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May 7, 2015

TruNews: 'Great Trouble Will Start In September 2015' - Collapse, Martial Law And Riots

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine


Doc Burkhart from TruNews emailed over the latest Rick Wiles interview and show description, which is part 1 of a two part interview with part two to be released tomorrow.

[UPDATE] Part 2 of the interview has been added below the first segment.

Rick interrupts the regular newscast for a two-part interview with Mena Lee Grebin, a Charlotte NC prophetic minister, who was given a series of dreams and visions about a massive economic collapse, martial law, and riots. She believes great trouble will start in September 2015.

Mena Lee Grebin returns to Trunews today for Part 2 of her riveting account of prophetic dreams and angelic visitations warning her to prepare immediately for the death of money in America. Todays program is even more chilling and powerful than Part 1. The King is coming!





Mena Lee Grebin was born and raised Chicago, Illinois, living in several places such as Arvada, Colorado and Houston, Texas. After years of running from the Lord and her calling, she finally surrendered and sold out to the Lord in 2005. In the fall of 2007, the Lord called her out of her "comfort zone" and relocated to Charlotte, North Carolina where He has used her for the last seven years in touching the lives of people who were in need of deliverance, forgiveness and healing.

In 2012, Faithful Walk Healing Ministries became an interstate ministry as people around the country began to connect with her via special events and through her Bible study phone conferences. In 2014, she went international via Skype and the opportunity to broadcast Bible studies live through internet radio.

She operates in the office of a prophet, and ministers, counsels, mentors and prays for anyone who is in need of Christ's eternal love. Her purpose is to bring the truth and light of Jesus Christ to a lost generation.


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