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October 14, 2014

Texas Nurse With Ebola "Associate" Placed In Isolation Under Ebola Watch

By Susan Duclos

An "associate" which is being described as the boyfriend of the US nurse, Nina Pham, has been placed in isolation under Ebola watch, first reported by Got News, then confirmed with a letter from the Global Head of Alcon, Jeff George and

The letter was made public over at Twitter by user Doctor Sparkle, and is shown below.


According to reports, the US nurse that has become infected with the deadly Ebola virus is just one of 70 staffers that were responsible for the care of Thomas Duncan, the first "imported" Ebola patient which died of the deadly virus in Texas.

They drew his blood, put tubes down his throat and wiped up his diarrhea. They analyzed his urine and wiped saliva from his lips, even after he had lost consciousness.

About 70 staff members at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital were involved in the care of Thomas Eric Duncan after he was hospitalized, including a nurse now being treated for the same Ebola virus that killed the Liberian man who was visiting Dallas, according to medical records his family provided to The Associated Press.

Now we have to wonder if all the "associates," family members, friends or any of their other patients, will end up in isolation to be monitored for Ebola.

Other Ebola updates include WHO calling this Ebola outbreak the "most severe, acute health emergency seen in modern times," news that Ebola hospitals to be planned for all 50 states, that "Out of more than 1,900 nurses in 46 states and Washington D.C. who responded, 76 percent said their hospital still hadn't communicated to them an official policy on admitting potential patients with Ebola," that "NBCs medical correspondent violated Ebola quarantine, " and that a UN worker dies of Ebola in Germany.


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