With news of numerous Wal-Mart supercenters now being 'temporarily closed' (6+ months each which brings us to October 2015 or later) in at least 4 different states now tied to the Jade Helm 15 'exercises' due to what we're being told are 'plumbing problems', will these massive stores soon be used as 'food distribution centers' and to house the headquarters of invading troops from China, here to disarm Americans one by one as promised by Michelle Obama to the Chinese prior to Obama leaving the White House? Astute story commenters were quick to point out that any plumbing problem can be fixed in much less time than 6 months, even in such large supercenters, and to have several of these 6-month closings all at once in states tied to Jade Helm 15 and martial law exercises (Florida, Texas, California and Oklahoma) reeks of something much deeper than 'plumbing issues'. The fact that China has DEMANDED Americans be disarmed and the scheduled 'reopening dates' (if they EVER reopen at all!) of these stores will be after Jade Helm 15 is completed are raising many questions about what is really going on among those who are paying attention to events in Barack Obama's 'new America' as seen in more detail below. One reader tells us that one of these Wal-Mart stores had just recently been remodeled and didn't have any plumbing problems while the note below is from a source who recently called her local Wal-Mart and discovered they may NEVER reopen!
Called one of the Walmarts (Midland, TX location) just now. Phone was answered by a woman "Thank you for calling Walmart customer care, may I begin this conversation by requesting your first and last name?" (WHAT?) I just said I was calling to check store hours. She asked if I was calling about a particular location. I told her the one on Midland Drive. She said that the store was closed last night at 7pm. I said "Oh? For good?" She said "Yes, at first they said it would be for maybe 6 months but after further review they have decided to close indefinitely." LOL...plumbing problems my you-know-what. Something fishy is up, whether it has to do with OJH or just Walmart closing stores because they are hurting. Either way, very deceitful the way they are doing whatever this is they are doing. I don't dare call the other stores from my phone because when the phone first picked up I got the recording of "This call may be monitored or recorded....".
With 'emperor Obama' now attempting to dismantle our country for good as referenced in the many links included at the bottom of this story and as America descends one day closer into full-scale countrywide 'police-state' tyranny, numerous events taking place the last several days should cement into our heads the fact that our country isn't America anymore and despite attempts by the mainstream media and trolls stalking alternative news websites attempting to downplay videos like the ones below, we can see that America is quickly becoming Iraq or Afghanistan as country-wide preparation for a massive event is now being taken to the next level.
In the 1st video below just released by Felipe Soto we see a National Guard drill taking place in the residential streets of Ontario, California while in the 2nd video below we see a US Veteran getting pulled over by a TANK (no, it's an armored personnel carrier according to the police officer and the TROLLS who stalk alternative news sites) seeking to divert our attention from the obvious - it's a vehicle of war on the streets of America.
The recent email sent to All News Pipeline from a deep background source seen below shares of another event that recently happened in Yuma, Arizona and begs us to ask the question, has Jade Helm 15 already begun? Is the massive exposure of various martial law-style 'drills' across the country by the alternative media causing the NWO to accelerate their plans for a full-scale police-state crackdown prior to the rest of the country awakening and DEMANDING that these be stopped? This new Intellihub story tells us that the federal government is now actively seeking 'role players' for simulating the relocation of US citizens to detention camps in Phoenix, Arizona. Are all of these events that are now happening in these 'Jade Helm 15' states just a coincidence or a very clear pattern? The answer is clear to us.
ANP, I was at a friends home for dinner last night and a guest had something very interesting to say about his trip home Yuma, AZ Friday. He stopped at a rest area on I-8 before getting on I-10 to Phoenix. When he was coming out of the restroom he was surprised to see the parking lot filling up with unmarked vehicles which he first thought were border patrol. There were 3 helicopters not far in the desert and the men from the vehicles had blow horns ordering everyone to stay in their cars. He said they were dressed in desert camo fatigues and were not border patrol. I asked everyone if they heard of Jade Helm 15 and no one had. So, I told them to look it up and they all did. The guest that witnessed the incident looked up with a stunned look on his face and said that was a military operation he saw. Looks to me we are much closer and Jade Helm 15 is in motion.
