While once upon a time in what now seems like an America of long ago, businesses were devoid of playing politics, happily accepting money from practically anybody who'd use their services, the outright 'blackballing' of Conservatives by institutions such as Chase Bank shows the new way of politics in 2019 going forward. And with 'Proud Boy' Tarrio a mixed black-Cuban American rather than a white American blowing the mainstream media's narrative of the 'Proud Boys' being a racist organization all to smithereens, we see instead a concerted effort by the mainstream media, big tech, big business and politicians on the left and the right to demonize anybody opposed to globalism and the globalist agenda.
So let's take a brief look at George Soros' story first and take a peak inside of the mind of the man who has been financing so many of the different globalist projects and as we see in the first sentence of his story, Soros is freaking out as much about the potential of Europe 'sleepwalking into oblivion' as many Americans were about the chance of globalism taking down America.
With the 'yellow vest revolution' taking France and large parts of Europe by storm, Soros sees it for what it is and even claims we're going through a 'revolutionary moment' as ANP has also previously reported. Yet according to Soros, most of the leaders in Europe and the pro-European people don't see what's happening before their eyes.From Soros.:
Europe is sleepwalking into oblivion, and the people of Europe need to wake up before it is too late. If they dont, the European Union will go the way of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Neither our leaders nor ordinary citizens seem to understand that we are experiencing a revolutionary moment, that the range of possibilities is very broad, and that the eventual outcome is thus highly uncertain.
Most of us assume that the future will more or less resemble the present, but this is not necessarily so. In a long and eventful life, I have witnessed many periods of what I call radical disequilibrium. We are living in such a period today.
Soros then goes on to outlineseveral major European country's and the impediments to globalism each face there as well as looking at the potential 'inflection points' in the coming year while warning of the 'enemies' to Europe and what Europe must do to 'save itself'.
The first step to defending Europe from its enemies, both internal and external, is to recognize the magnitude of the threat they present.
The second is to awaken the sleeping pro-European majority and mobilize it to defend the values on which the EU was founded.
Otherwise, the dream of a united Europe could become the nightmare of the 21st century.
So I'll admit it. I long ago fell for what was sold to me as 'globalism', what I soon after realized was an unattainable 'utopia' akin to the green new deal being spouted by Alexandria Octavio-Cortez. Falling for the dream of 'world peace', it didn't take long to realize that 'globalism' was a totally different beast than what I had been sold and it's clear as day that most of the people who are buying into globalism in 2019 have no idea what-so-ever about what they are buying into.
And while many fell in line behind Cortez and insanely called her 'green new deal' the great savior of America, what is the realistic possibility of rebuilding EVERY building in America within the next 10 years using 'green technologies' when the actual 'building' of EVERY building in America has gone on steadily over the past 200+ years?
As President Trump himself wisely pointed out in this tweet, even if the US went totally car-free, plane-free, cow-flatulence-free and military-free within 10 years, who will be holding other nations accountable for doing the same thing? Even if the US accomplished all of that within 10 years, what gains will be made if every other nation refuses to go along with AOC's 'eliminate-all-cow-flatulence' program?
With the move towards globalism looking more and more like moves being made towards 'global socialism', the kind of 'creeping socialism' we're now seeing in Europe where the rights of Europeans to speak freely have been vanquished while unlimited immigration has turned parts of Europe into crime ridden slums, we're grateful for the remarks made during the SOTU by President Trump who said that "America will never be a socialist nation" but remind everybody just how close we have come.
With the real agenda of many on the left now exposed as "Murder the babies, demolish all buildings, block the sun, kill free speech, ban all airplanes and declare a new UTOPIA" asthis recent story by Mike Adams over at Natural News reportsbut that 'UTOPIA' completely unobtainable and totally unrealistic, we implore those calling for socialism in America to look at the true history of it, not only in what's happening now in Venezuela but throughout the last 100+ years of it.
As we read in this story from Campus Reform and see and hear in the 2nd video below, people who were actually living under socialism in Venezuela are calling for the American youth to 'awaken' to the dangers of a socialism, claiming the very last thing Americans should want is such a form of government here. Yet despite millions suffering under socialism in Venezuela and the socialism death count over the past 100+ years mounting nearly 100 million, those who seek socialism in America seek out their own destruction. From the Campus Reform story.:
As Campus Reform has repeatedly reported, the popularity of socialism has been on the rise, especially among college students.
According to Gallup, the majority of Democrats view socialism more favorably than Capitalism.
Wanting to know if the people who support socialism had ever heard from people whove suffered under it, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips headed to a Venezuelan Freedom rally in Washington, D.C.
It soon became abundantly clear that the Venezuelans in attendance were horrified by the idea of bringing socialism to the United States.
Asking them, What is your message to those who want socialism here, the attendees were in agreement: dont do it.
You do not ever want anything close to socialism, one attendee said, while another added, people are eating from trash cans in the streets, so how has socialism helped?
Another attendee, whose family is still in Venezuela, said, No Venezuelan can like socialism, because weve seen it put in place very well.
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