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November 21, 2014

This Is Huge! "They're Preparing For Something" - Biggest Cover Up Has Whistleblowers Freaking Out And Speaking Out!

By Susan Duclos


There is a huge cover up going on by the US government and the mainstream media, according to doctors, some of which are speaking out publicly about the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) actually disappearing patients, with some concerned that they will be blamed by family members of those vanished patients.


The cover up happening now isn't just disappearing people, but includes some very "strange" deaths being attributed to a variety of causes, none of which have "bleeding from orificies" listed as a symptom, yet eye witness accounts claim these strange deaths did include bleeding from the "mouth and nose," and/or other orifices.

For example, a New York woman on the Ebola watch list, 18 days after she returned from Guinea, where Ebola is raging out of control, drops dead in a beauty salon, bleeding from her nose and mouth, and yet authorities claim she had a heart attack. The Mayo Clinic lists heart attack symptoms here, which readers can see for themselves, does NOT include bleeding.


Many believe the media reports that Thomas Duncan was the first Ebola patient imported onto US soil, but I will make the case that Duncan was simply the first Ebola victim to be reported, not the first case in the US.

According to doctors that are now blowing the whistle on disappearing patients, many cases of these vanishing people were reportedly showing signs of "malaria," as shown from this InfoWars article, published on November 20, 2014, two specific excerpted quotes below: (Can be heard in the first video below the article)

It was back in October when I shared a story regarding some extremely powerful information that one of my medical doctors contacts stationed in Dallas had shared with me. The CDC, this individual said, was coming into hospitals and visiting patients who were reported to have signs of malaria. Whats much more disturbing, however, is that the CDC was reportedly disappearing these patients even going as far as to remove their actual records from the hospital database.

It was then, after sharing this story on air, that the brave Dr. James Lawrenzi called into the program and said that he had also witnessed similar circumstances: even going as far as to mention other key elements that I had not yet mentioned on air while conveying my report. In his experience and statement, Dr. Lawrenzi discussed how medical professionals from the CDC were in fact looking at these cases of malaria in a very strange way. Especially when these malaria cases exhibited symptoms that typically coincide with an Ebola infection.

Duncan reportedly arrived in the US on September 20, 2014, but it was back in mid-September that reports came out about a ship docked in New Orleans, carrying sick crew members, one of which died, and the "official cause" was listed as Malaria........ after having come from Ebola stricken Africa.

According to a release from the CDC, the ship was reported to have traveled to a port in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and others in Africa. Officials immediately downplayed the likelihood that the sickness was related to an outbreak of Ebola in that part of the world.

Downplayed is the key word in the above quote, in fact, media organizations, at the behest of the Obama administration, have stopped reporting on suspected Ebola cases completely, as evidenced by this Kansas City Star report, excepted below.

The Associated Press recently told news organizations that it wasnt going to routinely distribute stories about suspected Ebola cases. And on Wednesday, the Maryland health department announced that health officials and hospitals no longer will offer information or even acknowledge the presence of suspected Ebola cases until the disease is confirmed.

On October 4, 2014, local reports indicate that two patients were admitted with Ebola like symptoms in the DC area...... official conclusion, one had Malaria. OnOctober 15, 2014, the American Family Physician website discusses the "Increase in Reported Malaria Cases Prompts Clarification Regarding Diagnosis and Treatment."

Seeing a pattern here? When they cannot prevent reports from becoming public, the official claim is it is Malaria, not Ebola... so don't panic!

Dr. Lawrenzi is convinced that "They're preparing for something," even going as far as to speculate that the endgame could be medical martial law and/or a complete takeover of the medical system.

Other parts of the cover up include the MSM caught lying about the date of Thomas Duncan's death and Spain's urgent warning that this Ebola virus is a man-made bio-terror weapon.

The first video below is of Lawrenzi, the second the eyewitness to the supposed "heart attack death" where he states clearly at the 45 second mark, there was blood from the "face, nose, mouth... everything." The last video isDavid Knight and Paul Joseph Watson talk with Anthony Gucciardi about the continuing Ebola cover up.

I suggest you watch all three because the MSM certainly isn't going to inform the public of what is going on because they are part of this huge cover up.

Related links listed below the videos.


2014-10-23 -- * "NIH Mated Live Ebola With The Common Cold" - Bio Weapons Expert
2014-10-23 -- * 100,000 Body Bags And Ebola In NY!? 4th Ebola Positive In The US Shows Up In The Big Apple Just One Week After Cuomo Announces Random Ebola Drills On NY Subway!
2014-10-22 -- * Fireman Speaks Out! 300 Body Bags And Ebola HAZMAT Suits Whats Coming Our Way? Louisiana Governor Signs Ebola Executive Order!
2014-10-22 -- * Bizarre! Texas Considered Ebola Hot Zone By Emory University!
2014-10-21 -- * Ebola Scare Over? No, It Has Just Begun!
2014-10-20 -- * "Catastrophic Events Expected" - "The More We Learn, The Less We Know" - Terrifying Statements By CIDRAP On Ebola

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