Imagine waking up one morning in the not so distant future to a deep rumbling noise that permeates your entire home with the bed you are laying upon shaking, pictures falling off your walls and your home cracking and creaking. Thinking at first in your just awakened daze it to be your washer/dryer on high spin cycle, you suddenly realize it's also not a freight train speeding by that has gotten your dogs barking, your cats looking like they've seen a ghost and your fish going crazy but a massive earthquake shaking your home, shocking you out of your slumber even before you've had your first cup of coffee.
Whether you are black, white, red, green or purple, earthquakes are the 'great equalizer' and as we learn below, more experts are warning of possible 'Biblical quakes' on our horizon. We're told not 'if' but 'sooner or later' with one expert offering his compelling reasons why we're well overdue for quakes of 'apocalyptic proportions'.
We also take a look below at several recent stories that prove we may be closing in on the 'Biblical quakes' warned of including a recent warning given by an earthquake expert that "a series of high magnitude quakes are well overdue to strike along the world's major fault lines" with his dire warning emphasized with this sentence.:
"No one in the world is safe" from the looming natural disasters of potentially apocalyptic proportions.
While YouTube videographer Dutchsinse nearly immediately put out a video after the Oklahoma quake proving to us that it was likely set off by fracking with a series of fracking wells found within several hundred feet of the epicenter of the quake as seen and heard in the 3rd video below, we learned this morning that Oklahoma governor Mary Fallin and the Oklahoma Corporation Commission have ordered 35 fracking disposal wells to be shut down in the aftermath. "This is a mandatory directive" governor Fallin stated.
According to Dr. Behzad Fatahi with the UTS Geotechnical and Earthquake Engineering in recent interviews, "a series of overdue, high magnitude quakes is expected to strike along the world fault lines at any moment". "No one in the world is safe" from the looming natural disasters of potentially apocalyptic proportions we are told. We hear directly from Dr. Fatahi in the new first two videos below in which he tells us why he and other experts strongly believe a series of major quakes may be in our future. Sharing that our planet is going through a series of 'bad vibrations,' we're told that the longer these major faults go without a major quake, the worse it will be when they finally release their energy.
Will we soon witness the devastating series of earthquakes that Dr. Fatahi warns us of? With fracking now proven to cause earthquakes, how long will it be allowed to continue? While Oklahoma's plan to shut down more than 30 fracking wells is a start, there are still a countless number more around the country. Could fracking help 'kick off the big one'?
As we told you back in June of 2016, the Obama administration had recently unveiled a 'FEMA Camp App' to help people find their way to a FEMA camp in case of a disaster in their communities while warning Americans to 'be prepared', telling us that we can't depend upon government for everything. While most ANP readers have been taking the necessary steps to get them through disaster striking, to hear Obama tell Americans back then what ANP readers have long known came to us as a bit of a surprise and another warning that something very bad might be ahead, so, prepare for it now rather than waiting for when it's too late. From Obama back in June.:
"It is every citizen's responsibility to be prepared for a disaster. That means taking proactive steps, like having an evacuation plan, having a fully stocked disaster supply kit."
"If you need information about how to put together an evacuation plan, how to put together a disaster preparedness kit, we've got an app for everything now." Obama said.
"We have a FEMA app in English and in Spanish to help you prepare your family for a disaster. I would encourage every American, no matter where you live, to stay vigilant, to check regularly to make sure your family is prepared for severe weather."
Has government suddenly become 'the ultimate prepper', urging Americans to get ready for something that we pray never comes, because they know something huge is ahead? What do they know that we don't know? As we hear in the final video below, it's quite concerning that this recent quake happened so close to the New Madrid while the New Madrid is warned to be 'overdue'.
Dr. Fatahi tells us since experts can only tell when a quake is going to hit moments before it actually strikes, there is no immediate time to be able to prepare before one hits so we should be prepared long before disaster strikes. If disaster is ahead, there is no more important time than now. Being prepared now means allowing us to face any such future possibility without fear and a clear-cut plan to survive. The results we'll see from such preparation for a possibility we pray never comes will be well worth the effort that we put into it now. As Fatahi warns us, whether today, tomorrow or 5 years from now, many of the world's major fault lines are overdue to rupture, it's just a matter of time. "Sooner or later" we're once again warned.
There are some fault lines that have not released their energy for a while.
There are at least 5-10 that are overdue, but we dont know when theyre going to happen.
The question is not will they be activated. The question is when.
Dr Fatahi said there was a return period for earthquakes and those that didnt strike within the expected time frame only came back stronger. He said an example of this was the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Nepal that left more than 8000 people dead in April last year.
You expect a particular fault line will be activated every 100 years or 500 years, he said.
If the period is longer we expect higher magnitude earthquakes ... looking at the history of some of those major fault lines, some are very overdue.
The return period has passed but the earthquakes havent happened.