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"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web"

April 4, 2020

From Food Lines To Supply Shortages To Civil Unrest Breaking Out Across America, Right Here, Right Now, Is Why We All Prepared

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Over the last several days we've been witnessing one story after another which show what happens when 'the end of the world as we know it' arrives, from gargantuan food lines in Florida to cars lining up for food in Pennsylvania and with evidence that Democrats/globalists are using this 'crisis' as an 'opportunity' to transform America into a much-less free nation than the US Constitution envisioned, the level of preparedness that Americans have taken may make the difference between life and death in the days, weeks and months ahead. 

While some within the Independent Media have encouraged prepping and survival strategies for years, with some, like Steve Quayle, being so far ahead of the curve he was talking about preparing for any type of life altering, catastrophic-type event for over two decades, as we'd reported on ANP on March 31st, the 'mainstream media' completely failed the American people on covid-19.

Yet those who had listened to the independent media and Steve Quayle back then are in pretty good shape for a nation in lockdown in the present day. Those that listened to Independent Media are definitely not the people standing in blocks-long lines just to get into a store because they are already short on food and basic supplies.

No, those folks in those long lines are the ones that listened to the MSM who for years said  preppers were crazy conspiracy theorists. 

The ones panicking about masks, and protective gear are definitely the ones that listened to the liberal media who claimed no one needed them for  COVID-19,  and are now acting all surprised that the CDC has finally recommended people.....yes.... wear masks to help stop the spread.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reversed its stance on wearing face masks on Friday, including cloth face coverings sewn at home. Its new guideline recommends that people wear cloth coverings in public -- in addition to taking measures like social distancing -- as a "voluntary public health measure."

In the CDC's words, "CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based transmission (emphasis theirs)."

The CDC says not to seek out medical or surgical-grade masks for yourself and to leave N95 masks to health care workers, opting instead for basic cloth or fabric coverings that can be washed and reused. The institute also stressed that its new guidelines should be followed along with earlier precautions, like self-quarantine at home, frequently and thoroughly washing your hands and practicing appropriate social distancing. Previously, the agency considered homemade face masks to be used as a last resort in hospitals and medical facilities.

A little like locking the barn door after most the animals escaped, but I guess better late than never.

Note: We've done plenty of articles showing how to make face masks, even anti-viral face masks (see here), and Amazon has finally got more in stock, although after the CDC recommendations, not sure how long that will last.

Related: What Will the Future Bring? Here’s How to Survive the Uncertainty


While we in the Independent Media are not claiming we knew the COVID-19 coronavirus would be the "event,"  there are dozens of possibilities and possible scenarios, the entire premise for recommending people prepare for the worst and hope for the best, was so that when something happened, be it something local, statewide, national or in the case of COVID-19, global, those reading Independent or Alternative Media would be ready and capable of surviving an extended amount of time, if need be, without the easy ability to obtain supplies.

What that specific event was going to be was never the point of preparing. The point was always survival.

There are those that will survive, and those that won't, in any given disaster-type scenario. In this case those that contract the virus, may or may not live.

Those that continue to deny that this is a serious issue, and are screaming "HOAX" in their loudest most annoying voices while ignoring the severity of a virus that is basically putting the whole world on pause, or screeching about empty hospital waiting rooms (Duh, no group gatherings and visitation is being disallowed) while ignoring empty store shelves, will be more likely to catch the virus, spread it, and perhaps die or kill someone close to them because they didn't have the intelligence to say "Better safe than sorry."

Those are also the same people that will mostly likely die in a SHTF scenario.

The time for encouraging people to take prepping seriously, is over. At least until this pandemic runs its course and we know what the world will look like on the other side.

Now, it is about survival for those that already understand the concept of prepping.

(PLEASE HELP SUPPORT ANP: With Independent Media being censored on almost every internet platform, reader donations are what keeps websites like ANP up and running. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you, Stefan & Susan.)


Many, especially Independent Media readers, are already prepared for an extended quarantine time range, but if this goes on for months or even more than a year,and  if they do not have that much food stored, along with emergency survival foods and basic necessities, then they will eventually run out, unless they start planning to restock now.

