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October 31, 2017

Body Count Rises: What Are The Odds That Multiple People With Some Connection To The Vegas Shooting Are Now Dead?

- 4 Eye Witnesses & The Mother Of A Police Officer Killed In Vegas In Less Than A Month


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Less than a month after the Las Vegas massacre which killed 58 people and injured over 500 hundred others, we note that now four witnesses of the shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Festival concert in Las Vegas, have died between October 9th and October 23rd, as well as the mother of anoff-duty Las Vegas police officer who was one of the 58 people that died on October 1, 2017 in Vegas.


On October 22, 2017 a woman by the name ofSheryl Stiles was taken off life support after apparently having a heart attack, then falling down an escalator and suffering brain damage. Ms. Stiles was in town to attend the services for her son,Charleston Hartfield, who was a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officer killed on October 1, 2017, during the Vegas massacre.

While we are in no way suggesting Ms. Stiles death was anything other than a tragic accident, we do have to wonder what the statistical odds are of five different people, somehow directly or indirectly connected to the Vegas massacre, end up dying of causes unrelated to the shooting itself, in less than a month?

ANP previously reported on 28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, who before being found dead in bed on October 9, 2017, had posted to her social media account that there were "more than one gun firing - 100% more than one," on the night that police maintain a single gunman, Stephen Paddock opened fire from the Mandalay Bay.

A reminder of her statement, via Facebook (archive is link here, since her Facebook post no longer is available)

We were rounding some sort of corner maybe- and I looked to the right and I saw this large cowboy sitting down with his legs spread, holding a blood-soaked woman. I thought to myself we NEED to hide, but as I looked quickly for somewhere to go, the gunfire once again got closer and closer. We couldnt hide because they (and I do mean THEY) were chasing us. That exact moment is when I started to really panic. That is the exact moment in which I thought this was it, I was going to die, I was never going to see my family again. So, as we are running, we approach this fence where men are throwing women over, and we ran up to it as they had knocked It down, so we were able to get out. As we crossed the threshold of the venue, my mind went straight to other mass shootings and hearing the victims families in my head talk about how they never got to say goodbye. I did not want this for my husband (who was at work) & my grandma (who had my daughter, Scarlett). So, at 10:07pm I called my husband franticly leaving him a voicemail- telling him that I loved him and was in the middle of a shooting & I wasnt sure if I would make it out alive. Next, while still running, I called my grandma to tell her the exact same thing. But the gunfire wasnt stopping this whole time. It wasnt ceasing. It wasnt slowing down. And It was directly behind us, following us. Bullets were coming from every direction. Behind us, in front of us, to the side of us. But I know, I just know, that there was someone chasing us. The entire time I felt this way. The farther we got from the venue, the closer the gunfire got. I kept looking back expecting to see the gunmen- and I say MEN because there was more than one person. There was more than one gun firing. 100% more than one. As we were running, we kept changing direction, because it felt like no matter what direction we took, we were being followed. So we ended up running in a weird triangular path. The first place I remember getting to was a parking lot, and I told Casie (who was slightly in front of me) we needed to get under one of the trucks. She turned to me and started her way back to me, and that is when the gunfire got even CLOSER than ever before. It was RIGHT THERE. It was within the parking lot. Everyone around us was panicking once again. So we ditched the idea of getting underneath a vehicle, and we continued the run for our lives. If you know me, you know I am a big girl, who is out of shape, and who definitely does not run for any reason. But I can tell you I ran like I have never run before.

According to reports, Suchomel had suffered from epilepsy, and had suffered multiple "focal" seizures after surviving the Vegas shooting. It was later reported that prior to her death Suchomel had been planning to organize a survivors group to try to "piece things together" because the official narrative did not align with the memories of some of those that were there and survived the massacre.

Infowars was provided of screen shots of a text conversation from a friend she had shared her plans with. The friend asked if he could share her comments about multiple shooters if he deleted her name and she answered with "You can share my comment for sure. And you can leave my name. I'm trying to organize a group of survivors so if anyone wants to contact me they can. Because this f**ked up sh*t doesnt make sense and we are trying to piece things together." Suchomel went on to say "The media can suck it. They have no idea what went down!"


