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June 25, 2019

The Great Culling Has Begun - Massive Drug Shortages On Top Of Everything Else Going On Could Lead To Tens Of Millions Of Deaths


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

To this day, when the phrase "Depopulation agenda" is used, many Americans simply tune out, wave it away and call it a "conspiracy theory," but from the 1950's Rockefeller Population Council, which funded the UN's first World Population Conference in 1954, to the creation in 1974 of the National Security Study Memorandum or NSSM-200, also called The Kissinger Report, to the Georgia Guidestones, which states "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature," as a goal, we see plenty of documented proof that the Depopulation agenda is real.

With the world population now estimated at 7,714,576,923, a reduction to 500,000,000 would mean that over 7.2 billion people would have to be "culled" from humanity for those insisting that in order for humanity to survive there must be massive depopulation.

While we have written about and seen much discussion about the conflicting research of the dangers of 5g technology and the effects on human beings, and the devastating mid-West flooding where experts expect severe food shortages and spiking increases for the cost of food from the crop failures and loss of animals due to the flooding, as well the dangerous health effects of GMO's contaminating the nations food supply, among other health related issues that bring about starvation and negative health effects, we are now seeing a very disturbing rise in drug shortages.

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This morning ANP was emailed a KOMO article about a woman suffering extreme seizures because there is a severe shortage of the prescription drugs usually used to keep her seizures under control. 

"I was at a point where I was up to nine seizures a day," said Hollinger. "That is not a quality of life that anybody should have to go through."

Hours searching pharmacies turned up only one in the entire Portland area with any of the medication she needs to control her seizures.

"And said, I can get you this one month but after that I can't guarantee any more. It's going to be minimum end of July before we get another delivery, and even that's not guaranteed," said Hollinger.

Her seizures haven't stopped, because she has to slowly increase dosages, trying a new medication with no guarantees it will work.

A search on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's website revealed Hollinger's medicine is on a list of medications in short supply.

It's among dozens and dozens of drugs listed by the FDA that are also in short supply across the United States.

The FDA website does indeed have a very large list of current drug shortages, and lists over 200

That was enough to fire up the search engines because we hear so little about prescription drug shortages from the mainstream news, it means it is either being under-reported or buried under far less important news.

We found that nearly half of Americans are taking prescription drugs, with that number rising significantly to 85 percent among adults 60 and older.

Via Think Advisor in May 2019:

The types of prescription drugs Americans use vary by age group.

Medicine used to treat asthma was most common among the youngest cohort. For adolescents, between 12 to 19 years old, stimulants to treat attention deficit disorder were most common with about one in 16 adolescents with a prescription.

Both young and middle-aged adults used antidepressants the most frequently in the past 30 days. One in nine adults, 20 to 59 years old, has an antidepressants prescription.

Older adults, aged 60 and above, had the highest share of drug use at 85%. Nearly half of the older population used prescription drugs to combat high cholesterol, while more than one in five use anti-diabetic drugs.

The survey for the period 2015 to 2016 was conducted by the NCHS. The survey team conducted home interviews, and then followed the interviews with physical examinations.

So even though the article is fairly recent, the statistics are still years old, with the rise in population, those numbers are most likely outdated, but the overall point is that tens of millions of Americans are dependent on prescription drugs.

What happens when they can no longer obtain those drugs?

A search for drug shortages in the U.S. brings up a number local articles in the last month, and one from Washington Post, that headlines "Frantic bladder cancer patients scour clinics in search of critical drug," ( link here since Wapo is behind a paywall).

It isn't until the 15th paragraph that the issue of overall drug shortages is addressed, stating "Critical shortages of an array of therapies, including pediatric cancer drugs, painkillers, psychiatric medications, sodium bicarbonate and IV solutions, have occurred on and off for years. The number of new drug shortages rose to 186 last year, the highest number since 2012, said Erin Fox, senior pharmacy director of the University of Utah’s Drug Information Service. Ongoing shortages have exceeded 200 for the past several years.

Other headlines from non-mainstream media sources include "Rochester hospitals face shortage of prescription drugs," from June 25, 2019., on June 3, 2019, headlined with "The shortage of haloperidol, an 'old' drug, haunts me." S&BGlobal has a piece titled "Baxter, Pfizer drug shortages leave US hospitals scrambling for basic medicines."

Showing this isn't just a U.S. problem, we see The Guardian UK on June 11th headline with "Drug shortages are endangering lives and wasting NHS time."

Very little coverage for such a huge problem, and that goes straight to our next bullet point, regarding the the downright sinister power of pharmaceutical companies, often referenced as "Big Pharma."



One specific paragraph in the original KOMO piece quoted towards the top of this article caught my attention:

While the FDA regulates medications, it can't tell drug companies how much of a drug to make or force companies to reveal what causes a drug production shortage.

