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October 22, 2014

Bizarre! Texas Considered Ebola Hot Zone By Emory University!

By Susan Duclos

A student who goes to Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, was required to fill out a questionnaire when going to get a flu shot and after the area where the student's name and Emory ID were to be filled out, came the questions, the very first being "Have you, any family member, or close associate traveled through or from Africa or Texas in the past 30 days?" (Image of the questionnaire shown below)


Lumping Texas, which saw one imported case of Ebola and two healthcares workers becoming infected after contact with the first case, Thomas Duncan, now deceased, in with Africa which has seen over 9,000 cases with 4,555 deaths from the Ebola virus, is bizarre in and of itself, but when you consider that it is Emory University .... it becomes ominous.

Emory University Hospital is where one of the first doctors that became infected with Ebola in west Africa, Kent Brantly, was brought to in order to treat him. Emory University Hospital is also where one of the nurses from Texas, Amber Vinson, was moved to in order to be treated for her Ebola virus infection.

If Emory is being utilized for their Ebola expertise, as evidenced by the government actively bringing Ebola patients there to be treated, then it seems quite telling that they are treating travel through or from Texas, the same as travel to one of the worst Ebola outbreak zones in the world, at the same time as the mainstream media is now downplaying Ebola in the US.

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