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October 23, 2019
With Democrats Brewing A Volatile Hell-Broth For America That Could Unleash Colossal Turmoil, Americans Better Get Prepared Quickly For The Coming Fallout
- Impeaching President Trump Is An Act Of War Upon The American People
According to a new story by Michael Snyder at the Economic Collapse Blog now seeing a lot of attention, if President Donald Trump is impeached, that will be a sign that all hell is about to break loose in America. As the Organic Prepper emphasizes in this new story titled "6 Warning Signs That Civil Unrest Is IMMINENT" as also heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, Americans better be very well prepared to defend themselves and their families for what Democrats are now unleashing upon this country.
With 10's of millions of Conservatives, Christians and other President Trump supporters across America and representing the 'sea of red' seen in the map below outraged and 'having it up to here' that Democrats and the 'deep state' have decided that they know what's best for America, perfectly expressed in this Admiral McRaven NY Times editorial arguing why America needs to 'depose' of President Trump, and 'the sooner the better', Democrats continue working overtime to 'overturn' the 2016 election via any means necessary.
So before we go on, this excerpt comes from Michael Snyder's must read story with much more below including the strong urging to prepare to defend our families from the turmoil Democrats are now unleashing upon America, a perfect reason for President Trump to declare the insurrection act and crack down upon the lawless Democrats who've long believed themselves to be above the rule of law.
Most Americans dont realize it yet, but in just a few weeks we will witness one of the most critical moments in American history. Right now the Democrats in the House of Representatives are drafting articles of impeachment, and it is expected that there will be a vote by the end of this year. If President Trump is impeached by the House, that will set off a chain of events that nobody is going to be able to control, and if the U.S. Senate ultimately decides to remove Trump from office, all hell will break loose in America. There are tens of millions of very loyal Trump supporters in this country, and many of them are extremely passionate. Simply impeaching Trump would represent a breaking point for many of them, and if Trump is actually removed from office by a Republican-controlled Senate it is inevitable that we would see a very frightening explosion of righteous anger, and at that point there wouldnt be much of anything that could be done to calm them down. A large percentage of the population would instantly lose all the faith they ever had in our political system, and unfortunately there would be widespread civil unrest in the streets.
In addition, the impeachment of a U.S. president would unleash havoc on Wall Street. Trump has warned that the stock market would crash, and it is likely that he is quite correct about that. Of course the U.S. economy is already steamrolling toward a recession, and so instability on Wall Street would only escalate our economic problems. It is not hard to imagine the U.S. economy plunging into a deep recession or possibly even a full-blown depression pretty rapidly after Trump is removed from office. And with utter political chaos reigning in Washington, it would be difficult to convince anyone that things would turn around any time soon.
If the Democrats could have just been patient enough to get to November 2020, they would have had the opportunity to vote Trump out legally.
But they didnt want to do that, and now we are headed down a road that is going to tear this country apart.
What do you think the left is going to do if Trump is not removed from office and then he goes on to win again in 2020? Needless to say, it would be a temper tantrum unlike anything we have ever seen before in American history.
On the other hand, how do you think Trump supporters will react if Trump is illegally impeached and removed from office before we even get to the election? We truly are in unprecedented territory, and it is very difficult to see how this story is going to end well. This is a can of worms that never should have been opened, but there is no going back now.
And with the 'sea of red' seen in the map above sure to have something to say should demonrats insanely impeach America's President while continuing to ignore their own crimes committed during 'Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's reign of terror over America', the 'deep state' and their attempt to take down President Trump and overthrow the Will of the American People provides Americans absolute proof our country is headed in a very totalitarian direction with Democrat politicians and the 'deep state' insanely believing themselves to be 'above the rule of law'.
Though the American people are having nothing of it. As Paul Bedard reported in this September 10th story over at the Washington Examiner reported, with Nancy Pelosi joining Beto O'Rourke in becoming some of America's leading gun sales-people by continuously spewing their anti-gun rhetoric, Americans are arming up in huge numbers.
Every society of the world, unfortunately, seems to have the potential for civilian turmoil, and the possibility of the appearance of more or less organized gangs of marauders NEVER can be dismissed. (Im sorry Canada, never been there but maybe even you have some percentage of this happening somewhere in the future).