This means Big Pharma can do what they want, when they want, discontinue any prescription drug they want and raise prices to anything they want. While the FDA and other global bodies can approve or disapprove of a drug, the Big Pharma companies wield overwhelming power when it comes to availability of a drug.

In other words, as governments across the globe attempt to curb the cost of prescription drugs, should the pharmaceutical company that produces the specific drug decide to simply stop production of it..... there is little recourse for those that are dependent on the drug.

An email was recently forwarded to ANP, which describes the real world effects of Big Pharma's price manipulation:

Due to an auto accident my husband lost a foot of intestine. Because of this he MUST take Imodium to keep him from continuous life threatening bowel issues. In the past, we purchase the generic brand of Imodium at Sam's club which was approx 350 tablets (2 a day)for about $13. Recently we went to purchase some and there weren't any. The pharmacist said that they were no longer available over the counter. WHY? People were buying them and taking enough to get high so they are no longer available cheaply or in large quantity. The Sam's Club pharmacist gave me a store quote on what they offer now. What was once over the counter Imodium is now prescription at 30 days for $5,0000!! Or generic for $2,500. Consider that we were paying $26 for one year. I can send you copies of the paperwork if you are interested. Check it out. This is serious manipulation by big pharm. Who is going to take handfuls of this drug to get high?? Can you imagine the physical reaction to this and the price went up this much. Oh by the way....Sam's Club pharmacist says insurance isnt going to pay for it!

I did a quick search and prices for Imodium rose 553 percent back in 2018, and according to the email above, those prices have skyrocketed again.

In 2018, Big Pharma was estimated at being a $1.11 trillion dollar industry, and by 2020 the figure is set to rise to $1.43 trillion. Research and development projects cost an estimated $150 billion each year.

Related: These 13 Corporations Are 'Big Pharma'



Another issue with Big Pharma is how they appear to be using human beings as guinea pigs, or they are just using anti-depressants to start the "culling" as we see new health alerts as to what they call a "rare but serious" risk to of suicide for patients taking anti-depressants. As we quoted above from Think Advisor, both young and middle-aged adults used antidepressants the most frequently.

Big pharma has a history as well of both "culling" the population and using human beings as guinea pigs.

Take Bayer for example, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies around the globe, collaborated with the Nazis while purchasing concentration camp victims to experiment on.

First, via Wiki:

In 1925 Bayer was one of six chemical companies that merged to form IG Farben the world's largest chemical and pharmaceutical company. The Allied Control Council seized IG Farben after World War II, because of its role in the Nazi war effort and involvement in the Holocaust, which included using slave labour from concentration camps. It was split into its six constituent companies in 1951, then split again into three: BASF, Bayer and Hoechst.

That is actually a little watered down, as we get more from War and History.

The pharmaceutical conglomerate IG Farben was a donor to Hitler's electoral campaign, a supporter of Nazis and "held stock in and was represented on the board of the company which produced the gas used in the Holocaust gas chambers."

It gets worse:
Auschwitz was much more than a concentration camp. It was also the setting for IG Auschwitz, a 100 percent subsidiary of IG Farben. It was the largest complex in the world manufacturing gasoline and rubber.

It was also where IG Farben tested its products. Prisoners who were considered appropriate candidates were sent to the IG Auschwitz factory. There they were used for human experiments of new vaccines being developed. The unlucky individuals sent to the gas chambers were privy to another kind of IG Farben invention – the synthetic gas Zyklon-B.

The IG Auschwitz factory was not the only place where human testing was being conducted on victims. IG Farben had its own concentration camp. There, tested vaccines and chemicals were applied to both sick and healthy individuals, in the form of injections, pills, enemas and powders. Many fell seriously ill or died as a result of these tests. Bayer bought many of these prisoners from the Auschwitz camp. Letters have been found written between the two organizations regarding the buying of 150 inmates, who were to be used for the testing of a new sleeping pill. The women were bought at 170 RM (Reichsmark) each, and records show they were in a satisfactory condition, despite being emaciated.

Later, follow-up messages indicate all prisoners died, and they required to buy a further shipment.

An Auschwitz resident testimonial states there was a large ward where all tuberculous patients were kept. Bayer sent unmarked medicines to this ward. These were injected into the test subjects, causing them all to die

Today, IG Farben is recognized by its modern names, Bayer, BASF and Hoechst/Aventis.

Related: 7 Brands With Nazi Ties That We All Use


Drug shortages are becoming more frequent and increasing year by year, with nearly half the U.S. population taking prescription drugs, and drug companies using human beings as guinea pigs, the fact that these shortages are growing now, at a time when food shortages are expected from the massive mid-west flooding, while GMO's are contaminating much of what is left, the fast-tracking of 5G despite over 180 scientists and doctors in more than 40 countries warning of health risks, conditions are ripe for the "great culling" to begin.

Many might say it has already begun, since death rates are up for five of the 12 leading causes of death, including suicide, according to the CDC.

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