Turkey's PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the term 'moderate' Muslims:These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate islam. Islam is islam and thats it.
However, being 'blissfully unaware' of danger doesn't make the danger go away.
Perry further warns us, "it's only by chance that the world has avoided nuclear war - sometimes by nothing more than 'dumb-luck'". However, as we learn in the stories linked within and the videos below, our 'luck' may be 'running out'.
If todays Western leaders possess one general trait, its a genius for self-deception. Insisting that Islamist terror has nothing to do with Islam, or that religion has no strategic impact, or that all human beings want freedom and democracy, amounts to declaring that up is down, right is left and night is day.
If we needed any more proof just how dangerous Erdogan and the nation of Turkey have become since the false-flag coup attempt failed (or succeeded if you view the coup as an Erdogan plot), the story linked to by the Drudge Report the other day gives us another look at what's happening in Turkey right now, telling us that erdogan has arrested more than 60 school children for treason. "Law has been suspended in Turkey". The 'dictator' has begun his crack-down. As leader of an islamic caliphate, his work has likely only just begun. He's also getting help from what some might think the most unusual of places.
On page 261 of Barack Obama's own book "The Audacity Of Hope" he stated that "if the political winds should shift, I will stand with the muslims." He's also stated that "the future should not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam." Back in 2012, Obama called Erdogan one of his top 5 international friends who he has 'the closest personal ties with'. Should we be surprised?
With Erdogan now carrying out a purge of his political opponents, is Turkey's crackdown a 'blueprint' for Obama here in America? With Erdogan showing his 'true colors', are NATO's nuclear weapons being housed there in danger of falling into the hands of 'Islamic extremists' who want to not only attack us but completely annihilate us?
As we hear in the videos below, Turkey is raping, torturing and killing people they suspect of being involved in the 'coup' against Erdogan with no trial or rule of law at all. If we were looking for a 'real caliphate', here it is. Between arresting school children for treason as heard in the 2nd video below and a brutal crackdown as heard in the final video, are we now witnessing events that could quickly spiral completely out of control and lead to ISIS obtaining nuclear weapons to use against the West?
As our videographer in the 1st video below tells us, that is a very real possibility that we now face - nuclear weapons owned by NATO and the West falling in the hands of radical terrorists who want to annihilate us. Erdogan also recently slammed the European Union while justifying the death penalty to use against his opponents. Keep in mind, without a fair trial and the rule of law.
Erdogan also recently stated that anyone suspected of aiding and abetting Fetullah Gulen, one of those believed by Erdogan to have begun the coup, would be held responsible. Gulen is a former friend of Erdogan's currently living in Pennsylvania in exile and as of the moment, the Obama administration has resisted calls by Erdogan to have him extradited back to Turkey where he undoubtedly would face a kangaroo court and execution. Why does Erdogan hate Gulen so? According to Gulen, Erdogan never cut ties with ISIS and has been proving aid and comfort to them. Would he provide them nuclear weapons as well?
Gulen also attacked Erdogan for his apparent sympathy for ISIS, saying the Turkish premier effectively turned a blind eye to the terror groups activities until their savagery became impossible to ignore.
He said Turkeys government joined coalition efforts against ISIS only so as 'not to look bad' in front of the international community.
Erdogan has been accused in the past of failing to cut off ISIS supply lines while attacking the Kurdish groups fighting them.
'They never cut their ties with ISIS completely,' he alleged. 'Indeed on some of the pro-Erdogan media stations even recently you can see pro-ISIS propaganda being disseminated.'
Gulen said he did not believe that he had to send a message to Hizmet participants as 'they will continue in a non-violent response mode despite the pressures.'
'Perhaps expressing my criticisms, without my holding back my words, perhaps this is why they blame me,' he added.
There's clearly a very good reason why the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists recently warned that the coup attempt in Turkey raises grave fears over the Pentagon's nuclear stockpile lingering in Turkey. With Erdogan now flaunting his dictatorship in the world's faces, we see that we may be running out of time to withdraw nukes before they fall into the wrong hands. As their story concludes:
I would say that the security situation in Turkey and in the base area no longer meet the safety requirements that the United States should have for storage of nuclear weapons. You only get so many warnings before something goes terribly wrong. Its time to withdraw the weapons.