Hastings wrote within his 2013 story "For most bigwig Democrats in Washington DC, the last 48 hours has delivered news of the worst kind - a flood of new information that has washed away any lingering doubts about where President Obama and his party stand on civil liberties, full stop". He also claimed "Besides Senators Ron Wyden and Mark Udall, most Democrats abandoned their civil liberty positions during the age of Obama. With a new leak investigation looming, the Democrat leadership are now being forced to confront all the secrets theyve tried to hide."
If the 'shadow government' has 'overthrown' America, it's time for them and Trump's axe to fall.
The videos below include David Knight and Infowars in the 1st video, Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change in the 2nd video and Stefan Molyneux in the 3rd video, each talking about elements of the latest 'Wikileaks Vault 7 Day Zero' releases that they found to be revealing, including absolute proof that they're spying on all of us - more vindication of the Watchmen who have been warning about this all along and confirmation of something that those who get their information from alternative news have long known anyways.
With the 'deep state' and 'enemies of America within' now in a full-scale war against President Trump, we've clearly reached the time for President Donald Trump to 'take down' the 'enemies of America' within. As former Reagan Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts reported Tuesday, "Washington's 'benevolent mask' has disintegrated" for the entire world to see its true face.
It's time for President Trump to put the 'enemies of America within' out of America's misery.
This 'shadow government' has done nothing but cause ordinary Americans like Michael Hastings and their families a great amount of pain, not to mention the family of John F. Kennedy and all of America.
It's time for President Trump to bring down the walls of tyranny and expose 'the evil behind the mask'.
ANP certainly understands that not all public servants within the CIA are 'enemies of America within'. Many good men and women have served America bravely for many years. To all of them, we thank you.