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October 23, 2014

Obama Spills The Ebola Beans! Did He Really Say Airborne Disease, Much Easier To Catch, And Is Deadly?

By Live Free or Die

With the 90+ second video below directly from the mouth of Barack Obama, the warnings of conspiracy theorists are vindicated at the same time as the warnings of those whove said this Ebola flirtation may only be a trial run as Obama spills the Ebola beans. According to Obama, something far more deadly, easier to catch and airborne, may soon be cominga warning from the mouth of one who knows?

Obama says this was a trial run, a warning all Americans should take heed of considering a prior ANP article featuring a bioweapons expert who tells us Ebola has been weaponized to spread like the flu. With that in mind, listen closely to what O saysread between the lines.


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