Back in 2013, a United Nations report put out by their 'Food and Agriculture Organization' urged 'global citizens' to eat more insects instead of conventional meats, with bugs 'more sustainable, cheaper to produce and nutritious' according to that 2013 report.
With Dr. Hoffman's warning coming at a time when record-breaking flooding has done Biblical damage to our nation's breadbasket while the insane-left pushes to do away with cows, as Slavo's story reports, 'food scientists' at the University of Queensland in Australia are incorporating insects such as maggots and locusts into a range of specialty foods, including sausage, as well as formulating sustainable insect-based feeds for the livestock themselves.
Would you eat insects such as maggots, locusts, crickets and other bugs as sources of protein? Dr. Hoffman and other scientists claim insects are much more sustainable to the Earth than other meats. Just checking out their language gives us another reason to prepare.: “Would you eat a commercial sausage made from maggots? What about other insect larvae and even whole insects like locusts? The biggest potential for sustainable protein production lies with insects and new plant sources,” said Dr. Hoffman.
Hoffman says that the meat industry is not sustainable, but people can start eating insects instead. “An overpopulated world is going to struggle to find enough protein unless people are willing to open their minds, and stomachs, to a much broader notion of food,” said Hoffman. The scientist says that conventional livestock production will soon be unable to meet global demand for meat. That means that other “fillers” and alternatives will be needed to supplement the food supply with sufficient protein sources, according to The New York Post.
“In other words, insect protein needs to be incorporated into existing food products as an ingredient,” he says. “One of my students has created a very tasty insect ice cream.” The Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI) team is focusing on disguising insects in pre-prepared foods, says Hoffman, as studies have shown Westerners shy away from eating whole insects.
Hoffman admitted that eating bugs might seem unpalatable to Westerners, “for many millions of people around the world they are a familiar part of the diet.” He also calls for a “global reappraisal of what can constitute healthy, nutritional and safe food for all.”
As this story over at Christianity Today reported, the Midwestern flooding has also exposed a much bigger and systematic crisis across the region and America with billions of dollars of damage done to the farms that produce much of the nation's food, with not only the farms destroyed and many farmers possibly never going back to work while a billion dollars of food was destroyed as well. Their story went so far as to compare the Midwest flooding to the Genesis flood.
Floods lay bare that which was already true. This is what the Genesis Flood does, of course, and it is also how Peter describes the coming judgment at the end of all things. He likens it Noah’s flood, going on to say, “the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare” (2 Peter 3:10).
Athanasius argues that miracles are often a kind of supernaturally accomplished acceleration of natural events: Nature will, given enough time, turn water into wine—rains will fall and nourish grape vines, the grapes will be harvested, and then eventually ferment to become wine. Jesus simply sped the process up at the wedding in Cana. Events like a flood, then, might be read as an inversion of a miracle—a rapid acceleration of the unmaking of the cosmos following the events of Genesis 3.
Sadly, I cannot help but see this quickening destruction happening in my home state. The flood has soaked thousands of homes and hundreds of businesses to ruin in places that already struggled with a trajectory of economic decline and despair brought about by forces outside their control.
To understand the impact of these catastrophic floods in Nebraska—what they will mean for the communities in the weeks, months, and years after the rivers recede and the roads clear—we have to look at the state of the farmers, the men and women who have loved this place even when no one else did.
Whether they can recover will depend not only on how the “bomb cyclone” runoff hit their land over the past week, but how they have been hit by the pressures of the agriculture industry over the past several decades. Their devastation brings a loss to all of us, no matter where in the country we live.
Then we have this August of 2018 story over at Debating Europe titled "Would You Eat Insects To Save The Planet?" within which they layed out their reasons that human beings should start eating bugs and within their few paragraphs they start tossing around terms such as 'sustainable' and 'wormburgers' being needed to 'save the planet'. And not surprisingly, they, too, bring up 'cow flatulance' as one of the great dangers facing the planet Earth. You can't make this stuff up! From their story.:
What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple? Finding half a worm. Also: climate change. Or biodiversity loss. Resource scarcity. The real question, of course, is whether individuals are willing to make small changes to help protect the planet.
