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January 16, 2015

PROOF! US Sending Troops To Train ISIS Terrorist Group!

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine


Recently ANP pointed out the connections bewteen the US, Saudi Arabia, the Charlie Hebdo massacre and ISIS and now we see another major report which adds more pieces to the jigsaw puzzle, showing that the US is indeed, not only supporting terrorist groups, but is continuing to actively use the US Military to train our attackers!

Starting with the new report from USA Today, headlined with "400 U.S. troops will deploy to train Syrian opposition," which provides details, confirmed by Defense officials, that US troops will betraining Syrian "rebels" out of sites in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar, as " part of the overall campaign to defeat the Islamic State militants who seized large swaths of Syria and Iraq." The USA Today was citing an AP article with that last quote.

What both the AP article and the USA Today article neglected to mention, thinking it fell down the memory hole of the internet, was that reports as far back as 2012 proved conclusively that Syrian "rebels" not only joined a pact with ISIS to not attack them but many of it's members, trained BY THE US, joined the terrorist group after said training.

IBT from June 2014:

As the American government is contemplating on whether or not to launch an airstrike on ISIS that is threatening to destroy Iraq, reports have now surfaced that way back in 2012, the US Army had trained members of the same terrorist group in Jordan.

As per several corroborated reports, hundreds of ISIS militia were indeed trained by US instructors for covert operations to destabilize Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's government, though the training was strictly for Syria.

Other major media groups such as Agence France-Presse, Huffington Post, RT, just to name a few, all provided information on the Syrian "rebels" connection with ISIS, their agreement and pacts with them, yet now the US is sending 400 more troops, and their "enablers" to quote the USA Today article, to train more.

As recently as December 25, 2014,Syrian National Coalition representative to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Adib Al-Shishakli, warned that "Moderate Syrian opposition fighters are increasingly joining the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) for financial reasons." A July 8, 2014 report shows that a 1,000 strong Syrian Rebel brigade defected to ISIS.

ISIS has threatened to attack the west time and time again, has claimed to have hacked into the CENTCOM mobile devices then splashed personal information from those intrusions onto the CENTCOM social media accounts of Twitter and YouTube, threatened to burn NY, and much more, yet the US claims they are trying to destroy them out of one side of their mouth, while at the same time actively training the very people that are joining the group.

The US and their "allies" are funding ISIS, training them, arming them at the same time claiming to fight them.......... Anyone else see a problem with this picture?

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