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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

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February 4, 2015

Military On Move - NW Louisiana - They're In Our Face Now! They Want Us To Know!


By Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

An All News Pipeline reader emailed us the photographs seen both above and below of ANOTHER military train on the move in Northwestern Louisiana. While a military train fully loaded down on the move is no longer an uncommon sight in this world we live in, the outright openness and brazenness of these moves is becoming more disturbing to those who are paying attention, such as this Iraqi War Veterans warning to us here.:

I passed three police cars with their lights all flashing as they escorted a flatbed truck that was hauling a Bradley fighting vehicle. No tarps or covers were upon it, it was exposed for all to see

Hi Steve, I live in metro Detroit and what I saw today made my heart sink. I was driving south on a very busy street, coming north on that same street I passed three police cars with their lights all flashing as they escorted a flatbed truck that was hauling a Bradley fighting vehicle. No tarps or covers were upon it, it was exposed for all to see. I'm an Iraq war vet so I immediately knew what it was, but have no clue where it was headed. This road is three lanes one way, they were traveling only 10mph or so and they took up all three lanes and would not let any cars pass them. Steve I've lived here my whole life and have never seen anything like this before, it was so blatantly on display it seemed as if they wanted everyone to see it, or maybe they just don't care who sees what anymore. I don't know. But I do know that I choose to fear The Lord, and not to fear man and his armored vehicles. Thank you Jesus. Mike


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This 1st video is an excellent compilation of what is going on right preparation exposed via mainstream news media reports.

This 2nd video comes to us from Brian Martsolf who saw this train on Sunday Feb. 1, 2015 on the Norfolk Southern in Greenville,SC at 8:27 AM. "I’ve SEEN tanks on trains several times but this is the first time I captured anything, no stills or video until this one."

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