Back in November of 2018, the total failure of a Democratic presidential candidate Eric Swalwell (who is now polling at a whopping 0% in the Democrats 2020 polls) suggested that the United States government could nuke American gun ownerswhile in a twitter squabble with Joe Biggs, suggesting any war between the American people and the US government would be "a short war" because the government has all the nukes.
While Swalwell was soon thereafter destroyed on twitter for suggesting that the US government nuke it's own people, we absolutely DO NOT have the same 'end game' in mind that Swalwell did when we implore President Trump's DOJ to PLEASE 'NUKE' Silicon Valley before it's too late for all of us. Of course we only mean 'nuke' metaphorically in the explosive way we wish to see the 'enemies of the American people' who've been censoring truth while pushing a Godless agenda to be completely somehow regulated if not completely dismantled by President Trump's DOJ, and way before the 2020 elections begin.
As many have recently correctly argued, 'big tech' platforms are the new 'town square' where public debate takes place, and facebook, google, youtube, twitter and instagram are very close to being monopolies. Big tech that powerful absolutely must be regulated like public utilities such as the phone company or the electric company, which ARE NOT ALLOWED to discriminate against Christians and Conservatives or other people based upon their political or religious beliefs. Imagine if the local phone company or the electric company denied you service because you voted for President Trump or voiced your support for him!
And for those who'll argue that 'big tech' are private companies that can do whatever they want, we'll remind them that under Barack Obama, 'big tech' became a 'protected class' under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act which provided immunity to them from being sued for content placed upon their outlets because they were supposed to be neutral platforms which do NOT make editorial decisions. Yet with their blatant political and religious censorship, they ARE now making editorial decisions. So we'll argue it is absolutely time to remove those protections and regulate 'big tech'!
But with the blatant and outright censorship of Conservatives growing every day after we learned Sunday that 'faces-of-death-book' has banned Natural News' main page, following the banning of people such as Alex Jones, it's time for President Trump's DOJ to demolish these 'fascist pig' tech censors or 'America' and 'freedom' are gone forever. Which is just what the fascist globalists have been pushing America towards, anyways.First, from this Natural News story by Mike Adams.
In response to a coordinated, heavily-funded smear campaign against Natural News and myself, the Health Ranger, Facebook has now permanently banned Natural News from posting content. The channel name that has been banned is, which was our primary channel reaching over 2.5 million people.
This is on top of the permanent bans of Natural News content from Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Google News, Apple and other techno-fascists that now represent the greatest threat to human freedom the world has ever seen.
The techno-fascists, including Wikipedia, have decided that no speech that questions any official narrative will be allowed on any platform. Anyone who questions the safety of toxic vaccines, 5G cell towers, geoengineering, chemotherapy or glyphosate weed killer chemicals is now maliciously attacked, smeared and de-platformed. Youre not even allowed now to talk about nutrition, anti-cancer foods or nutritional supplements without being labeled a vitamin website accused of pushing fake cures. (Thats right: The left-wing authoritarian tyrants are now anti-nutrition on top of everything else.)
Every website or individual who expresses any view of dissent against the corrupt scientific establishment is immediately labeled fake news, even as the left-wing media routinely pushed total fabrications about President Trump and anyone who supports Trump.
As Adams then goes on to report, and echoing a remark recently made by President Trump himself about the NY Times, Adams points out that the big tech giants and their CEO's are all "truly enemies of humanity". Going so far as to compare people such as twitter's Jack Dorsey, facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, amazon's Jeff Bezos, and google's Sundar Pichai to Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao Zedong, some of the worst enemies of humanity going back the past 100+ years as seen in the meme below, Adams warns us, "In essence, the entire internet is now run by the most lawless evil war criminals imaginable, and they have zero respect for human rights, human dignity or free speech."
And as we've also reported previously on ANP, the ongoing censorship of Christians, Conservatives and anybody else not toeing the 'official narrative' being peddled by the globalists is just a small part of the overall game plan of the globalists, the total transformation and takedown of America. If you think that the changes that we've been witnessing over the past decade+ towards political correctness and blatant censorship are bad, unless 'big tech' is stopped, we haven't seen anything yet!
As we had reported on ANP back on May 17thin a story which was published in recognition of the 70th birthday of George Orwell's book "1984", Orwell's warnings were already playing out to perfection in Communist China and increasingly here in the US, where 'censorship' has become the 'new norm' and the 'big tech book burners' are leading the way.
Remember: As all this censorship is taking place, the tech giants somehow claim they arent censoring anyone at all. They claim to have a monopoly on facts or truth and proclaim themselves to have the Kings unique right to decide who gets to speak and who must be silenced. These criminals like Zuckerberg, Dorsey and Cook are un-elected, subject to zero transparency and offer no mechanism for due process whereby channels who are banned might defend themselves against unfair, dishonest smears or fake news attacks run by left-wing journo-terrorism hacks.