Would you push past the “ick” factor of a milkshake made of crickets if you knew it would lead to a more sustainable diet? What if you couldn’t taste the difference between processed insect protein and meat? Would you be willing to make other changes to your diet and behaviour in order to live more sustainably?
In fact, perhaps we should all make the switch to wormburgers? Or locust tempura? Would it be the environmentally responsible thing to do, given that almost 15% of global greenhouse emissions come from cows farting (we’re only half-joking; methane emissions from livestock, as well as associated land clearance and fertiliser use, contributes more to global warming than all the cars, trucks, trains, planes, and ships in the world combined). (ANP: Yet the dinosaurs didn't go extinct because of 'flatulance'!)
It’s not just about eating insects. Would you be willing to change your toothpaste in order to help tackle the problem of plastics in the ocean? Would you eat less meat? Would you stop using your car and walk or take the bike for short journeys? What sort of changes to your daily life would you be open to if it meant a more sustainable society?
As Michael Snyder had reported at the Economic Collapse Blog back in March, there were already at least 1 million acres of US farmland under water, completely devastated, an event unparalleled in modern US history and while his story didn't mention geo-engineering or 'weather warfare', might the record flooding across America's breadbasket have been just such a thing? As globalist Henry Kissinger said long ago, "control the food and you control the people".
With the globalists sending out more major hints about food shortages ahead and America's breadbasket still underwater and getting even more rain this week, while leftists push for a 'green new deal' that Mike Adams over at the Health Ranger Report recently reported was a 'death wish for humanity', we thought we'd take a look within the final section of this story at preparing for just such a situation where protein is no longer readily available due to a massive food shortage or the globalists are finally successful at scaring the US population into believing cow emissions will lead to global extinction.
If bugs really will be a main protein source in the future, besides learning how to live off the land by hunting or fishing, there are thankfully many different options for long-term food storage with plentiful options available that provide protein besides stink bugs.
And as we had reported on ANP back on February 25th, according to Scott Nash, the founder of MOMS organic grocery store located throughout the Maryland/Virginia areas, he and his family actually lived off of well-expired food for 12 months, eating food that many others wouldn't touch to prove a point, America wastes FAR TOO MUCH food!
So in closing, we wanted to take one more look at this story over at Christianity Today and the plight now facing the American farmer, those who have long provided food to the nation. Please join us in praying for farmers who have lost everything due to the catastrophic flooding in our nation's breadbasket and please see the 'big picture' their story lays out for America.
One fifth-generation farmer from northeastern Nebraska told The New York Times, “There’s not many farms left like this, and it’s probably over for us too, now.” His family has been on their land since the homesteading days of the 19th century.
This is the rotten fruit yielded by post-war agriculture in America and, more generally, a growing disdain for small, rural places. For decades, people have referred to my home state and its neighbors as “flyover country,” an ugly term for a forgettable patchwork of green and brown stretching across the Midwest.
That it is beautiful is something they will never know. They will never stand on a country road early in the morning and watch the sun come up over open fields, never know the pleasure of talking to someone in town whose family has been there for generations and who knows the entire history of the people and the place for at least the past century. And so the people who live in these places remain afterthoughts.
Because of this indifference, we have been blind to how big ag executives and politicians have made themselves rich on the backs of America’s farmers and ranchers. They have told farmers to get big or get out; to take on more and more debt; to spend more and more on simply putting a crop in the ground.
This regime may be working for Monsanto and the various politicians their lobbying dollars have bought. But for farmers, people tasked with caring for the land and feeding the nation, it has been ruinous. In the past five years, farm incomes in the United States have fallen by half. Last year the number of farms filing for bankruptcy spiked by 19 percent. Most farms are losing money; median farm income was negative $1,325.
These economic realities transformed rural communities like the ones now underwater in Nebraska and neighboring states. Along with financial despair came an uptick in farmer suicides, drug-related deaths, and the dispiriting awareness that the rest of America didn’t understand or appreciate their way of life.
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