For example, many emergency survival food and/or MRE supply companies have notes explaining that orders would take a month, or three, to ship your orders.  (That is assuming they really will have more product by that date, which is not guaranteed). If you have supplies that will last more than three months, then waiting to get it won't be a hardship, but waiting until you are almost out, may leave you rationing and hungry, or even starving while you wait for shipping and delivery.

Related: The 8 Best Survival Food Companies for Long Term Food Storage Compared

With that said, there are a few things back in stock or still in stock on Amazon, which can be delivered, saving you from having to go out to locations that are trafficked, such as grocery stores.

I'll admit, it takes some hunting because some say "In stock" yet they aren't listing delivery dates for over a month or longer, so again, if you need something now, those won't help, but if it is for restocking for future use, those items won't be an issue.

After researching what they still have, a few items below may come in handy for those wanting to either restock, or get things freeze dried or powdered milk, butter, cheeses, you know, basics that are used to cook but many don't think to get them for a time when the stores shelves are empty or the lines are ridiculously long.

STILL IN STOCK....................

Mountain House Expedition Bucket | Freeze Dried Foods (with meat) | 30 Servings

Meat Shredz - Premium Dried Pulled Pork (Variety, 4 Pack) | No Preservatives | High Protein & Low Sugar

Harvest Creek Pulled Pork 4/12 Oz. Total 48 Oz.

Vegetable Soup Mix by Its Delish, 5 lbs

Armour Vienna Sausage, Original, 4.6 Ounce, 6 Count

Kirkland Signature Premium Chunk Chicken Breast Packed in Water, 12.5 Ounce, 6 Count

Kirkland Signature Roast Beef NET WT 12 oz (pack of 4)

Mountain House Pilot Crackers #10 Can

Nutristore Freeze Dried Mozzarella Cheese Shredded Premium Quality (4 pack)

Wild Planet Albacore Wild Tuna, Sea Salt

Bar Harbor Maine Lobster Meat, 6.5 Ounce

Fully Cooked Bacon, Ready to Eat, 80 Slices Per Pack, 10 Year Shelf Life, Real Thick Cut, 2+ Pounds, No Refrigeration Needed

Bristol Hickory Smoked Cooked, Canned Ham - 16oz

Evangers Hunk of Beef Hand Packed 12 x 12 oz

Dinty Moore Beef Stew, 9-Ounce Packages (Pack of 6)

More canned meat options found here.

There are also quite a few vegetables in stock and with an early delivery date, including onions, corn, peas, bell peppers, and broccoli, just to name a few that are still available and delivery is within a week or two.

Same goes with fruits, including but not limited to; Strawberries, raspberries, banana chips, dates, blueberries, grapes and others. 

Some things often forgotten in the rush to get protein, fruits and vegetables are things like cooking oilpowdered milk, butterpowdered eggs, and flours.

A couple other things that can be gotten cheap, feed many and provide the nutrients needed to survive is a simple meal of rice and beans. With a variety of beans, one gets a variety of flavors.

Oh.... never forget to stock up on protein powders

Note - Please use caution when opening packages that are delivered. Open them outside, dispose the packaging . wipe down the product before bringing it in the house. Wear gloves and then wash hands after touching anything from the outside. 

Any suggestions on food items I may have missed or forgotten, please feel free to list them and provide links in the comment section.


No one knows how long this lockdown in most states and entire nations is going to last. If the powers that be manage to get it all under control within weeks or even a couple of months, then the extra survival food has a very long shelf life and you will be prepared for anything else that may come your way.

If this lasts longer, then restocking now, slowly but surely, it will prevent 1) Panic shopping and making everything unavailable, even online; 2) Having to go out in public and possibly being exposed to someone with COVID-19; 3) Starvation, depending on how long this goes on.

We have said this before and we will say it yet again... better safe than sorry. If this is overkill, so be it, but if it isn't, then your survival will depend on your level of preparation.

Despite the seriousness of this topic and the entire pandemic, once prepared there is no need to be scared, so we would like to leave readers with something to smile about.

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All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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