A full-blown war on the Korean peninsula offers up a nightmare scenario that would cause appalling casualties and potentially trigger a nuclear exchange, experts and former officials say.
With an array of artillery trained on Seoul, North Korea could easily blast the glass towers of the South's booming capital for days and kill huge numbers of civilians before US and South Korean forces prevailed, experts said.
"Official Pentagon models assume it would take months to win the war at a cost approaching one million casualties or more, all told, including dead and wounded," Michael O'Hanlon, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, told AFP.
"And that's without nuclear weapons being used," said O'Hanlon, who wrote a book looking at the effects of a potential war.
And now we learn from this new Associated Press story linked to on the Drudge Report that NKorea has just tested a newly developed high-thrust rocket engine that Kim claims is "a great event of historic significance" for the country, warning the "whole world will soon witness what eventful significance the great victory won today carries".
Also claiming the new engine will be used for NKorea's 'space and satellite-launching program', the test is just the latest provocations from Kim towards Japan, South Korea and the US that many believe is leading towards war.
An EMP that blacks out the national electric grid would be a far greater catastrophe than blasting a city. A North Korean 10-kiloton warhead blasting a city might cause about 200,000 casualties.
However, the same warhead making a high-altitude EMP attack though there would be no blast, thermal or fallout effects on the ground could knock out the electric grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures for more than a year, killing 90 percent of the population through starvation.
Why blast a city when EMP attack can destroy the whole nation? North Korea wants to be able to do both. They can launch an EMP attack already.
Knowing that even according to Pentagon models developed several years ago, a war between the US and NKorea could bring millions of casualities shows us what is at stake should China's warning come true.
In the first video below from Infowars we see further proof of Kim Jong Un's insanity with NKorea claiming they're willing to launch a first strike nuclear attack, leading the US to proclaim nothing is off the table.
In the 2nd video below we hear about Secretary of State Tillerson's warning that NKorea now poses an imminent threat while in the final video below also from Infowars, we hear all about how NKorea got nuclear in the first place and once again, it appears that the US has nobody but ourselves to blame, and particularly former US President Bill Clinton.