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March 2, 2015

Whistleblower: Obama Plotting The Takeover Of America - "Smoking Gun Of Treason"

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine


In the short video below of the Mark Levin show from February 26, 2015, explosive bombshells are revealed by a conference call whistleblower that managed to listen in on a White House conference call which included 16 cabinet representatives andCecilia Munoz, director of the White House Domestic Policy Council and former senior official for La Raza, along with LaRaza participants, where they openly discussed Obama's plot to take over America with "replacement Americans" to develop a "country within a country."

The conference call whistleblower is Susan Payne who is aWCBM Baltimore contributor and co-host of the Pat McDonough Radio Show and the information she imparts has been referred to by Rick Wells as "the smoking gun of treason."

Ms. Payne begins by discussing Barack Obama's "memorandum," on Amnesty from November 2014, where he created the "Task Force on New Americans," which Payne describes as 13-15 million versus the four million we have all been told would be receiving amnesty.

Payne describes certain "buzzwords" that caught her attention and disturbed her as she listened to this organized plot take shape, including a White House spokesperson stating that "Immigrants need to be aware of the benefits they are entitled to." Other concerning statements included specific mention of teaching illegals how to "navigate," not assimilate, and that certain communities would be designated "receiving communities," which would of course have taxpayer funds pumped into them, then would "morph into emerging immigrant communities."

Payne goes on to reveal that immigrants were described as "seedlings" that needed fertile soil in order to grow as she asserts they would continue to grow until they "took over the host," and came out of the shadows as natural born and legal citizens were pushed into the shadows.

Perhaps the most damning part of this plot is where she states that as part of the discussion it was said that immigrants needed to be treated as "refugees" in order to provide them with cash, medical care, credit cards and no interest loans," all paid for by the American taxpayers.

Listen below.


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