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January 1, 2024

Why 2024 Will Be A Year For The Ages: Prophetic Signs In The Heavens Show God's Looming Judgement Upon Us Nears With The Skies The Harbingers Of Wars And Other Impending Disasters 

By Alan Barton -  All News Pipeline

As I and many others have said, the year 2024 is not going to be a normal year (please see Stefan Stanford’s great article from December 30).   Far from it as a matter of fact; and that is judging only by what the present troubles and indicators show.  We will not go into all of that now as there have been numerous articles, sermons, shows and more on all of that.  I would rather discuss some things that may be a bit out of the ordinary to many, some of which we have covered before but a refresher is always welcome.  Perhaps we should begin with something that I have mentioned over and over and that is the significance of the August 21, 2017 and the April 8, 2024 solar eclipses that cross over the middle of the nation and what that may portend.

Do not fall for the argument that we are dabbling in sorcery and astrology, which is not the case.  What we are doing is acknowledging the fact that the Lord said a number of times that He uses the heavens to give signs and seasons and that there are going to be signs in the heavens before Jesus Christ returns to Earth and qualifies as Astronomy, NOT the sorcery of “astrology” although we recognize that the astrological signs are of most ancient order and are likely originating with God.  Please see the first video below for further explanation of this understanding.  I see this pair of eclipses as part of those signs along with the Revelation 12 sign a month later on September 23, 2017.   To be fair, solar eclipses happen on a regular basis and usually over open water, but when in conjunction with promised peoples and their disobedience to their covenants and over their lands, it portrays something else other than pure mathematical and mechanical sequencing of orbiting bodies.  The United States is one such covenant peoples as our Founding Fathers dedicated this land to our Creator Jesus Christ and we are now breaking that promise to Him.

The Revelation 12 sign of 2017, however, has not happened before in earth’s mortal history exactly as described but has come closest in 3915 BC.  Yes, very similar situations have happened before, but not exact as in the way the one in September 2017 follows precisely the revelation given to John by Jesus Christ.  There would be missing stars over the Virgin’s head (constellation Virgo), and the sun would not be over her shoulder, or many other variations but NONE have had the Conception comet” C/2017 E1 that appeared to the naked eye when exiting Jupiter (representing God the Father) in Leo (also representing God) and entering the Virgin’s womb for nine months and then exiting the womb via the physically proper area, then disappearing.  The one in 3915 BC (some think about the time that Adam left the Garden of Eden) had, besides missing that comet, one of the twelve stars in her crown was Saturn and supposedly means the sign of the seven years fall, or the exit from the Garden of Eden according to many Bible scholars.  The 2017 sign had Mars in its place, the harbinger of war such as perhaps World War Three.  Let’s emphasize that, Mars means war.

Speaking of the last days, in the book of Joel 2 we read “ 30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call.”   It is not my purpose to quote scripture here, but I do wish to point out a few things within this passage.   One is that the Lord will show wonders in the heavens and those solar and lunar eclipses are a primary point of His warning us and showing His timing of things.  The Sun turned to darkness is the biblical way of saying solar eclipse and the moon turned to blood indicates a lunar eclipse.   As we have forgotten our Lord, it would be very wise of us to repent and call upon His name and ask for forgiveness which also requires that we do His will.   Perhaps we will survive the looming disasters in that way.

Blood moon, a lunar eclipse

The Blood Moon occurs because the Earth’s shadow passes over the moon and the effects from the atmosphere modify the light.  Please see the short video below to understand if you are unaware of how this happens. 

We might also note that the eclipse happens right over the star Regulus, the brightest star in the Zodiac sign of Leo, also known as the sign of the King.  This is clearly a prophetic sign in the heavens; perhaps a sign that God will be judging us. 

These two solar eclipses occur over the heartland of the nation.  Not in the geographical center, but make an X over the heartland, one might say the center of the overall population or focal point of what makes America the America we know.  Note that it is also over the same area as the massive earthquake in 1812 known as the New Madrid earthquake.  Take from that what you will but please be aware of the possible ramifications.

