Two separate polls, one in July 2016 from Rasmussen and one in October 2016 from CNN/ORC, determined that race relations during the Obama presidency had deteriorated to historic lows, with the CNN/ORC specifying that "race relations worsened under Obama."
We are going to begin this a little differently, by first showing you a clip of Senator Tim Scott, an African American Senator for South Carolina, who is under attack by liberals for the 'crime' of being a conservative Republican that supported the confirmation of the new Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Scott reads his "hate mail," on the senate floor, making note that he deliberately excluded the ones using the "n- word" saying he felt that it would not be appropriate.
As seen below, those attacks include Scott being called an "Uncle Tom," to saying "S is not for Scott it is for fertilizer," and called a "white man in a black body," and saying his Chief of Staff is "not black enough," telling Scott he is a "disgrace to the black race," along with another asserting Scott is a "house negro."
Perhaps those slinging the term "Uncle Tom" around should actually read the book "Uncle Tom's Cabin," and understand just who the character truly was and what he represented, as the writer portrayed him to be a "noble hero" and "praiseworthy," as well as a man who "stands up for his beliefs and is grudgingly admired even by his enemies." (Source)
Scott is not the only African American being attacked for being conservative as just last month CNN's Marc Lamont Hill referred to Trump diversity team member Bruce LeVell as a part of a group of 'mediocre Negroes' for meeting with Trump before his inauguration.
Recently Senator Elizabeth Warren was shut down in Congress for impugning another Senator as she attempted to read a very old letter from Coretta Scott King, sister of Martin Luther King, but Warren has just been called out by none other than a member of the King family.
Dr. Alveda King, MLK's niece, went on Fox News and accused Senator Warren of using the King named to play the race card, in order to stir up emotions, which she asserts is the opposite of what her family stands for, stating "But our family—we are peacemakers, we bring people together… we do not divide people."
That follows her passionate statement to Warren and her ilk when she said "We will no longer accept the racist bait and switch race card situation."
Dr. King gets it. She understands the Democrats, specifically the more progressive liberal faction of the party, uses race baiting to "build a wall" between African Americans and the conservative right, which is quite ironic since the left is the original party of slavery and the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), which has been detailed by those that have studied true history.
Clearly, the latter half of the 19th Century, and for much of the early half of the 20th Century, it was the Republican Party that was the party of choice for blacks. How can this be? Because the Republican Party was formed in the late 1850s as an oppositional force to the pro-slavery Democratic Party. Republicans wanted to return to the principles that were originally established in the republic’s founding documents and in doing so became the first party to openly advocated strong civil rights legislation. Voters took notice and in 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected President along with a Republican Congress. This infuriated the southern Democrats, who soon afterwards left Congress and took their states with them to form what officially became known as The Slaveholding Confederate States of America.
Meanwhile, Republicans pushed full steam ahead. Take, for example, the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution that officially abolished slavery in 1864. Of the 118 Republicans in Congress (House and Senate) at the time, all 118 voted in favor of the legislation, while only 19 of 82 Democrats voted likewise. Then there’s the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments guaranteeing rights of citizenship and voting to black males. Not a single Democrat voted in favor of either the Fourteenth (House and Senate) or Fifteenth (House and Senate) Amendments.
By the mid-1860s, the Republican Party’s alliance with blacks had caused a noticeable strain on the Democrats’ struggle for electoral significance in the post-Civil War era. This prompted the Democratic Party in 1866 to develop a new pseudo-secret political action group whose sole purpose was to help gain control of the electorate. The new group was known simply by their initials, KKK (Ku Klux Klan).
The deliberate divisiveness being pushed by liberals such as Obama, Warren and the progressive left, has worked, as we noted just last week that even the Super Bowl win by the Patriots, who has double the amount of African Americans on the team than they do white, according to their team roster, was hailed as a win for "white supremacy" by African Americans on twitter and elsewhere, even prompting a hashtag of #NotMySuperBowlChamps.
Ask yourself why after having lost over 1,000 legislative seats under Obama, culminating in the loss of the 2016 Presidential election, while staying the minority party in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, why Democrats are moving father to the left rather than attempting to appeal to "heartland" America which gave Trump his win?
They want a civil war and they are using the useful tools on the left to bring it about by causing a race war.
Learn your history Democrats before they get their war.