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October 10, 2014

"They Know The Chaos Is Coming" - Dr. Jim Willie Exclusive

By Live Free or Die and Susan Duclos

Dr. Jim Willie joined Live Free or Die and I for an exclusive interview, in which Dr. Willie warns us of a planned launch of a 'new dollar' that will be 'blood red', the extreme wreckage of our current financial system brought on by the 'satanic' banking cabal, the chaos coming to America in 3 separate areas and much more.

The West, meaning London, NY and western Europe will lose control and we are going to see the dollar rise, rise more.... then "die suddenly." Dr. Willie also talks about the collapse of financial instruments, how the west is lowering the price of oil to "damage Russia," how the Ukraine war comes into play, and how ultimately China will double gold prices and triple silver prices.

At approximately the 21 minute mark, Dr. Willie addresses what all this will mean to the average American, describing how pensions will be affected, those living off of any welfare program will see their benefits cut in half, food and gas shortages, lack of cash at ATMs, as well as how police across America have been militarized in preparation for the fallout because "they know the chaos is coming."

He explains how the gradual growing global rejection of the USDollar for trade will alter the banking systems, force the Fed into a huge volume increase in their bond purchase program to cover what foreign nations discard and diversify from USTreasurys. The end result will be refusal by foreign suppliers to accept over-valued USDollars in exchange for both finished goods and raw materials, even crude oil. The US import supply chain is soon to be threatened. Thus the motive and pressure will be fierce to create a new domestic dollar, the birth of the New Scheiss Dollar, which will suffer a series of devaluations.

The show is jam packed with information and is a must see in order to understand what is coming, how we got here and where we are going.

Dr. Jim Willie is Editor of Hat Trick Letter and Founder of


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