Here are 6 signs that civilian unrest is impending or already occurring.
The first sign, of course, is bad looks when you walk on the street. Small groups of people (especially young men) staring at you? Dont show fear, but leave the place fast, and find a safe spot. A shop, a restaurant, someplace with guards, preferably. If youre classified as a vulnerable inhabitant (a migrant, ethnical minority, etc.) you know what Im talking about. Dont expose yourself and become gray. No one will open an investigation until much time afterwards an attack under these circumstances. And what we want to avoid is an attack. (ANP: And with Democrats now putting Trump supporters on 'lists', as Susan Duclos warned in this ANP story, that is how Civil Wars start!)
The second sign, perhaps this is more subtle, when you see people that normally would be polite or indifferent, as a minimum, starts to look at you in sort of aggressive manner. Its surprising the number of women from a certain age up that have insulted and been racist with Venezuelans in some countries. (Well maybe surprising for some single peoplenot as much for me already anyway LOL)
The third sign, of course, is people disappearing of the streets. I think one of my worst nightmares would be to be walking with my kid in middle downtown, and suddenly to find ourselves roaming in deserted streets because there is an aggressive gang coming and you cant see it. One of my friends was caught in the middle of the coup detat to Rafael Correa a few years ago in Ecuador, and when he finally could arrive at the hostel he supposed to have booked in, the lady running the place kick his suitcase by the stairs, closed the door and never opened. Go figure. A Venezuelan never would have treated someone like that, and I am proud to say this.
The fourth sign is (obviously) LEOs presence in massive amounts in the streets. Any kind of uniform is a strong indication of expected turmoil. Find cover.
The fifth sign in modern times would be (because in the demonstrations the uniforms used it massively to identify potential groups as a target) drones flying close to some blockage or LEOs control point. And I know this because people who took part in the demonstrations informed me. Everything was peaceful, and after they saw the drones, minutes later all hells broke lose.
The sixth sign, and the last one, is when you start seeing people wearing a single color. All in black, or all in white, or all sharing a bandana, or some symbol that indicates they are part of a group.
Be prepared to defend yourself and your loved ones. This said, the logical protection measures have to be taken: carry a baton, disguised as a cane. This will work better if one can simulate a limp or something. Thats my first choice. The second one (depending on the laws of the area) would be a concealed knife. A small brown paper brown with a loaf of bread, a peach or apple and some cheese could be useful to explain why we are carrying this, just in case. This would be in my briefcase. I walk decently dressed, but not too much that I call the attention. For some reason I think that someone in a cheap jacket could be attacked by a racist mob faster than someone dressed up with a suit (maybe think one can be a lawyer?).
Any other blunt weapon that can be concealed should work. Be creative. Nunchukus (for those that have practiced martial arts like me) can be easily concealed under loose gym pants, for instance.
But the best protection is exposing yourself as little as possible. This is what I like the most of home-based jobs. An old friend complained about crime rate being so highbut he was a young man in his low 30s and loved partying all night long as a male cat.That saddlebag comes with the horse when you buy it, fellow!
So with self defense and the protection of our friends, families and loved ones on our minds in these days of mass Democratic insanity, we've gone ahead and put together a list of ways to put the suggestions in the Organic Prepper story to good use. With the left and the mainstream media pushing America closer to Civil War every day with their hatred of Christians, Conservatives and other President Trump supporters, we urge law-abiding Americans to prepare to defend themselves and their families against whatever kind of insanity the leftists unleash with most of the self defense items listed below a one or two day delivery away.
As mentioned previously, in the first video below we hear more about the 6 warning signs that Americans should be paying attention that civil unrest is imminent while in the 2nd video, Mike Adams warns why he believes President Trump might soon have to declare the insurrection act to take down the lawless Democrat coup attempt. And while we'll continue to pray for peace in America, in the 3rd and final video below, Infowars explains why they believe the Democrats are pushing to get America into a 'hot Civil War'.
So, we urge ANP readers to prepare for whatever insanity Democrats unleash upon America in the days and months ahead with Michael Snyder's story warning we may soon be about to witness some of the most volatile and disruptive days in America's history. Attempting to take down the first 'America first' president that we've had in decades is an act of war upon the American people.
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