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March 11, 2019
The New 'Tower Of Babel' Is Now Being Globally Unveiled: Rush To A 'One World Religion' Is All Part And Parcel Of The Move Towards A 'One World Government'
- It May Soon Be Undeniable We Are Coming To The End Of An Age - Will Prophetic Judgement Follow?
The first head-to-head discussions ever held by leaders of the two global churches, Francis's meeting with 'prophet' Russell M. Nelson of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints came soon after Francis had also met with a top Islamic leader, the grand imam of al-Azhar, to sign a 'universal peace document' though as this story over at Now The End Begins pointed out, the document made no reference to Jesus Christ nor the Bible.
We'll take a look below at a new SQAlert in which Steve warns we should all repent for what we've allowed to happen to this country, where babies being legally murdered by their mothers with the full approval of the state has become the law of the land while very soon, like with the 144,000 witnesses in the Book of Revelation, the 'end of the age' that we're going through now may soon be undeniable.
During his reign as both king of Vatican City and as the pope of the Catholic Church, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been widening his tent and making preparations for the coming One World Religion of Antichrist. From seducing gullible pawns like Rick Warren who gushingly calls him our pope, all the way up to signing a Universal Peace Document with a high-ranking leader of Islam, Pope Francis is a man on an end times mission.
Now a secret, closed-door meeting with the head prophet of the Mormon Church, Russell Nelson, reveals the expansion of another end times partnership as the Vatican adds more pieces to their end times chessboard. The Roman harlot is on the move, and trading in the souls in men. (If you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP to help keep independent journalism alive.)
Two days ago on ANP, we published this story within which we reported upon the increasing signs of something perilous ahead and if one were to look at the moves made by Pope Francis alone over the past few weeks, it's easy to understand why Now The End Begins believes the pieces of the 'end times chessboard' are now coming together seamlessly.
As we hear in the first video at the bottom of this story from videographer 'Face Like The Sun', Pope Francis and the globalists are now following the 'Tower of Babel' narrative, trying to re-create a 'one world system' based upon peace and 'universal equality' but as our videographer points out, 'universal equality' in the race to the bottom that the world is now in leaves us all slaves to the system.
Our videographer also points out that the 'one world system' many have long warned of is 'tyrannical global socialism' and with the left in America pushing for just such a system here now, resulting in what some on the left hope will be 'global peace', our videographer also bluntly warns that the Bible long ago told us: "While people are saying, 'Peace and security,' destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape." Thessalonians 5:3
The Pagan Trinity of Sorts in Rome Italy is OFFICIALLY Complete!
The Vatican, The Mosque of Rome, and now there is a Mormon Temple!! These Three have officially met and seem to be melding like peas growing in a pod! That is why I call it a Pagan Trinity. If the false prophet meets and makes a deal with the other major religions, then this will needed to be revised.
Rome will probably be the headquarters of the One World Religion until the Anti-Christ goes to Jerusalem and declares himself to be god!!
While researching I also found this:
There is also a Buddhist Temple in Rome, the largest in Europe, and a Hindu Temple as well! I am sure there is a major Wiccan Coven, as all these religions are based on Paganism and Witchcraft!
So that is ALL the major religions with representation in Rome Italy! How many more leaders of False Religions has the False Prophet met with behind closed doors and in secret? He met with all of the devils of the major mega-churches from America some time back!
As Steve Quayle warns in his latest SQAlert that we've republished in full below, the prophetic significance of the fall of a 144-year-old fig tree in Los Angeles is not lost upon him. Steve ties the 144-year-old tree to the 144,000 witnesses of the Book of Revelations and warns we're approaching a time when the masses will no longer be able to deny what is unfolding before our eyes.
SQ: Here's what I see -- Whale, spitting out the diver - Jonah, didn't want to Bring God's word of destruction or declare Nineveh's destruction until after his whale tour from the belly of the whale **** They repented, and the fig tree that Jesus cursed and stated that no man eat fruit from thee anymore, in L.A.'s case evil fruit, both episodes speak of judgement very soon that will be catastrophic and in LA's case, followed by catastrophic judgement along the entire West Coast as it's destroyed!
The 144-year-old fig tree brings us to the time that will be in the future with the 144,000 witnesses of Revelations - people will soon not be able to deny that we are at the end of the age any longer. Even the false prophet Pope, who has met behind closed doors with the President of the Mormon Church in Rome, as well as embracing Islam, has thrust us literally into the End of the Age that few will be able to ignore, especially in the apostate pulpits of the mega-churches in the USA.
The one world religion, government and financial system awaits in the shadows of hells plans! We all need to repent of our silence towards the sacrifice of the innocent children and our winking at the perversions and evil that have penetrated our country!
And as Shepherd's Heart reports in this new story, God's Judgement upon mankind is sometimes sudden and swift though often written in the stars and the heavens. So we join Steve in asking ANP readers to please repent and pray for America.
In the 2nd and final video below, videographer Remnant TV takes a look at Pope Francis and his push to help create a one world religion and as one of the top rated comments on the video stated, "This is scary. Don't doubt it, we ARE in the last days. Lord Jesus, have mercy on us. Our Lady, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death."
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