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The more poignant point to be made is that 2024 is an election year with the gravest of consequences in its results and more importantly how those results will be decided and accepted or rejected by the peoples involved.  The 2020 election was stolen from the rightful winner and it is likely that the 2024 elections will be as well.  This is literally a coup against the American peoples and we will not stand still for this evil.  It also coincides with another point on the occurrence of these two eclipses and another item regarding the seven year cycles that the Lord uses for His purposes. 

Remember that the Creation was over six days and then the Lord rested for the seventh, thereby creating the Sabbath day.  The life history of this mortal Earth is in that same process with six millennia of time and then the Lords rest of the seventh.  We see this in the seven seals of the book that John was shown.  The first seal was over the first thousand years, the second over the second thousand and so on.  These seals are like was seals used in ancient times to place an approval or lock specific documents, usually by the King or his administrators.  Also realize that the book was likely as most books were in ancient times written as a scroll, and therefore the scroll would open until the first seal was met.  Then that seal was broken and the scroll unrolled until the second seal was met, and so on thereby uncovering the secrets one section of the scroll at a time.  This also means that the previous scroll segments were not halted, but rather the next seal opened up further knowledge added to the one previous.  The number seven means perfection or completion and that can be interpreted all throughout scripture and indicating wholeness and goodness.

Using this analogy we can see that the first seal of the White Horse, and depending on which view of the scriptures you accept as valid, means more than one thing.  Whether you use the Historical, the Futurist, the Idealist, or the Preterist views depends on who you look at for interpretation of prophecy in scripture.  Personally, I prefer to look at all of them because I am not set on only one meaning for each scripture being the norm.  Rather, I look at scripture having multiple meanings depending on where you are in your spiritual journey and whether or not they are speaking directly to you or a specific occurrence or event.  I view the items given by the Lord in His vision to John on the Isle of Patmos to have multiple meanings just as the August 2017 Revelation 12 sign in the heavens has multiple meanings depending on what you are trying to learn.  That vision speaks of the war in heaven which occurred before the Earth was formed, and it also concerns the literal birth of Christ two thousand years ago.  It also represents something new that has or is occurring, and that seems to be the birth of the Kingdom of our Christ in preparation for His second coming which must be very near as we view time.  How you see that kingdom depends on what and who you listen to or get out of scripture reading, but eventually all will be made clear.

Using my analogy of a scroll with seven seals we can see that the first seal includes not only the first thousand years, but continues throughout history. This same idea goes for the second seal and so on.  This means that it has already been opened and that it will also be opened again in the future and the same with the others.  The first four seals involve the four horsemen of the apocalypse and war.  The history we already know and many report that war and the effects of war is what the seals represent as well as future events as the preparation for the return of our King is my take on it.  The fifth seal represents the persecutions of the saints all through two millennia of history as well as the coming most severe persecutions and shows that the historical opening is still in effect and that the next opening will occur very shortly if it hasn‘t already been opened as that persecution is at an alarming rate and increasing rapidly as the war on Christians escalates.

One very interesting idea that I ran across I would like to share is that the fifth seal represents the years from the birth of our Lord until about a thousand years ago.  In that time period the birth of the satanic powers of Ba’al, more commonly and currently known as Allah occurred and the colors of those four horsemen represent just that.  Let me explain if I may.  The four are White representing war and also the anti-Christ, the second is the Red horse representing death and the lack of peace, the third is the Black horse that represents famine and the measures of the scale of justice while the fourth is the “Pale” horse and its rider represents death and Hades and delivers the evils of all of the horses and their riders.  This is where it begins to get very interesting to me.

That fourth horse is called the pale one, and the word in the bible is “chlooros” which means a pale green color.  It is the basis of the world Chlorophyll which is the green element in plant life.  Therefore we have the colors White, Red, Black and Green first occurring in the first four millennia and resulting in the massive persecution of the Saints beginning in the fifth thousand years when Islam was invented.  

