The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the anti-gun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd Amendment. From 1991 book written by retired US Navy Intelligence Officer
Only two days later, the massive shooting took place at Parkland High School in Florida which took the world's attention away from this 'mysterious insider' and the still unfolding Russian collusion scandal blowing up in the deep state's faces.
Fast forward to 3 months later and this Zero Hedge story which reported on May 17th that the Inspector General's report on the Hillary Clinton email probe was about to drop, now being in its 'final review' before release. With the report allegedly finding that the FBI and DOJ broke the law in the Clinton probe, with referrals made to prosecutor John Huber to prosecute, we shouldn't be the least bit surprised about what happened next.
And just like clockwork and quite conveniently for those who sold away their allegiance to America and their souls to the devil to get Hillary Clinton elected, we have another massive school shooting down in Texas that may once again 'railroad' attention away from the still slowly 'awakening masses' and focus it once again on the 'gun debate', where liberals are certain to go crazy in the days and weeks ahead pushing their gun control agenda. Anybody else starting to see the pattern?
All the way back in 1991, former US Navy Intelligence Briefing Team member Milton William Cooper wrote a book titled "Behold A Pale Horse" within which he reveals a wealth of great information long hidden from the public eye, some dating all the way back to the 1940's. Elaborating upon the assassination of John F. Kennedy, UFO's and 'the secret government', on page 225 of his book, Cooper dropped the following bombshell paragraph that should be looked at much more deeply in light of what recently happened in Florida.:
(ANP: We will continue to emphasize this paragraph!)
"The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment."
Are these school shootings a devilish part of a sinister agenda to take down the US Constitution by satanic globalists as William Cooper warned us would happen long ago? If so, it's clear 'this plan' Cooper warned us of decades ago is well under way. If not, how can all of these school shootings have aligned perfectly with what Cooper warned us of decades ago?
And while we are not claiming that this Texas shooting was a 'hoax' and never actually happened and that 'actors' are being used as some are claiming, as wereported within that February 17th ANP story, 'mind control techniques' were long ago perfected by the 'deep state'. Allowing them to easily 'program' mass shooters who have mental health issues using trauma based mind control, people such as Texas shooter Dimitrios Pagourtzis and Florida shooter Nikolas Cruz may have been easily 'MK-Ultra-cated' due to their mental conditions to use Steve Quayle's term.
And while the mainstream media might call such mind control 'fake news', as we see in the Scribd document from a 1977 United States Senate hearing titled "Project MKUltra, the CIA's Program Of Research In Behavioral Modification" that we've embedded at the bottom of this story, MK Ultra is anything but 'fake news'. From this July of 2016 story over at the NY Post.:
The CIA experimented extensively with brainwashing during the 1950s and 1960s, honing techniques that could force someone to kill, then have no recollection afterward. Code-named MKUltra, the program involved some 149 separate experiments many on unwitting Americans, including a Kentucky mental patient who was dosed with LSD for 179 days straight.
MKUltra was officially launched in 1953 to develop better interrogation techniques, as well as to explore the possibility of creating a programmable assassin. The CIA also wondered if it would be possible to mind-control hostile foreign leaders, such as Fidel Castro.
Some 44 universities, 12 hospitals and three prisons helped out with the experiments, though many were apparently not aware they were working for the CIA. The spy agency sometimes funded the work through anonymous grants that the organizations believed were from private individuals. The institutions that did know acted in good faith and with the belief they were aiding their government, per a 1977 Senate report.
As we see in the satanic symbolism in the photograph above taken from one of the Santa Fe shooter's social media pages before being deleted along with his other social media postings, there were obvious issues that suggest Pagourtzis may have been a perfect 'MKUltra candidate' to carry out a school shooting for the 'deep state'. Wearing a trench coat to school every day which featured both Nazi and Communist symbols and allegedly bullied by both other classmates and teachers at the school, was he 'MK-Ultra-cated'?
In the 1st video below, videographer Never Lose Truth takes a look at the circumstances surrounding the Texas shooting while in the 2nd video below, videographer Caleb Hill takes us through the social media pages of Pagourtzis before they were deleted.
In the 3rd video below is a rare interview with William Cooper promoting his 1991 book "Behold A Pale Horse" and as our videographer asks, did Cooper's book 'predict' the slew of school shootings that have been happening across America?
With the Democrats sure to 'double down' on their 'gun control' agenda over the next few days and weeks, we remind you that numerous times throughout history such shootings have been used to carry out government agenda's.
Back in 1996 in the UK, a school shooting massacre was used by the British elite as grounds for much tighter gun control and as we've seen in story after story coming from the UK over the past several years, they've since fallen to 'tyranny'. With conservatives being kept out of the country for fear they'll trigger violence in Muslims by 'speaking', how long would it be until America completely fell to tyrants if we didn't have the 2nd Amendment here to support the 1st Amendment?
And why were the police records of the shooting in the UK in 1996 originally sealed for 100 years? While they claimed it was to 'protect the children', and that order was eventually lifted, corrupt governments never want the truth to get out about what may be 'manufactured events'.
With the 2nd Amendment likely being the only thing keeping the US Constitution standing and the 1st Amendment intact with the left attempting to censor Conservatives on every front,we'll watch what happens in the days ahead with 'blowback' from this 'event' likely coming and the sheer depths of corruption within the Obama 'deep state' still yet to fully emerge. And for the 'deep state' to complete its castration of America, they must do away with the 2nd Amendment.
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