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June 27, 2016

Celente: The Panic Of 2016 - Worldwide Phenomena Rattle The Elite As 2016 Sees A Civil Uprising Escalate Against Globalists

Don't pop the champagne just yet because there is no way the globalists are going to just lay down and give up after decades of work towards their One World Goverment agenda


By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

Globalism is defined as "the attitude or policy of placing the interests of the entire world above those of individual nations," while nationalism is described as "patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts," and "advocacy of political independence for a particular country."

When a leader of a nation is elected it is with the assumption that said leader will put the welfare and well-being of their nations citizenry above all else, protect their best interests and defend their rights, but globalists leaders such as Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, David Cameron and others have failed, they have deliberately put international interests above what is best for their own people.

From American politics to the successful "leave" campaign where Britons chose, 52 to 48 percent, to exit the globalists entity called the European Union (EU), we are witnessing a civil uprising by nationalists escalate against the globalists of the world and it has them rattled.

The screen shot of the Drude Report above was linked to a NYT article titled "Britain Rattles Postwar Order And Its Place As A Pillar Of Stability," and the very first paragraph states the following:

 Britain’s historic vote to leave the European Union is already threatening to unravel a democratic bloc of nations that has coexisted peacefully together for decades. But it is also generating uncertainty about an even bigger issue: Is the post-1945 order imposed on the world by the United States and its allies unraveling, too?


The globalists New World Order, which they have been carefully cultivating and implementing since the 40's, is coming apart before their very eyes, as we see with Donald Trump's rise in American politics, despite the number of times he has been declared "dead in the water" by the mainstream media and the "establishment," because he speaks about nationalism vs globalism.

We see it in the Brexit vote where nationalists rose up and declared they were tired of their best interests taking a back seat to Brussels bureaucrats.

We see it in the election of history professor in Iceland who just became Iceland's President "after riding a wave of anti-establishment sentiment," according to the Yahoo News article about Gudni Johannesson, described as a "political newcomer."

We see it in the surge of support in Spain's conservative party as acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's center-right People's Party (PP) again emerged with the single biggest bloc of seats, Reuters reports.

We see it as an 8th country is now threatening the same type of referendum that Britain just held to exit the EU, those countries being France, Holland, Italy, Austria, Finland, Hungary, Portugal, and Slovakia, according to Zero Hedge.



On June 24, while globalists were reeling from the Brexit campaigns success, Zero Hedge showed in two simple charts how "the two main parties who were pushing for Britain to stay in The EU (The wealthy elite and The EU itself) are the biggest losers of the British vote for self-determination," they also reported the next day that the "World's 400 Richest People Lose $127 Billion," and on Monday we see the fallout has intensified.

Yahoo News reports
"The $2.08 trillion wiped off global equity markets on Friday after Britain voted to leave the European Union was the biggest daily loss ever, trumping the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy during the 2008 financial crisis and the Black Monday stock market crash of 1987, according to Standard & Poor's Dow Jones Indices.

This morning we see the UK Mirror reports "Trading in several of Britain’s biggest firms was suspended amid fresh stock market turmoil," as they note the following:

Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland were among those whose stock was frozen after a sudden drop.

Automatic circuit breakers kick in when a company’s share price falls - or rises - by more than 8%.

All trading in its shares are suspended for five minutes to try to take the heat out of the situation.

Shares in some of the UK’s biggest builders - Taylor Wimpey, Barratt and Berkeley Group - were also put on hold, along with budget airline easyJet and Legal & General.

However, the tactic failed to stop a further slide in their share prices.

It wasn't just the UK globalists that took a serious hit as Friday reports showed the Dow plunged over 600 points as "as U.K. 'earthquake' crushes global markets," and this morning, as of 10:30 am ET, we see the Dow down more than 290 points at the start of the week.

By 11:00 am ET, Dow had dropped over 300.


According to the Daily Mail, Globalists Angela Merkel is once again sounding an alarm by stating "Financial markets fear EU is 'no longer governable' after Brexit," and saying the EU must stop other member countries from following Britain out the door.

The Guardian lists seven ways the Brexit fallout could impact the U.S., naming; The economy; Financial markets; Transatlantic alliance; Corporate investment; Anglospheric ideals; Currency fluctuations and; Political upheaval.


Battles are being won against the globalists across the globe, but the war has just begun. For years we have heard the common refrain "when is enough enough," with people asking "when are we going to stand up and fight," and those that can see the forest through the trees realize people are finally standing up and fighting back, but they really shouldn't be popping the champagne just yet because there is no way the globalists are going to just lay down and give up after decades of work towards their One World Goverment agenda.

For example we note the "second referendum" petition which claimed over 3 million signatures, yet hackers are having a field day, tens of thousands of those "signatures" already being determined as being as fake, with areas such as the British Antarctic Territory, which has a population of just 250 people, somehow accruing 2,735 supposed signatures, and "UK-based signatories are raising questions, with the petition attracting a curiously high number of signatures from constituencies with small populations," Breitbart reports. Thousands of petition signatures are also coming from outside the UK, including some from North Korea, China and Russia the Express reports.

Of course the globalists are doing everything in their power to negate the importance of the Brexit vote even as it set in motion a possible domino effect which could spell the end of the European Union, with  the MSM once again being used by them to cast doubts on an actual exit by Britain, quoting anonymous senior EU diplomat, "My personal belief is they will never notify" the EU about their intention to leave," saying Britain may never "trigger" the EU divorce.

Globalists, MSM, and world leaders will be on a massive damage control campaign, but the damage has been done, the world watched and nationalism is rising up against globalism.

The damage to America and the global community was not done in one day, it has taken decades of preplanned moves by the globalists, and the "fix" will not come from one action, or one man, or one country, but by increasing the momentum of what has just begun, nationalists can tear up the plans of the globalists and take their sovereignty back. As I said in a recent comment, when a ship is on a crash course, it does not magically rise in the air and turn around to head in a different direction, it must stop, then turn, then set sail in the other direction.

2016 may just go into the history books as the year nationalists rose up against globalists.


It is going to get much uglier as the globalist leaders fall back to their backup plan... force. Be prepared.

Below we see Trends Journal publisher Gerald Celente detail why the people of Britain chose to leave the EU, which is kicking off the panic of 2016, calling out globalization. 

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