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November 11, 2022
The Stealth Grim Reaper Has Arrived: As A Deadly Winter Comes Early, Tips And Tricks To Stay Alive And Stay Warm Without Going Broke As Energy Prices Go Through The Roof
While winter months do bring more colds, and flues and other cold weather related complications, this upcoming winter in America with be the first in recent memory, where the country suffers the same issues that the UK, and many in Europe suffers.
The stealth grim reaper that is called "Pneumonia."
Via The Sun, from a piece titled "GRIM REAPER Urgent winter warning over stealth killer pneumonia the 15 signs you must never ignore"
Data crunched by Asthma + Lung UK found that each year more than 25,000 people die from pneumonia in the UK - a death rate that surpasses all other European countries.
Sarah Woolnough, CEO at the charity said: "It's shocking the UK has the most deaths from pneumonia in Europe.
"The state of lung health isn't good enough and we must do better to protect people from life-threatening chest infections, such as pneumonia."
She warned this winter will be "hard on the nation's lungs", with higher rates of respiratory infections expected, and people struggling to heat their homes forced to stay in the cold.
As stated, for the first time in recent memory America is suffering the same economic inflationary conditions, as well as massive increases in energy costs as the UK, and Europe. A shortage in diesel fuel increases the likelihood that natural gas prices will continue to rise as we near winter, at a rate that is unstainable for Americans to pay, while trying to survive the food price spikes, and inflation across the entire supply chain.
That means learning from what has been observed in other nations.
The last thing Americans need right now is for the UK's 'stealth grim reaper' to take more American lives than winter months usually do in the U.S.
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While we have discussed the upcoming winter and the challenges we have been warned about in regards to gas, energy, electric bills and keeping warm for the least amount of money possible, that was done while all eyes and attention were focused on the American midterm elections.
The elections are over, although through the incompetency of a few keys states and their inability to count the votes in a timely manner, there are many results we are still waiting for, so now, while we are waiting, seems to be a good time to reiterate, and add to, suggestions on keeping warm, without going broke.
This time we are going to start with tips to keep warm, things that either cost nothing, or are very inexpensive, but will help keep the heat in and heater off when possible.
I'll skip the suggestions on dressing properly because those reading this that live in cold weather climates, already know how to dress themselves. 😜
One simple tip is to change the direction of your ceiling fans, and keep it on a low setting. I am sure you have heard that warm air rises, so if you change the direction of the fan, then it will push the warm air down. Keeping it on a low setting will then prevent the fan from projecting a breeze.
Another tip is a draft stopper. Very cheap, but will prevent any cold air from getting in from under your doors, while keeping the heat inside.
The next tip is easy and cost absolutely nothing. When you bake or roast your meals and you turn the oven off, leave the door open, why waste that heat when it could offer a little extra warmth.
Another tip is to close off any rooms that are unused. Remember to put the door draft stoppers under those doors as well.
An electric blanket for your bed. Nothing like leaving a room cold and snuggling under an electric blanket. Those that prefer to save on even that amount of minimal electricity usage, could also just put a hot water bottle at the foot of your bed, under the covers. They can be used for pain management and heat.
Many no longer use drapes but rather have blinds, which doesn't do much to keep heat inside and the cold outside. If you do have think drapes, cover those windows. If not there are window insulation options that are easy enough for anyone to use.
Rugs or carpets. If your home is carpeted, then that helps keep the room/house warm. Any room without a carpet, should have rugs or carpet strips. First it keeps the heat in, but more importantly your feet do not feel like they are walking on ice when you have them. Thick socks help, but when walking on bare floors you still feel the cold seep into your socks.
For those working on a tight budget, use thick towels and throw them down on bare floors. It won't look great if you have company over, but it will help keep the heat in and your feet from freezing.
More links to keep warm in your home by using the least amount of electricity or gas will be at the bottom of the article.
While winter doesn't officially start until December 21, places like western Maryland, up in the mountains where we are, winter weather is already here, with chances of snow most of next week.
Weather.gov offers a checklist of basic guidance in the event that a winter storm knocks out electricity or you get snowed in.
Most ANP readers are at least aware of prepping and the need to be prepared for winter storms, or any event that could force a prolonged amount of time inside the home.
With that said, being winter officially starts later in December, Stefan Stanford and I have been going through our preps for winter, and found the need replace some things, like flashlights (which we did).
The point is, there is usually something that broke, went missing, stopped working or you simply don't know where you stored it. Whatever the reason, now is the time to go through what you have and determine what you will need before official winter starts.
Because we have provided link to survival food in many pieces, and this one is focusing on surviving winter as cheaply as you can, we'll forego the freeze dried food links in this piece and focus on the other items in the checklist.
With inflation, gas and food prices continuing to rise, energy costs projected to spike in the winter months, the diesel fuel shortage and the price of natural gas unaffordable for many Americans during the recession, we are closer to the problem Europe is having, and the last thing we need is their "stealth grim reaper" aka pneumonia becoming a worse problem here than in prior years.
For those that lose electricity during a winter storm or such, propane and kerosene heaters are an option, but keep in mind the cost of the propane and kerosene may be more expensive than expected.
Solar generators are also a good investment because gas prices are expected to rise again by winter, so a gas generator may end up costing a small fortune to use for a prolonged amount of time. Remember to test them before winter. The last thing you want to do is lose electricity, open your brand new solar generator and remember it has no charge.
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