Is the war on Veterans' access to pain medications accelerating as part of the depopulation agenda?
As you read the latest news on how the depopulation agenda is ramping up below, keep in mind this October 2014 article by ANP co-owner Live Free or Die, showing a government sourced website,, which projects a 78.2 percent drop in population, going from "316+ million now to ONLY 69 million people in 2025," as shown in the video and images below from that October article.
Monday ANP reported on food shortages happening across America right now in smaller communities and comparing it to the total chaos being seen in Venezuela due to food shortages, as a window into what is coming, but today we are going to show another type of shortage which is being deliberately implemented in their depopulation plan where "they [Elite] want everyone dead," except themselves of course.
A story from MSN Money was forwarded to ANP this morning, titled "The U.S. has a drug shortage and people are dying," which explains that some medications are so scarce that people are dying.
In 2007, the Food and Drug Administration listed 154 drugs that were in short supply or no longer available. That figure exploded to 456 in 2012. Today there are more than 300 drugs listed in short supply by the FDA.
The reasons given include "spikes in demand" when outbreaks occur, with a "lack of materials" to create the drugs, but according to a 2013 study on the topic by theGovernment Accountability Office (GAO), another reason listed is "delays in getting government approval for new and experimental drugs." In other words, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) referred to as the "Federal Death Assassins" by an ANP friend, is responsible for much of these shortages.
This ties into a recent report that animal antibiotics that could also treat humans, with many taking them when they aren't available or are unaffordable by regular means of obtaining them, will be need a prescription by the end of 2016 or the beginning of 2017.
I ask again? Is the war on veterans' access to pain medications accelerating?
In the videos below you will see the projections using government sources to obtain their numbers as well as a series of videos detailing medication shortages and the irony of us looking into the "window" of America's future on food shortages from yesterday's article, is also seen as the last of the videos below showing that Venezuela medicine shortages are occurring as well.
Keep the chart from Deagel shown before the videos below, in mind while watching them.