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October 7, 2014
"We Are In The Final Phase" -V The Guerrilla Economist
By Susan Duclos
On Monday's edition of the Hagmann and Hagmann Show, "V The Guerrilla Economist" and Mike Rosecliff joins Doug and Joe Hagmann for a fast moving, informative show which explains in detail what we are seeing happening, not only with the US and global economy, but the manipulation and deceptions of the metals market, explaining in a clear and concise manner, that we have "moved into the danger zone," and we are witnessing "gold coming back" as a settlement for trade and the "death of the petro-dollar."
As "V" so succinctly puts it after he is introduced at approximately the eight minute mark, "We are in the final phase." Explaining exactly how the events we see happening right now across the world play into this final phase, "V", Rosecliff and the Hagmann father and son team, expose the the conspiracies at the very highest levels of government to keep the general populace in the dark until it is too late.
Via the Hagmann's Podcast video details:
V, the Guerrilla Economist, walks us through the labyrinth of the current economic crisis yes, there is one, and gives us possible dominoes that might fall first, an event or series of events that will ultimately bring down the U.S. Dollar.The Guerrilla Economist, who has a proven near perfect accuracy rate, is the founder and operator of his website, Rogue Money at www.RogueMoney.net. Well explore the proxy war going on between Russia (and China) versus the United States, and how this proxy war is laying the groundwork for a potential shooting war, or WW III. Sound ominous? It is, more than most people realize. The Guerrilla Economist will also discuss the Silver and Gold manipulation, and where both metals are expected to be trading in the next 3, 6, 12 and 18 months. Also, Mike Rosecliff will be interviewed with the Guerrilla.