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February 27, 2015

Blue-Black Or White-Gold? You Tell Us What You See And We'll Tell You What Color The Dress Really Is!

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

This is not news, nor alternative news, no politics, economy, war, prophecy or conspiracy, but the Internet is quite literally going insane over a dress and what color that dress is. Family members and friends are arguing, some claim to be losing their mind as they look at the color of the dress seen below and in some cases it seems to change color right in frot of their eyes! 


What colors do you see? Look at it again? Still seeing the same colors? 

Some say they see the dress as being white and gold and others see blue and black. In fact, BuzzFeed took a poll and 75 percent (167.6K votes) see a white/gold dress with 25 percent (55.6K) seeing a blue/black dress.

Examples of some of the chatter about this shown below: (Via BuzzFeed)

---guys please help me - is this dress white and gold, or blue and black? Me and my friends can’t agree and we are freaking the (redacted) out

---So I just looked at this like, it’s blue and black obviously and all my friends were like no it’s blue and gold. Now I’m super confused, what is eyesight?

---I see it as white and gold. My friend right here sees it as blue and black. I CANT HANDLE THIS

if that’s not gold my entire life has been a lie

---I am seeing Blue and Black, how are people seeing it different? Is there some sort of mind sorcery happening here?! :o

---Okay, wtf
i just saw it as gold and white which was weird bc earlier it was blue and black so i thought maybe ye were [redacted]ing with me but i went to reblog and now its blue and black again?!?


---My class just had a debate over this. Half sees black and blue, the other half sees gold and white. Someone please explain this…

---Update: this thing changed color in front of my fricken face. How does that even happen.



What is extremely interesting about those poll numbers above is that according to Wired, the answer is clear... blue and black as they explain the technical aspects behind why some eyes see it one way and why others see it differently.

What does it say about America that the government just took over the Internet, the Feds are raiding the Texas Republic meeting, there is talk of war, the economy is dying in front of our eyes, but this dress has gone viral?

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