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October 20, 2014

"Catastrophic Events Expected" - "The More We Learn, The Less We Know" -Terrifying Statements By CIDRAP On Ebola

By Susan Duclos

In a speech from Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) Director, Michael Osterholm, given at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, ( shown below) he issues a series of statements that terrifying in their honesty, including one he starts about Ebola, saying "They more we learn, the less we know," and going on to describe what he refers to as Black Swan events which he describes as surprising "catastrophic events," then warns that CIDRAP expects a rolling blackout of Black Swan events.

CIDRAP recently was brought to the headlines by admitting that according to their research there is "scientific and epidemiologic," evidence to suggest that Ebola is airborne, via aerosolized particles, as reported by The Inquisitir, which states "Virus-laden bodily fluids may be aerosolized and inhaled while a person is in proximity to an infectious person and that a wide range of particle sizes can be inhaled and deposited throughout the respiratory tract, University researchers concluded. Background information detailing why CIDRAP believes the CDC and WHO are function under an outdated mode of thought when it comes to how infectious diseases are transmitted via aerosols is also included in the new report. "

This is also confirmed by the CDC itself, via their Twitter account, which states on October 18, 2014, in response to a question "Ebola is spread through droplets. If person w/Ebola sneezes & saliva/mucus contacts persons eyes/nose/mouth, it may be spread."

Leading scientists have also expressed deep concerns that the Ebola virus is already changing and becoming more contagious, via The Telegraph and one specific chart, published on Forbes, shows this clearly, shown below.


Keep in mind the Ebola west Africa outbreak started in Guinea in December 2013 and as it spread, it became worse, causing more infections and more fatalities in each new area.

Everyone should watch the speech given by Osterholm below.


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