To the government trolls who stalk ANP daily, can you really say these exercises are just 'normal' National Guard training? These 'exercises' are clearly another attempt to 'normalize' Americans seeing the military on the streets and look more like what we'd see in a police-state dictatorship than in a 'free country'.
Is this really what we want all future generations to face when being pulled over by police in America? Is this normal or more proof that the war has come home to America? It seems to us to be a blatant attempt at citizen intimidation, total overkill.
The following stories found at the links included below should be enough to convince any American that our country and Rights are now being dismantled on a massive scale. Please share this information far and wide.
"Your country is desolate, your cities burned with fire; your fields are being stripped by foreigners right before you, laid waste as when overthrown by strangers."
[Isaiah 1:7]
[ Excerpt: ] "Emperor Barack Hussein Obama once again broke the U.S. Constitution this past week by illegally mandating that our laws as a sovereign country mean nothing. He illegally overstepped his office as president by using an executive order that takes the law into his own hands and away from 'We the people'. He insured that anyone who illegally jumps our borders, overstays a visa or crosses during pregnancy may become a U.S. citizen without warrant of any kind. Obama insured that millions of people expect to storm our borders in the coming years THUS RENDING OUR COUNTRY NO LONGER A COUNTRY, BUT A DESTINATION (CAPS Added). At this point in our open borders history, we find no purpose for the United States to maintain a military since our president and Congress refuse to secure our borders against the entry of illegal aliens and contraband. Borders define a nation and the primary reason for our armed forces remains to keep our enemies as far from our shores as possible. Foreign nationals easily enter the U.S. today and evade the scrutiny of the CBP (Customs and Border Protection) inspectors at ports of entry. Terrorists, spies and enemy combatants easily enter our country and pose a threat to national security and public safety. But that doesnt bother Obama or Congress." http://www.newswithviews.com/Wooldridge/frosty1006.htm
[ Excerpt: ] "Obamas Executive Action as it currently exists, is not amnesty, as it provides no direct path to permanent residency or citizenship, and in fact, is not law. (Added: It IS Amnesty which is any scheme that pardons violators from the effects of existing law.) However, what is does represent is an open refusal to faithfully execute the laws of our nation, to uphold the Constitution of the United States, to protect and defend national sovereignty and security, and it is a direct assault upon and usurpation of Constitutional Congressional authority. Therefore, it is an overt act of usurping the U.S. Constitution, a direct violation of the Presidential Oath of Office, a direct assault on the American people and a direct threat to national sovereignty and security. It is an 'impeachable offense' to say the very least and may very well constitute an overt act of treason. (18 U.S. Code 2381)."
[ Excerpt: ] "On Monday, November 10th, Barack Obama met with Communist Chinese leaders and announced a new immigration agreement with that totalitarian dictatorship, creating the following headline: 'Putting a bright face on the future of U.S. ties to China, President Barack Obama announced Monday that the two countries would start granting visas to each other's citizens valid for up to a decade'. Last June I released the following article to alert Americans of the dangers of dealing with the Red Chinese and specifically through an immigration program called EB-5. Perhaps now, in light of this new announcement by the Administration, more Americans and the news media will take greater note of my warnings. With this new development, I am re-releasing the article." http://www.newswithviews.com/DeWeese/tom255.htm
[ Excerpt: ] "I am a Border Patrol Agent in the Rio Grande Valley Sector (RGV-Texas), south of Corpus Christi, Texas. Thank you for your continued support and coverage of the ongoing crisis on the border. I would like to take a moment to convey the absolute desperation that we are reaching down here. We have been ordered to release thousands of Family Units (Parent/Child), and thousands of teenage unaccompanied juveniles (Under 18). We have encountered numerous instances of fraud, kidnapping, and exploitation where adults are claiming that very young children are their own, when in fact they are not. Many of the unaccompanied juveniles are claiming that they have a responsible parent to be released to, when in fact they do not. As a Border Patrol Agent, I can tell you as an eye witness that we are currently losing more than we are catching. On a good day, we catch approximately 30 to 40 percent of all crossers while the rest simply get away. In the RGV, we have been averaging around 10,000 apprehensions per week. THAT MEANS WE ARE LOSING WELL OVER 10,000 ALIENS PER WEEK." (In just this one sector! --- CAPSadded) http://minutemanproject.com/border-agents-desperate-plea-to-jim-gilchrist-minuteman-project/?utm_campaign=2006512&utm_content=11480556384&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Emailvision
