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December 1, 2014

New Black Eyed Kids Encounters! Frighteningly Real? Interview With David Weatherly Answers That Question!

By Susan Duclos


On November 13, 2014, yet another terrifying encounter with the “Black Eyed Kids” was published over at Creepy Pasta, with the headline “Camping With Black Eyed Kids,” where the writer described multiple encounters with children that “have completely black eyes. No whites to their eyes at all.”

The writer also describes the feeling of being compelled to help them when they ask for it, yet the terror overtakes it and he runs, just to encounter them again.

A few key quotes from his claims will be shown below, but the entire piece is a very interesting read and should be read in full.

After those key quotes is a video interview with David Weatherly, who has investigated paranormal subjects for over 35 years, investigating cases around the country and abroad. He has written on a diverse range of topics including cryptozoology, UFOs and hauntings and he gives his expert opinion on whether the Black Eyed Kid phenomenon is real or not to an interviewer that believed they are because he claims he has seen one….

As I’m taking care of my business, I hear the bathroom door open. I hear whispered voices. It’s a small bathroom, but I can’t make-out what the voices are saying. I can tell they’re kid’s voices though, and I figure it’s the kids I saw near my car earlier. No biggie, right? I finish up, and open the stall door. Sure enough, there are the two kids standing outside the stall. I remember saying, “it’s all yours.” As I walked to the sink. The kids just stood there. When you think about it now, in reading, the situation seems a little spooky, but at the time, and if you were in the situation yourself I’d bet that you wouldn’t be the slightest bit worried and neither was I. I was my hands, and glance in the mirror, only to notice the kids are looking right at me. This is the first time, but certainly not the last time, on this trip that my spine tingles with fear. The god damn kids have completely black eyes. No whites to their eyes at all. Like I said, this is a pretty small bathroom and they were not more than three feet away. At first I can’t do or say anything. I am literally frozen with fear. The water runs over my hands, but I can’t feel it. I’m so deep inside my head at this moment that all I can hear are my thoughts, which were something like “Ahhhhhh!.” All joking aside, I was petrified.

It was only when one of the kids, a brown haired boy that I would guess was around twelve took a step toward me that my fight or flight instincts took over control from my fear. I turned off the water, why I bothered I don’t know habit I guess, and moved a step back from the kids and toward the door. Seemingly sensing my fear the boy didn’t take another step toward me. Instead he stopped, on retrospect I can guess he was trying to keep from frightening me too much – didn’t work kid!

“Can you help us?” That’s what the boy said when one of us finally spoke. For a moment I did want to help.

I consider myself a pretty nice guy. I’d go out of my way to help pregnant women carry groceries to their car. I’d rescue cats from trees if the situation arose, and for a while I thought that is why I wanted to help those creepy kids. I thought, my sheer decency was what made me, despite my better judgment, and despite my fear want to help them. Only since I began researching the BEK’s do I realize that I didn’t want to help those kids, but whatever, magical, mystical voo-doo, power they have made me want to help them. I can’t tell you with any certainty how long I stood motionless thinking about helping those kids, but it seemed like an eternity. Finally, like a physical shaking of my brain I said “No, Not right now. I gotta go.” And then I left the bathroom.

The writer goes on to state that after he was locked safely in his car, he looked back towards the restroom and the “kids” were standing at the door, staring at him.

His second encounter was just as creepy on the same camping trip:

The boy who spoke to me earlier couldn’t have been more than five feet away, and the other boy, the quiet boy, was standing slightly behind him. Each of the boys stood motionless. Staring. Just staring. At this moment, I’m not sure I have the ability to put my terror into words. The best way I can describe it is to say I felt like I was dying. I felt like I was in the hospital and the doctor just told me I had moments to live. The talkative boy moved toward me. The only light on the beach came from my headlamp. Neither kid had any sort of flashlight. My led beam flashed across their faces, reflecting grotesquely in their large dark eyes. The waves crashed, and the wind blew.

“Help us.”

I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t move. I could barely breathe. The boy moved closer. The quiet boy stepped to the side, almost like he was slowly circling behind me, and that broke the spell.

Read it all over at Creepy Pasta.

Are these worldwide encounters real? Are they a product of an over-active imagination? Complete hoaxes or fairy tales? David Weatherly attempts to answer those questions in the video below.

Via the video, titled “The Frightening Reality of Black Eyed Children,” details:

Black-Eyed People (sometimes called Black Eyed Children or Bek) are young people, often children, with eyes that are solid black with no differentiation between sclera, pupil, or iris, and are occasionally reported to have blue or bluish tinted skin like that of a corpse. Those who report encounters with them often feel that the children were somehow supernatural and extremely dangerous though they could not explain why.

Frightening reality or urban myth? Who are the sinister black-eyed children that are being reported worldwide? They are knocking on doors, rapping on windows, asking to come in. They seem to need an invitation, but why? David Weatherly describes his research into the phenomenon as the host asks, ‘is this reality?’ EXCEPT, the host has reason to believe that it may be. It turns out that he has seen such a child…


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