Susan Duclos and I are well aware that ANP has a large number of readers from California and the West Coast so while the information contained in this story might be useful for anybody, with California now getting hit by a rolling series of earthquakes ranging on the line from minor to catastrophic, we hope that this might save some lives.
Claiming that preparing for an earthquake is now probably on the minds of most Californians following last weeks twin shockers, thousands of aftershocks and warnings of a potentially even bigger quake on the way, their story then reported: Even if youre not a high-level survivalist, there are easy supplies to have on hand.
Also showing the dire nature of what is happening now in California in the NY Times story reporting that a crucial part of 'preparing' was to ensure that people have their 'end-of-life plans' in place, their story warned in the words of earthquake reporter 'Mr. Margoulis': God forbid the worst thing happens, its kind of the logical conclusion. It takes a little bit of weight off your mind.
So with California still 'rocking and rolling' and experts warning of another huge quake ahead, including DutchSinse who recently forecast a7.0+ within the following week as we hear in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, we'll be taking a look within this story at earthquake preparation at a time when the Earth is going through tremendous upheaval and as we hear from geologist Michio Kaku in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, the West coast is now playing Russian roulette with mother nature with our planet Earth locked and loaded.
In the map above seen on this webpage from USGS at Cal Techwhich Steve Quayle had linked to on his website Monday morning we see that 5,763 earthquakes had struck the China Lake area of California over the past week alone, with Steve leaving a note "note the clustering or 'seismic bombardment' in the area of 'China Lake'! Note one EQ a minute now - espisodic quakes giving way to what's coming!" In fact, a look at their website now shows the number of quakes up to an absolutely astounding 7,270 quakes over the last week alone!
As we had reported in this ANP story on July 7th, that cluster of one aftershock a minute was driving many residents in that hard hit area to madness with many wondering if it was safe for them to be under their own roofs and imagine what they must be feeling right now. If you were living in an area that was shaking to various degrees every minute, leaving your home swaying and trees rustling, might that have an impact on your psyche? As Michael Snyder warned, it's time every person in that hard struck area makes a decision that might make the difference between living and dying with potentially much worse on the way.
And while preparing for an earthquake is often quite similar to preparing for many other catastrophic events, earthquake prepping sometimes will need a different variety of devices that one might not need in other kinds of prepping as we'll look at here.
As in many kinds of SHTF emergencies such as a cyber attack that brings down the electrical grid, with a catastrophic earthquake always comes the potential of downed power grids so having a generator on hand could make the difference between being able to power up one's refrigerator and freezer and keeping perishable foods still good and possibly losing everything. Several different generators available as near as a next day delivery in some cases include include.:
And of course, having food and water is absolutely crucial to being able to survive any kind of emergency which brings about 'the end of the world as we know it' with some stores either shut down, unreachable or completely destroyed. And the best thing about long term survival food is, should one not need it during this emergency, it'll still be good the next one.
In the first video below, Michio Kaku says that 'the big one' is absolutely inevitable, it's just a matter of time before it strikes and we're now 'playing Russian Roulette with mother nature' while in the 2nd video below from DutchSinse, he warns an even bigger quake might strike California in the coming week. And in the 3rd and final video below, our videographer goes over some earthquake prepping tips that some may have missed. We also open up our comment section to your EQ prepping tips below.
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