More at Infowars.

On October 16, 2017, a little over two weeks after Lorraine and Dennis Carver survived the Vegas massacre, just half a mile away from their home, their carinto the entrance of their gated community, resulting in a fire it took firemen an hour to extinguish.

The couples car went off the road and struck a cinder block column, which ripped off their vehicles rear axle and ruptured the gas tank, according to ABC News.

The car spun and hit another cinder block column, causing it to roll and burst into flames, the outlet reported. The cause of the crash is unknown.

ANP has also reported onDanny Contreras, a man who the day after the Vegas shooting, tweeted "Feeling lcky to be alive. i got out of concert alive! 2 men chasing me with guns. not evry 1 so lcky." Twitter mysteriously suspended his account.

According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, a man named Daniel Contreras died of multiple gun shot wounds, with authorities stating that the "initial investigation showed that the killing likely was related to narcotics."

Wondering about the odds of five deaths associated in any way with the Vegas shooting, all occurring in a one month period, and not caused by the shooting itself, is just one in a long line of questions in regards to what happened on October 1, 2017.



From the every changing "official" timelines, to the multiple eyewitnesses accounts claiming there was definitely more than one shooter to the fact that the hotel security guard Jesus Campos first disappeared before scheduled interviews to return and agree to only one, which happened to be on a daytime talk show conducted by an entertainer, EllenDeGeneres.

Another mystery is why authorities allowed Campos, who was shot in the leg outside Paddock's room, to leave the country to go into Mexico a couple of days after the shooting, as reported by NY Post:

The new information raises even more questions about Stephen Paddocks Oct. 1 massacre such as why authorities would allow Campos to leave the country in the middle of their investigation or how the security guard managed to make it down to Mexico with a gunshot wound to his leg.

Campos reportedly took a bullet from gunman Stephen Paddock at the start of his killing spree.

The union that represents him told Fox they were aware of his trip to Mexico and claimed it was a pre-planned visit. Whats unclear, though, is why the group didnt report his whereabouts in the days following the massacre.

Las Vegas Review Journal has an extensive list of unanswered questions for authorities, published on October 27, which include but are not limited to: Why are investigators withholding so much information about the case?Do they believe he had accomplices?What was the gunman planning to do with the explosives found in his car?What evidence shows he might have planned to escape?What else was recovered from the gunmans hotel room and his homes in Mesquite and Reno?When did authorities determine the hard drive from the gunmans laptop was missing?Which law enforcement agency is in charge of what parts of the investigation?Who took the photos of the dead gunman and his room after the shooting? Where does the investigation into this leak stand?What does Mandalay Bay surveillance footage show about the gunmans movements and activities in the days before the shooting?

Many more question at the LV Review Journal.

The latest question seems to be why, nearly a month later, the public is left to wonder why, if the suspect Stephen Paddock was dead when authorities finally broke into the room, an officer fired a weapon into one of the rooms of his suite?

A Las Vegas police officer accidentally fired his gun in Stephen Paddocks suite the night of the mass shooting, the departments sheriff said Monday, breaking more than two weeks of silence and confirming for the first time that an officer fired his weapon during the Oct. 1 incident.

Sheriff Joe Lombardo said the gun went off after the officers made entry to the room, but the rounds were not fired in the room where Paddock was found dead.

That too is apparently "under investigation."

Another question which I have seen across the internet is how the final body count reported the day after the mass shooting in Vegas, was at 58, with over 500 people reportedly "injured," some listed as critical, yet the body count has not even risen by one from the actual shooting itself?


Every day we see ANP readers asking questions about Vegas, questions to which authorities are unwilling or unable to provide answers for, or even address in any way, and with the amount of agency-to-agency resources being provided into this investigation, there is absolutely no excuse for the answers to be withheld from the public.

Now we have a rising body count, just one month after the shooting and none of them a result of the actual shooting itself.

Something stinks here.

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