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May 17, 2015

The 'Ring Of Fire Is Shaking Violently' - Massive Uptick In Earthquakes And Volcano Eruptions - Earth 'Is Becoming Increasingly Unstable'

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

The screen shot belowshows all of the 2.5+ and above earthquakes that occurred between May 9, 2015 to May 15, 2015, surrounding the "Ring of Fire," which is where about 90%of the world's earthquakes and 81% of the world's largest earthquakes occur, according to Wiki.

(Screen shot from The Event Chronicle)

Not only is there tremendous earthquake activity shaking the earth in these locations, but according to The Economic Collapse Blog, using information obtained from Volcano Discovery,40 volcanoes around the globe are erupting right now, and 34 of them are along the Ring of Fire. To give context to what this means, they explain "there were a total of 3,542 volcanic eruptions during the entire 20th century. When you divide that number by 100, that gives you an average of about 35 volcanic eruptions per year. So the number of volcanoes that are erupting right now is well above the 20th centurys average for an entire calendar year."

This escalation of activity, specifically surrounding the Ring of Fire, which has 452 volcanoes and is home to over 75% of the world's active and dormant volcanoes spanning25,000 miles in a horseshoe shape, leads Michael Snyder from the Economic Collapse Blog to state "the Ring of Fire is shaking violently," and Earth "is becoming increasingly unstable."

Snyder points out "the things that we have been seeing lately are part of a much larger long-term trend," and asserts "most Americans are never going to care about any of this until it starts affecting them personally," before saying "perhaps they should start paying attention to the warning signs."

In recent weeks we have seen significant earthquakes in Michigan, Texas, Mississippi, California, Idaho And Washington. In addition, it is being reported that pressure is building in dormant volcanoes in Arizona and California. Just because we have not had a killer earthquake or a large volcanic eruption in the U.S. in recent years does not mean that it will always be that way. Right now the entire planet appears to be waking up, and this especially seems to be true of the Ring of Fire.

If you are not familiar with the Ring of Fire, just imagine a giant ring that runs around the outer perimeter of the Pacific Ocean. Approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes and approximately 75 percent of all volcanic eruptions occur within this area, and the entire west coast of North America is considered to be part of the Ring of Fire.

For so long, the west coast has been incredibly blessed not to have experienced a major seismic event. But scientists tell us that it is only a matter of time.

And right now, just about every other part of the Ring of Fire is shaking violently.

Read More.

While the map above shows the earthquake activity from May 9-15, 2015, Gary Walton from The Big Wobble shows in the first video below, the "massive uptick" of volcano activity for the first week of May 2015. The second video below shows the large quakes and volcano eruptions from the last week in April.


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