[ Excerpt: ] "For decades our nation has failed to effectively secure the borders of the United States and effectively enforce the immigration laws from within the U.S. The influx of massive numbers of illegal aliens has been attributed to the 'broken immigration system'. However, the reality is that the massive number of illegal aliens present in the U.S. is, in fact, the direct result of the failures of our government to deter illegal immigration by effectively enforcing the immigration laws and instilling integrity to the immigration benefits program by seeking to uncover fraud and acting against those who would defraud the immigration system. Immigration law violations are hardly victimless crimes. Page 98 of this report noted: Terrorists in the 1990s, as well as the September 11 hijackers, needed to find a way to stay in or embed themselves in the United States if their operational plans were to come to fruition. As already discussed, this could be accomplished legally by marrying an American citizen, achieving temporary worker status, or applying for asylum after entering. In many cases, the act of filing for an immigration benefit sufficed to permit the alien to remain in the country until the petition was adjudicated. Terrorists were free to conduct surveillance, coordinate operations, obtain and receive funding, go to school and learn English, make contacts in the United States, acquire necessary materials, and execute an attack."
In today's issue: Dr. Savage explains that the real agenda of immigration reform is to remake the country so the Democrats are the ruling party of the United States for generations to come.
Amnesty will turn America into a Third World country. I see Obama's Democrats as a gang that has hijacked the country, said Savage.
They're using terms in the media like 'emperor' but that doesn't mean anything.
This is a hardcore left wing gang that has stolen America right in front of our eyes.
Now they're about to deliver the final coup de gras and kill us all.
Once they grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and give them the vote, it is the end of America as we know it.
We'll be a country very much like the Third World countries where these illegals came from.
Are you telling me the people from Guatemala are suddenly going to become Americans?
Or are we going to become more like Guatemalans?
You know and I know what this is about.
It's an attempt to hijack the American ballot box, which the Democrats can't control any other way.
This slow but steady revolution has been going on ever since Obama became president."
You will hear over and over again tonight from President Obama and repeated ad nauseum by the gullible, open-borders media that only illegal aliens who pass background checks will be eligible for the massive new administrative amnesty...
Three majornetworkswill not air PresidentObama'sprime-timeaddressThursday outlining his executive actions on immigration. Officials with... --------------------------------------------------------
Immigrants granted deportationdefermentby President Barack Obama's ...Arizona Republicansare split on how immigration issues should be reformed, ... other state benefits, any time soon underArizona's Republican leadership. ... issue, but this move will makethosebipartisan efforts nearly impossible.... --------------------------------------------------------
Barack Obama risks Republican fury by using his powers to shield nearly five million people from the threat of deportation... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERNEST ISTOOK: Obama to triple punch America in the gut ...
It includes a triple punch onimmigrationamnesty, higher health ...will sucker punchmillions of Americans whocouldlose jobs to millions of... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (THIS IS WRITTEN BY A PRO-ILLEGAL WRITER:)
Mixed reactionover President Obama'simmigrationaddress; Voces de la Frontera set to answer questions. Posted 9:37 pm, November 20,... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Highlights of Obama's actions on immigration reform
Obama's actionsinclude more resources forbordersecurity, expanded deferredaction.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOP Governors Want To Sue Obama Over Immigration ...
Obama's action may provide deportation relief to 5 million undocumented immigrants, including parents of .... Your completeguide toObama's immigrationexecutive action... The information ourusersprovide is confidential.... Gov. Rick Perry (R)saidit was a very real possibility that his state would sue the federal government if Obama acts unilaterally on immigration. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) suggested that Republicans sue the president. All three are potential Republican presidential candidates in 2016.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
WhileKrauthammerchalked theexecutiveorder up to an "impeachable offense," last summer he suggested that if the GOP would be walking... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------