"I understand that you are a busy man and are being pulled in multiple directions every day of the week but, when my president doesn't take the time to openly recognize the sacrifices that brave men & women of law enforcement make each day to keep domestic peace, I'm disappointed! I suspect that if these same deputies walked in to a restaurant, and without provocation shot and killed an innocent man, you and your staff would quickly whisk their family away to Washington for a future speech to make an example of police officers nationwide." Carroll County Maryland Sheriff Jim DeWees in a letter to Barack Obama
Living in an America where the murders of our brave and underappreciated public servants are not only ignored by our commander-in-chief but an America where calls of violence against them are tolerated speaks volumes of where we've arrived as a nation. The full letter can be read at the bottom of this story.
While we've had many stories on All News Pipeline arguing against a 'police state' in America, we're also very quick to point out the huge difference between a 'police state' and our law enforcement community, individuals who make up the backbone of our public safety net and who help to hold our communities together. While the mainstream media and certain politicians are quick to politicize any shooting done by the police, even when the perp obviously had it coming to them, we have to wonder why they (and particularly Obama) choose to ignore the recent onslaught against the police that has left one Sheriff claiming that law enforcement are being hunted down as shared in the 1st video below? Are all of these events more signs that 'Justice is dead' in America as argued in the 2nd video below, featuring Steve Quayle being interviewed by Rick Wiles on TruNews?
Imagine what's happening to Europe right now happening to our country here on a massive scale. Imagine law enforcement here being completely unable to uphold the law against those who want to kill us. It's happening right now and while we're grateful for every day that goes by w/o another senseless terror attack within our nation, how long will it be until the next one? According to CIA head John Brennan, future attacks by ISIS in the US are 'inevitable'. So why are we handcuffing our law enforcement and allowing countless potential terrorists into the country? Is this another sign that suggests that America is being set up for a massive fall?
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the loved ones, friends, families, co-workers and communities of the those who have been taken from us. May God give you the strength so that the fallen may live on within you. God Bless.
President Obama's silence on a wave of recent killings of police officers is being ripped by law enforcement, with one Maryland sheriff taking to Facebook to mock that he will "save you a spot next to me!" at this week's funerals for two deputies.
"Mr. President, your silence about these events SPEAKS VOLUMES!!!! PS: I'll be standing outside in the cold next week with my deputies for the funerals of the Harford Co deputies; I'll save you a spot next to me!" Facebooked Carroll County Sheriff Jim DeWees. His post, blasted throughout law enforcement social media and highlighted by the National Sheriffs' Association, has become part of the rallying cry among cops that the president is ignoring attacks on them, and even fostering anti-police feelings.
The Fraternal Order of Police even called on Obama to expand hate-crime laws to those targeting police. In a letter also posted on Facebook, FOP President Chuck Canterbury wrote, "Mr. President, that is eight officerssix in less than a weekwho have been gunned down by assailants striking from ambush or career criminals with active warrants who decided they would not be taken into custody, no matter the cost. Enough is enough! This must end!"
In the 1st video below the Cass County North Dakotah Sheriff's department tells us that across the nation right now, law enforcement feels as if they are being hunted after the fatal shoothing of law enforcement officer Jason Moszer there.
In the 2nd video below, Steve Quayle joins Rick Wiles on TruNews shortly after the 51 minute to talk about everything that has befallen America as the conversation begins with the untimely death of Justice Antonin Scalia and the death of justice in America that we can also see in the careless way our leaders treat our public servants who put their lives on the line for us in their jobs each and every day. Steve reads a poem to us: "Weep America weep. Your nation has been stolen from you. You have become a nation of murderers."
Warning us that everything that we are now seeing now in America points to the unfolding of a fascist dictatorship and the complete destruction of the United States,Quayle also reminds us of this eternal, Biblical truth: "If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" He then takes this to its logical conclusion: "The foundations are destroyed and there is nothing the righteous can do."
Yet, we need not fear. He continues: "I think it's going to take a move of the living God through the power of the Holy Spirit unlike anything in all the great revivals in history that is going to make the difference. It's going to be on the highways and the biways...it's going to be on the airwaves...it's going to be on the internet...people everywhere are going to see the demonstration of the power of God."