In essence, the entire internet is now run by the most lawless evil war criminals imaginable, and they have zero respect for human rights, human dignity or free speech.
And if President Trump's DOJ doesn't go after the 'enemies of humanity' in Silicon Valley and strike them down, we'll go ahead and echo remarks recently made by Corey Musgravein calling for the intervention of a much Higher Power. The Pastor of the New Beginnings Church in Fairfield, Illinois, Pastor Musgrave recently opened the Illinois House of Representatives with a prayer asking that God cast His Judgement upon the state of Illinois for the state's sanctioning of the murders of the unborn.
God, we have made our appeals to the leaders of Illinois this week on behalf of those innocent babies who do not yet have a voice. We have been a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves as You have commanded us, Musgrave stated. Those appeals were denied, but we have one final appeal left and that is to the courts of Heaven.
God Almighty, I make an appeal to Heaven today, to You the perfect judge, the One who presides over Heavens court. I ask you to rise up, O God, and judge Illinois for the sanctioned destruction of the innocent unborn, he said.
For when Your judgments are in this state, the inhabitants of Illinois learn righteousness.
He asked God for mercy in the midst of judgment as he concluded his prayer. In this House I pray for justice to roll down like water and righteousness like a mighty river. In Your judgment, I pray that You would remember mercy, for we know that You, O God, do not want anyone to be destroyed, Musgrave said.
For freedom to continue in America and thus the world, 'big tech' MUST be held accountable for their fascist censorship tactics that they have designed to help steal the election for the Democrats in 2020. Otherwise, get ready for a President 'Creepy Joe' Bidenor a President Sandersor a 'President Pocahontas' or even a 'President Buttigieg' with his 'first man' Chasten in the White House in 2020.
Yetas the Daily Caller recently reported, President Trump recently went on twitter and put out the threat seen above calling for twitter to allow banned Conservatives voices back on their platform 'or else'. Warning twitter that they're making a big mistake, President Trump's DOJ will need to deal with ALL of the Silicon Valley platforms to make any real impact and reverse the complete censorship we've been witnessing and reporting upon over the past 2+ years since the 2016 election.
President Donald Trump wants Twitter to grant amnesty to the handful of conservative pundits who have been banned from the platform in recent months.
Twitter should let the banned Conservative Voices back onto their platform, without restriction. Its called Freedom of Speech, remember. You are making a Giant Mistake! Trump wrote in a tweet Sunday. His post comes amid speculation that his reelection campaign is considering opening an account on a conservative version of Twitter.
Trumps campaign, meanwhile, is syncing itself deeper into social media platforms like Facebook to push back against perceived bias. The presidents tweet Sunday is a broadside against Twitter, which banned conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, conservative polemicist Milo Yiannopoulos and a slew of other notable conservative voices.
Twitter has also temporarily suspended several conservative users over content matters. An internet troll that Trump frequently retweets was locked out of his account in May for allegedly violating the companys rules of conduct. The user, who calls himself Carpe Donktum, was suspended after creating a meme mocking CNNs Jim Acosta.
So why are Democrats, 'big tech' and the mainstream media so utterly petrified of Conservatives and Christians speaking openly and freely online? I have personally always subscribed to the viewpoint of, "I may not like what you have to say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it". Why don't most on the left look at freedom of speech the same way? We get one answer in this story out of Canada where a black Christian street pastor was recently arrested after HE was attacked by LGBT activists!
As Infowars had reported in this June 7th story, Pastor David J. Lynn had been arrested for 'disturbing the peace' for stirring up an angry gay mob by preaching the Gospel, though he had been preaching in the same Toronto spot for the past 10 years without any incidents. And while a massive crowd blocked his walkway, surrounded him and assaulted him, the cops in Canada instead arrested Lynn for his preaching. Talk about 'truth is treason in the empire of lies'! Canada has gone full scale 'gay mafia' tyranny!
So will President Trump's DOJ do the right thing and 'nuke' Silicon Valley or do absolutely nothing and allow them to steal the 2020 election for the demonrat/globalists? Nothing less than the future of America and the world is at stake.
"The Lord sees it all." Thank you FollowsTheWay. Indeed He does.
So short of an all out Trump DOJ purge against the big tech fascists that take them down and allows Christians and Conservatives to voice their opinions freely, we, like Pastor Musgrave in Illinois, pray that God casts His Judgement upon Silicon Valley and the 'big tech tyrants' seeking to silence truth and vanquish freedom for humanity while quoting Romans 1:18.
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth."
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