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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web"

January 5, 2014

The Time Is Now -  "We Are In The Beginning Of Sorrows"

By Susan Duclos


In this excellent video presentation by TRUTH FED, our videographer shares with us why he feels that "We are now in the beginning of sorrows," stating clearly that he does not like "setting times," and predicting dates, but that it is his personal opinion that the time is now and in 2015 we will witness things starting to disintegrate, see strange news, globally and nationally, because it is no longer something that is "down the road" but it is here, now.

Our narrator warns that Watchmen have been on the wall, warning people, screaming the truth of what has been coming, yet things are getting worse as can be seen in headlines across the country, in almost every media outlet, MSM and Alternative news alike, and that signs are occurring in the here and now which lead him to believe that the events we have been warned of... are here.

Listen closely towards the middle of the video below as TRUTH FED reads a recent article explaining 11 predictions of economic disasters coming in 2015 from experts across the globe. 

Also pay close attention around the 13 minute mark when he talks of bad times coming where people are going to be starving to death and a quarter of the population will rapidly die of famine, which connects to recent reports of food shortages and price increases, all indicative that these predictions, these warnings are coming true already.

Matthew 24: 6-8

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.  All these are the beginning of sorrows.

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