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March 23, 2017

Texas Showdown: Will Governor Arrest Sanctuary Sheriff For Releasing Nearly 70 Percent Of Violent Criminal Aliens Nationwide?

- Travis County Sheriff Decision Is 'Dangerous And Should Be Criminal Itself' Says TX Gov


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

When ICE released the first 'Declined Detainer Outcome Report', in compliance with President Trump's Executive Order titled "Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States," ANP reported that 118 sanctuary jurisdictions had released 206 of some of the most violent criminal aliens that had been charged and/or convicted of heinous crimes, despite U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement having placed detain orders on those illegal immigrants. (Report embedded in ANP article titled "Citizens Rise Up Against City Officials As ICE Releases List Of 118 Sanctuary Cities That Are Not Complying With The Law")

According to that report, nearly 70 percent (142 of the 206) were released by one Texas county, Travis County, releasing more convicted and/or charged criminal aliens than all the other sanctuary jurisdictions combined nationwide, back onto the streets of Texas.

Brief Background: The Sanctuary Sheriff isTravis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez, who back in January 2017, issued new official department policy which "prohibits deputies and jailers from inquiring about someones immigration status and limits how they will work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials." That immediately drew fire from Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who warned Hernandez at the time there would be "stiff penalties coming," for refusing to comply with Federal Law and state policy. Abbott followed that up by stripping$1.5 million in state grants for Travis County.

In Abbott's State of the State speech, he included "banning sanctuary cities" as one of four "emergency items," and began working on a law that would remove Hernandez as well as terminology that would include both civil and criminal penalties for any official he said is creating a sanctuary city.

"We are going to crack down on this and ban sanctuary cities in Texas," Abbott told Fox News. "These sheriff's offices receive grants from the governor's office in the state of Texas, we are cutting off those grants to any sanctuary city. But however, we are in a Legislative session -- we are working on laws that will, one, ban sanctuary cities, remove from office any office holder who promotes sanctuary cities and impose criminal penalties as well as financial penalties."

That bill titled TX SB4 has passed the Texas Senate and is now being reviewed by the House Committee, and once passed would be sent to the Governor to sign.

Bill Title: Relating to the enforcement by certain state and local governmental entities and campus police departments of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties of certain law enforcement and judicial entities in the criminal justice system; providing civil and criminal penalties.

11 Page PDF of the actual bill can be read here. (Note - Travis County is specified in the bill)



Since the release of the Declined Detainer Outcome Report, the battle has heated up considerably between Sanctuary Sally and the Texas Governor, once Abbott saw the actual numbers, compelling him to issue a strongly worded statement, in where it is highlighted in the headline of the statement "142 Criminally Charged Illegal Immigrants Released By Travis County." In his statement, Abbott makes it very clear that he considers the policy of releasing people charged and in some cases convicted of crimes such as "sexual offenses against children, domestic violence and kidnapping," to be "dangerous," then stating it "should be criminal in itself."

Full Statement Below:

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today issued its first "Declined Detainer Outcome Report," which highlights the Counties that are not cooperating with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer requests. From the time period between January 28 February 3, 2017, 206 criminally charged illegal immigrants nationwide were released from custody due to the denial of ICE detainer requests. The worst offender was Travis County, which accounted for 142 (nearly 70%) of those released and charged with crimes including sexual assault, aggravated assault, domestic violence, and robbery.

"Todays report from DHS is deeply disturbing and highlights the urgent need for a statewide sanctuary city ban in Texas," said Governor Abbott. "The Travis County Sheriffs decision to deny ICE detainer requests and release back into our communities criminals charged with heinous crimes including sexual offenses against children, domestic violence and kidnapping is dangerous and should be criminal in itself. Texas will act to put an end to sanctuary policies that put the lives of our citizens at risk."

The report from DHS, which will be issued weekly, is pursuant to section 9(b) of Executive Order 13768, Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States.

That ladies and gentlemen is a shot across the bow at Sanctuary Sally where the specific wording doesn't just refer to state funding being cut for the county or a loss of a job, but specifically calls Sanctuary Sally's actions "criminal in itself."


On this issue there is always a matter of debate with some thinking the federal government should step in and force compliance with federal law, but in this writer's opinion, this is being handled exactly the way it should, at a state level, where federal forces do not step on state sovereignty, but rather respects the 10th Amendment of the Constitution, which states "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. "

Governor Abbott is leading the way for other Governors to step up to the plate, to take control back for their legal residents, to protect them and to remove rogue Sheriffs like Sanctuary Sally, who refuse to comply with the federal immigration enforcement laws.

Below I go over some of the charges and convictions to show clearly the dangers of the illegal criminals that she allowed back into the streets of Texas.


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