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March 28, 2016

'Mother Of Satan' Bomb Used In Brussels Attacks? Watch This And Know Something Strange Is Going On


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

In Jason A's latest release he delves into the events that have occurred around the world, via a compilation of news clips, showing what he believes to be biblical prophecy playing out before our very eyes.

From signs being seen from the heavens including a very strange sighting of an UFO by a high profile NFL star to multiple meteor sightings, one of which is desribed as the brightest ever recorded, to the onging push in the U.S. to create a police state with "Real ID" in order to be able to travel domestically or enter a federal building, with lawmakers declaring they would offer a "chilling" amount of access to our personal data as well as "endless surveillance opportunies" by the government into our homes and every aspect of our lives, Jason covers a variety of news in the video below.


Covered below at great length are different aspects seen in the news coverage of the recent terrorist attack in Brussels, where Barack Obama used the 51 seconds he deemed enough to express his sympathies and "outrage" while once again pushing for everyone to "unite." This is followed up with the Pope's remarks on March 24, 2016, also urging for the "uniting" of religions.

Quoted after that segment we see Matthew 7:15 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."


Two specific points of interest noted, starting at approximately the 4:05 minute mark, about the Brussels terror attacks, is an American young man that was present in Brussels, who just happened to be a block away from the Boston Marathon Bombing in 2014 and was in France during the Paris attacks in 2015.

What are the odds that one person would be present for three separate events in three different countries? A very strange connection.

The next point which brings us right back to prophetic events is shown, via a quote from Washhinton Post on March 23, 2016, which states "'Mother of Satan': The highly unstable bomb of choice for terrorists, likely used in the brussel attacks."

The last portion of the video below includes reports decribed as Prophecy In The News for the past week, include but is not limited to the Pakistan bombing, the recent revelation of how long spy drones have been used on America soil, and the mysterious recent death events of American bald eagles along with mass fish death events.

This is definitely a must-see compilation where recent events are shown as part of a bigger picture and not randomly by separate local outlets oblivious to what it looks like when seen all together as shown below.

[UPDATE] Jason A has removed the video below from his account and we cannot find a mirrored version. This happens for a variety of reasons but most likely one of the news clips he used in his compilation filed a copyright claim, forcing the removal. Our apologies.


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