice Warriors Meltdowns," and all it takes is clicking on a few of them to see the scope of this problem and how widespread it truly is.
The series of images below are from the video above, and they show not just an outright temper tantrum but someone that truly needs mental help. Hopefully her parents have already seen not just the images but her screaming as if in physical pain the whole time, and have already gotten her some help. If not, I hope they do see it soon, because that girl... is dangerous to those around her.