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April 20, 2019

Now For The Real Collusion Investigation: The Obama Admin And Russian Misinformation Used By The FBI And DOJ, Also Known As The 'Steele Dossier'

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

While the Robert Mueller report finally put the Russia/Trump "Collusion" issue to bed by determining that neither President Trump, nor anyone on his campaign, nor any U.S. persons "conspired" or "coordinated" (colluded) with Russia regarding interference in the 2016 presidential election, we can now focus on the other investigations in progress and reports that are upcoming from the Department Of Justice Inspector General's office, which is delving into the myriad off issues surrounding the beginning of the whole Russia collusion investigation.

The media is still howling over the Mueller report not producing the smoking gun they have promised their viewers/readers for almost three years, because they know what is coming is far worse for each and every person involved in the attempt, and failure, to frame President Trump for collusion.

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Earlier this month Attorney General Bill Barr told Congress that he would be putting together a team to gather information on the "genesis and the conduct of intelligence activities directed at the Trump campaign during 2016."

Many may have thought he would be launching and full-scale investigation into those actions, but as he continued, we saw him finish that statement by saying "And a lot of this has already been investigated, and a substantial portion of it has been investigated and is being investigated by the office of the Inspector General, but one of the things I want to do is pull everything together from the various investigations that have gone on, including on the Hill and in the [Justice] Department, and see if there are any remaining questions to be addressed."

During that exchange when he was asked why he would be doing that review, he made it clear that it was because "spying on a political campaign is a big deal. It's a big deal." As we covered previously, Barr also maintained when asked if he was suggesting spying had occurred against the Trump campaign, he said "I think spying did occur, yes. I think spying did occur."

The Democrat asking him those questions acted surprised, but she wasn't, she was more flummoxed that Barr dared use the term "spying," yet Barr has more than sufficient evidence to back up that claim than any in the media, or the Democrat party, is willing to admit.

The Liberal media and the Democrat politicians and pundits seem to deliberately forget that there has already been one DOJ IG report issued, back in July of 2018, which detailed a number of questionable actions and conduct by former Obama officials in multiple intelligence agencies, and in the press release from that report, it highlighted another IG investigation that was still ongoing, which began in March 2018.

In the 21 page PDF IG press release it stated on Page #2: "Please note that this review is separate from the review the OIG announced on March 28, 2018, concerning the DOJs and FBIs compliance with legal requirements, and with applicable DOJ and FBI policies and procedures, in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court relating to a certain U.S. person. That review is ongoing and the OIG will issue a separate report relating to those issues at a future date when our investigative work is complete."

That press release also linked to the 568 page official IG report titled "A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election.

The upcoming report from the IG, Michael Horowitz, stemmed from the investigation announced on March 28, 2018, into the following areas:

Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz announced today that, in response to requests from the Attorney General and Members of Congress, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) will initiate a review that will examine the Justice Departments and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) compliance with legal requirements, and with applicable DOJ and FBI policies and procedures, in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) relating to a certain U.S. person. As part of this examination, the OIG also will review information that was known to the DOJ and the FBI at the time the applications were filed from or about an alleged FBI confidential source. Additionally, the OIG will review the DOJs and FBIs relationship and communications with the alleged source as they relate to the FISC applications.

If circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review.

The reference to the "U.S. person that I put in bold above from the release, is Carter Page, who the FBI and other intelligence employees obtained a FISA warrant to spy on, along with several renewals, based in large part by the unverified Steele Dossier, produced by Fusion GPS, who was paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC. That Dossier used information obtained by unnamed "Russian," officials and sources.

It bears noting that in the Mueller report, Carter Page is specifically referenced and they found that despite the multiple FISA warrants and lengthy surveillance, "the investigation did not establish that Page coordinated with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 president election."


Page has not been charged with any crime.

AG Barr has publicly stated that the upcoming IG report regarding his review of potential FISA abuses, which is expected to detail how dependent the FISA warrant was on the unverified Steele Dossier, as well as the fact that those that signed off on the warrants did not inform the FISA judges that it was the Clinton campaign that paid for the Dossier, is expected to be finished and released in "May or June."

Add to that the other downplayed investigation which began in 2017, by U.S. Attorney John Huber, who was directed to work in cooperation with the DOJ IG, to investigate whether Obama-era FBI & DOJ officials abused their power in the manner they obtained the spying warrants against Trump campaign members, and their handling of the investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

While Huber is working in cooperation with the DOG IG, he reports directly to AG Barr.

That is why Barr is not "launching an investigation," but stated he was bringing together a team to look at the evidence already available to determine if, and who to level criminal charges against. His exact words at his congressional hearing was that he was "reviewing the conduct of the investigation and trying to get my arms around all the aspects of the counterintelligence investigationthat was conducted during the summer of 2016."

It isn't that Barr doesn't have enough information, but with the initial 568 page report by the IG, and all underlying evidence and 1.2 million documents, along with everything collected by the IG for the upcoming report, along with everything Huber's team of prosecutors has collected, Barr has too much information for one man to sift through to garner the full, bigger picture.

Which makes the recent report that President Trump is expected to time the declassification of the the Carter Page FISA warrant applications to coincide with the IG's release on his investigation into the FISA abuses, extremely interesting, because with those documents being declassified, too much of the IG report would be heavily redacted.

Trump had previously expressed his desire to declassify those documents, but on the advice from legal counsel and Republican allies, decided to wait until Robert Mueller's investigation was completed for fear that by doing so earlier could be considered as an attempt to obstruct the Mueller investigation.



It is already public knowledge that the FBI and DOJ during the Obama era, and officials that stayed on when president Trump took office, used the unverified Steele dossier as a basis for their FISA warrant applications, but what the IG's upcoming report, as well as the declassification of those applications by the President, should reveal, is whether the Intel community had sufficient evidence to obtain the spying warrant without the dossier.

If not, then they deliberately used a Russian-sourced, unverified document, that was funded in part by the Clinton campaign and the DNC, in order to create their "insurance policy," against Donald Trump should he win the 2016 presidential election, in order to officially initiate an investigation into the Trump campaign and whether anyone on the campaign colluded with Russia, which the Mueller report has now revealed did not happen.

By using a document they knew was Russian-sourced, does that not mean that it was the intelligence agencies, via Christopher Steele, that was colluding with Russia to generate false information against President Trump?


The medias utter meltdown since the Mueller report was announced isn't just because the liberal media is facing the knowledge that their own readers/viewers now know the "Russian collusion hoax" that the media has been pushing for nearly three years was "fake," but also because the very actors they have been protecting by ignoring the biggest scandal in recent history involving the Obama-era intelligence agencies, is about to blow up in all their faces.

For more than two years of the beginning of the Trump presidency there has been non-stop claims of "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia, and Mueller just definitively put an end to that investigation.

Now it is time for ACT II: Investigating the investigators.

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