As the above photo shows, the various flags of Islam involve those four colors of White, Black, Red and Green.  Of course there are many variations, but they are primarily of those four colors.  Often referred to as the Pan Arab colors, one theory of the history of the goes like this; “from a 14th-century verse by Iraqi poet Safi al-Din al-Hilli, which reads: “White are our acts, black our battles, green our fields, and red our swords.”  They are not just pan-Arab but also the Islamic colors.  Mohammed is represented by the green and the red the Ottoman Empire while various nations imbue the others with various meanings.  But they do match the four Horsemen riding the Four Horses of the Apocalypse and will be the major force used against both Christ and Israel as given in so many revelations such as found in Daniel, in Isaiah, in Mathew, in Revelation and more. 

Consider those nations that are involved with the final wars against Israel before Jesus descends to the Mount of Olives and end the war against His people.  While not taking the time nor space to go into all of them and acknowledging that all the nations of the earth may be involved, those primary nations mentioned are all of the Islamic nations.  Form Turkey, into southern Russia, from Iran (Persia) and the Arab nations, and Syria, Iraq, and those northern African nations – they are ALL MUZLIM in makeup.

Lets now turn to the idea that those numbers of Daniel speaking of 1260 days, 1290 days, week of days and half weeks, Time, Times and Half a Time meaning time intervals of 7 years and of 3 and a half year segments are still to be lived.  In those seven year sections, the first half’s are usually livable while the worst parts are in the second half of them, the final three and a half years.  The week or seven year period existing between the two solar eclipses as given in the beginning of this column are not that which is listed in the bible, at least  not as far as I am able to figure things out.  But they do begin right at the ending of this current period and that makes them begin in the year of 2024.  I also see them not as self standing but they overlap from beginning of one to the middle which starts the next period.  Using this logic it appears that we have some time before the final battles begin, but in the meantime there will be massive destructions that will result in the elimination of massive numbers of people and the destructions of much of this planet.  Again, using this model it appears that the end will be perhaps in about a decade plus or so, but then consider how badly those who try to estimate things have been so far horn-straggled and mystified so do not take my guesses as fact, but do our own research.  There is one thing clear to me and that is the movements of Muzlim masses to invade all over Europe and into the US is not just happenstance but is a pre planned and well executed invasion of satanic forces to deliver us up for destruction as described in the Bible by Gods Prophets.

I still maintain the USA will cease to exist as we know it so expect very shortly to see some kind of massive upset whether by war against this nation and/or internal strife which may be linked to the massive invasion of foreign troops in the guise of helpless military aged men amounting into the millions of them.  Illegal and imported Voters in the coming elections for the evil leftists of the New World Order as represented by the party of jackasses and rhinoceroses and as warriors to begin the cleansing of the population en-mass to finish off the Deagle reports numbers.  Most likely all those things at once so do not be surprised as it unfolds.

One more note about the ending of this story is in Isaiah 9:18 and 19;

For wickedness burneth as the fireit shall devour the briers and thorns, and shall kindle in the thickets of the forest, and they shall mount up like the lifting up of smoke.”

 “Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no man shall spare his brother.”

and Isaiah 14:31;

Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, art dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none shall be alone in his appointed times.”

If that does not sound like a nuclear annihilation I do not know what would.  Not quite yet, but very soon.

Happy New Year folks and God Bless.

Signs in the Heavens, 23rd September 2017 - harbinger to tribulation?

(Note:  I do not agree with some assumptions and dates, but the ideas are what is important.  I suspect the situation in -1 BC is the target idea as it also aligns with my theory that Christ’s birth must have been in the spring.  Chiasmously, the King planet visiting the King star three times in seven months would make early April in -1 BC the center happening if the Bibles Chiasmus is followed tightly.  Also note that the Bible says NOTHING of how many wise men there were, only that there were three types of gifts and the story that there were three wise men is just a myth; and it is my contention that God had those gifts delivered to hold the young family over during the time they were in Egypt.)

Lunar Eclipse 101 | National Geographic - Showing how a Blood Moon is created

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