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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web"

October 8, 2014

"There's No Way To Stop This!" - V The Guerrilla Economist Exclusive Interview!

By Live Free or Die in collaboration with Susan Duclos

Susan Duclos and myself had another opportunity to interview 'V the Guerrilla Economist' in the brand new video below and V follows up on his recent viral interview on the Hagmann and Hagmann Report. I began by asking V if we're on the same trajectory as the Weimar Republic before it collapsed, leading to the police state reign in Germany; V replied we need to "multiply that by 10 and the Great Depression by 100"... "there's no way to stop this" V warns of what's coming, "when it all runs out...we've become the most dangerous nation to the entire world" we are told.

With millions of Americans totally unprepared for what is coming, V gives us his thoughts about how Americans can prepare to give ourselves and our families the best shot at surviving, including getting out of the 'death traps' that are major American cities, death traps that could leave 20 to 25 million Americans dead within the 1st 90 days of the collapse. V also takes on the trolls who argue the collapse hasn't yet occurred by showing us the signs that have already happened and what likely is coming next in this inevitable process. No nation goes on forever we are warned.

V shares new information from his inside sources including an attack on a large convoy that led to secret documents being obtained regarding recent meetings between the Russians, China and Saudi Arabia, who V warns are running roughshod over America with the end of the petrodollar near. Please visit Vs website here as well as planning your safe escape from the USA at Plan B Panama.


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