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October 2, 2016

40 Million Russians Going To Bunkers During October 4th To October 7th Drills - What Do The Russians Know That The American People Don't Know?

World War 3 May Now Be Imminent


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

The recent story from Pravda tells us that Moscow, Russia is now prepared for a possible nuclear attack upon their country with enough underground bomb shelters for the entire population of the Russian capital. Telling us that 100% of the city's population will be able to be protected as a result of new approaches to civil defense, we're also told their bunkers are completely maintained, stocked and ready to go should they be needed due to a 'man-made emergency or nuclear attack'.

While this recent story from the Associated Press tells us that Russia has just accused the US of nurturing 'an aggressive nuclear strategy' in a strongly-worded statement, this new story from the Gazeta drops a bombshell on us all, informing us that between October 4th and October 7th, a massive drill involving 40 million Russian people and about 200,000 professional rescue units will participate in a massive evacuation drill that will be going on all across the country. You can see their story translated at this Google Translator link. Every major Russian city will be involved in these drills.

While 'evacuating' 40 million people may only be a 'drill', we have to take a look at the massive amount of logistics involved to accomplish such maneuvers before we ask if this is really just a 'drill' afterall or something much, much more?

While Russia builds enough underground nuclear bunkers to accomodate the entire 11+ million people now living in Moscow, underground shelters in America are generally reserved for the politically well-connected (think Clinton's, Obama's and Bush's) and the 'elite' who have enough money to build such bunkers themselves as detailed in this recent ANP story.


While this recent story over at SHTFPlan tells us about the best 3 'zombie apocalypse' shelters for those not able to afford underground shelters in the hundreds of thousands to million dollar range like the 'super rich' are buying up,the fact that 40 million Russians will be taking part in a massive drill unlike any drills seen before should send up a very loud and clear alarm to anybody in America still paying attention - it may soon be 'on'.

The recent story by Kurt Nimmo over at Activist Post tells us that US State Department Spokesman John Kirby recently threatened to send Islamic terrorists into Russia to attack Russian cities, a warning that was not lost on Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova who stated We cant assess those statements as anything else but a call, a directive for action, while Russian Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov added the statement by Kirby amounted to the most frank confession by the U.S. side so far that the whole opposition ostensibly fighting a civil war in Syria is a U.S.-controlled international terrorist alliance. What makes Kirbys statement particularly shocking is that the scale of direct U.S. influence on terrorists activity is global and reaches as far as Russia.

Why would the US government under Barack Obama be providing support to the same terrorists that have declared war upon the United States, the West and have vowed to kill as many Americans as they possibly can? As Maj General Konashenkov stated, this admission by the US State Department should prove to millions of Americans that our government is sponsoring terrorism and the entire fight against ISIS is nothing but a 'charade' to fool the American people.


We have reported time and again on ANP that it's quite clear the government of Barack Obama is proving a massive amount of support to the same terrorists that want to kill Americans and as this recent story from the Political Insider tells us, we now have 100% proof that Democratic candidate Clinton sold ISIS terrorists weapons as well. The story just days ago from Russian Insider tells us that with everything else now going on in the world, the US government is caught in a very tough decision: Should the US government ramp up their support of terrorist child beheaders in Syria or should they launch World War 3?

In the recent story by Greg Hunter over at USAWatchdog featuring an interview with Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente we learn that an 'October Surprise' is likely still on the table and it may very well involve a huge war, though the situation in Europe with the continuing collapse of Deutsche bank ways heavily on his mind as do terror attacks here in America. As Celente has often warned us, "when all else fails, they bring us to war."


Why would the Russian government run a drill involving 40 million Russian people evacuating to underground bunkers unless they were aware of something imminent on the horizon? Has the US government built massive underground shelters big enough to accomodate the entire population of our nation's capital, Washington DC?

Might all of this just be nothing at all? As we're told in this recent story from Global Research, another Clinton presidency guarantees that everything that the 'nwo' wants done will get done. One of the things that guarantees is that there will be war with Russia according to the story's author - it has been well documented that Clinton wants war with Russia for allegedly hacking the DNC and exposing the 'Clinton crime family's' many myriad crimes. Should America go to war with Russia, virtually guanteeing the deaths of tens to hundeds of millions of Americans, so that the Clinton's can continue to get away with their massive war crimes, financial crimes and crimes against humanity?

As we've been told again and again by Russian Insiders living here in America, if the US decides for some completely and totally insane reason to attack Russia, within a very short period of time the US would be left without: A banking system, transportation systems, an electrical grid, public utilities, an internet, communication systems and any form of operating government.Quite literally sending us back to the dark ages, we're also warned the entire country would likely be covered in a coating of radioactive ash.

While those same Russian Insiders also tell us that the very last thing that the Russians want is World War 3 with America as they know what that would mean, it's clear that the mass majority of the American people are totally clueless about a possible war with Russia looming ahead of us that could lead to the extermination of upwards of 90% of us if we are attacked by a Russian EMP and our electrical grid is taken down for any extended period of time.


Would it be worth it to you, personally, for America to go to war with Russia in an effort to help coverup the murders and war crimes committed by the 'Clinton crime family' if it means that you no longer have nearly all of the necessities to live in modern society today? Imagine living your life without electricity, banks, transportation systems, the internet, communications and a functioning government? We'll close before videos with this warning to the American people from Russian Insiders living here in the USA and Dmitry Orlov:

The operational abilities of the new Russian military have been most persuasively demonstrated during the recent action against ISIS, Al Nusra and other foreign-funded terrorist groups operating in Syria. A long time ago Russia had to respond to provocations by fighting land battles on her own territory, then launching a counter-invasion; but this is no longer necessary. Russias new weapons make retaliation instant, undetectable, unstoppable and perfectly lethal. Thus, if tomorrow a war were to break out between the US and Russia, it is guaranteed that the US would be obliterated.

At a minimum, there would no longer be an electric grid, no internet, no oil and gas pipelines, no interstate highway system, no air transportation or GPS-based navigation. Financial centers would lie in ruins. Government at every level would cease to function. US armed forces, stationed all around the globe, would no longer be resupplied. At a maximum, the entire landmass of the US would be covered by a layer of radioactive ash. We tell you this not to be alarmist, but because, based on everything we know, we are ourselves alarmed. If attacked, Russia will not back down; she will retaliate, and she will utterly annihilate the United States

For those looking for more souces about this upcoming massive drill, you can find it here, here and here, each of those links already translated via Google translator.

The mass majority of the American people don't war with Russia and the Russian people clearly don't war with America. The Russian leadership doesn't war with America so why does US leadership want war with a country that could rapidly send us to a 'new dark ages' with hundreds of millions of Americans dead?

Imagine everybody that you know in the world no longer alive on the face of this Earth because of a globalists war against Russia that turns nuclear: Would it be worth it to you? It clearly would for them...they their mass insanity.


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