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August 13, 2018
More Evidence The 'Invasion And Overthrow Of America' Is Being Orchestrated By Our Own, Corrupt Elite Who Have, In Effect, Declared War Upon Our Nation
- If We Dont Fight Back We Will Be Impoverished, Enslaved, And Exterminated
Immigration, both legal and illegal, is destroying America. We are gradually being turned into a Third World hellhole of a nation, overpopulated and divided into warring factions speaking a multitude of languages. Of course, the real reason is to provide cheap labor for our big corporations, and voters for the Demoncraps.
And beyond that, the billionaire banksters who control both parties and the Deep State want our sovereignty erased as we are merged into a global fascist statethe New World Order. We are told that diversity is our strength and that the immigrants give more than they take (not true). Since many come across the Mexican border, we are also reminded that we did, after all, steal much of Mexicos best land.
In fact, there is an entire myth about this (leftists love myths as much as they hate truth). Once upon a time, we are told, a happy, peaceful race of brown-skinned people lived in Mexico, California, and what is now the American Southwest. They farmed and ranched, and worked as blacksmith and silver smiths, bankers and lawyers and shop keepers. They were of mestizo ancestry (mixed Spanish and Amerindian), so at least some of their ancestors had lived here for centuries, even millennia.
But then a mighty horde of tall, blonde, Aryan Nazis arrived, wearing mirrored sunglasses and speaking with a Southern accentdeplorables, all of them, bitter clingers. They unleashed the Mexican War upon the happy brown people, and, with the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, stole all their land, their businesses, their homes, everything. Those brown people who did not flee south to Mexico were slaughtered ruthlessly or became the victims of racism, their property stolen from them, reduced to the status of second-class citizens in what had been their own homeland.
So of course, in the decades since, Mexicans have been sneaking back to reclaim what they believe is rightfully theirs. Aside from the fact that many of our immigrants do not come from Mexico, and the fact that they are settling, not just in the Southwest, but all over our former Republic, there are a number of things wrong with the myth.
First of all, the American people did not steal land from the Mexican people. The US government wanted California and Texas and the Southwest and stole it from the Mexican government. The Mexican government even gave the US government the perfect excuse for the Mexican War. Mexico maintained that the agreed on border in South Texas was the Nueces River, while the US believed that it is the Rio Grande. So, in the hopes of taking a small area, Mexico sent troops across the Rio Grande, igniting a war that would cost them far greater territories.
The treaty ending the war allowed Mexican citizens to stay if they wished, becoming full US citizens, with all their property rightsand most of them did stay. Certainly there were examples of racism. Certainly unscrupulous Americans cheated some Mexicans and stole their property. But these cases were few. In general, property rights, including those of Americas new Mestizo citizens, were better protected than was the case in Mexico, where, to this day, large numbers of small farmers are still landless peasants.
As to racism, look at photographs of large numbers of ordinary Mexicans and then look at pictures of the last few Mexican Presidents, and other top officials and wealthy private citizens. Most of the ordinary people are clearly Mestizo, far more Amerindian than European, but, among the elites, the reverse is true. The Mexican elites are far more racist than our own propertied class, and Mestizos in the US suffer less discrimination than their counterparts south of the border.
But this has not prevented leftist immigrants and native Chicanos from forming racist, leftist organizations dedicated to promoting open borders, teaching Hispanics to hate White people, and even advocating the Reconquista (re-conquest) of the Southwestern US. Many of those advocating Reconquista want to create a new nation called Aztlan, after the mythical, original homeland of the Aztec people. The Aztecs, you may recall, practiced mass human sacrifice, torture, and even ritual cannibalism on a massive scale. And the very name Aztlan is eerily similar to Atlantis, the original evil empire.
I suggested in my one and only book that the modern Luciferian cults originated there. One of the organizations promoting all this is the Raza Unida party. Raza is Spanish for race, and we all know that if any White organization called itself The Race they would be accused of racism. But, as they say, if the left didnt have double standards it would have no standards at all. Supporting the same cause is MALDEF, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and then there is MECha, the Moviemento Estudiantil Chicanx De Aztlan, a group which also supports the Glibett (GLBT) movement and is pro-Islamic.
The West, including America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe, is being invaded by Muslims and Third Word people, and the invasion is being orchestrated by our own corrupt elites who have, in effect, declared war on their own people. The sooner we realize that, the sooner we can begin fighting back. And if we dont fight back we will be impoverished, enslaved, and exterminated. Lock and load.
William B Stoecker
(ANP: The only video below explains why illegal immigration is an act of war upon America.)
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