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February 9, 2015

FEMA Camp 'Round-up' Soon To Begin? Strange Red 'X's' Appear In Front Of Homes In America!


By Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

A long-standing 'conspiracy theory' has been given a new breath of life as shared in the videos below from All News Pipeline friend Freedom Fighter Reports and Adam Stevan as strange red and blue 'X's appeared in front of homes in America (San Antonio, Texas) and talk of the red/blue lists and the mass round-up of Christians, gun owners and supporters of the United States Constitution fills the internet once more.

While a construction worker source has informed us that these red X's are often used to mark out areas where concrete replacement construction work is soon to begin, from what we understand in this story via the 1st video, NO construction work has been planned in areas where these marks in front of people's homes are appearing.

While those still 'sleeping' and internet trolls call information such as this 'tin-foil-hat' wearing gobbledygook, we see that many predictions made long ago are now coming true and via many recent stories based on hard facts such as the FBI's 'plan C' being exposed which provided for the 'roundup' of 'subversives' across America to ensure the security of the state. Former police officer/Christian patriot Jack McLamb also warned us about the coming FEMA death-camp round-up prior to his death as shared in the 3rd video below.

While this 2nd video is a bit older, it shows the way we've been going as a Republic for quite some time.

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