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March 18, 2023
As 66 Million Agree That National Divorce Is Needed, Making The Conservative Case For Separation Of Blue And Red States - Top Homeless And Murder Cities/Counties Are Run By Democrats
The Daily Mail states "Secessionist movements are alive and well in Texas and eastern Oregon."
While technically secession is possible, the bar is so high, it isn't likely as the movement would needapproval of both houses of Congress and then obtaining ratification by three fourths of the nation's legislatures, according to FindLaw.
Since a quarter of GOP voters are keen on the idea, and only 16% of Democrats favor the idea, the chances of getting both houses of congress and three fourths of the county's legislatures to agree on it, or anything for that matter, is highly unlikely.
With that said, there may be a more feasible plan which we will discuss a little further down in this article.
First the argument on why finding a way to divide red from blue is so much more preferable to Republicans than to Democrats.
Each city listed in the chart above has a Democrat Mayor. California "hosts a third of the nation's homeless, half of its street sleepers and SIX of the top 10 of cities worst hit by tent encampments," according to another piece by the Daily Mail.
California has a Democrat governor as well as each of the California cities/counties listed having a Democrat Mayors.
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According to World Population Review, the top 20 cities with the most murders are as follows:
St. Louis, MO (69.4)
Baltimore, MD (51.1)
New Orleans, LA (40.6)
Detroit, MI (39.7)
Cleveland, OH (33.7)
Las Vegas, NV (31.4)
Kansas City, MO (31.2)
Memphis, TN (27.1)
Newark, NJ (25.6)
Chicago, IL (24)
Cincinnati, OH (23.8)
Philadelphia, PA (20.2)
Milwaukee, WI (20.0)
Tulsa, OK (18.6)
Pittsburgh, PA (18.4)
Indianapolis, IN (17.7)
Louisville, KY (17.5)
Oakland, CA (17.1)
Washington D.C. (17.0)
Atlanta, GA (16.7)
18 of the aforementioned cities are run by Democrat mayors, 1 has a Republican mayor (Tulsa, OK), and one was a Democrat up until 2009 and now is listed as an Independent (Las Vegas, NV).
11 states with the most illegal immigrant sanctuaries, and none are run by Republicans. Those states are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington.
Is it any wonder that more Republicans favor a national divorce than Democrats?
Now that may change as more red states are passing laws to put limits on abortions. Democrats have made it very clear they favor unlimited abortions, right up until the moment of birth, so more liberals might start favoring the notion of separating red states and blue states.
As I pointed out above, secession is unlikely given the hoops that have to be jumped through, but the Greater Idaho Movement may end up being a blueprint to success.
Rather than a state wanting to secede from the Union and become separate, this movement proposes moving state lines, which has been done previously.
Counties can become a part of Idaho. State lines have been relocated many times in American history because it just takes an interstate compact between two state legislatures and approval of Congress.
If the United States were governed as a single state, we wouldnt have the opportunity for state governance to vary according to the culture of a local area. The purpose of having state lines is to allow this variance. The Oregon/Idaho line was established 163 years ago and is now outdated. It makes no sense in its current location because it doesnt match the location of the cultural divide in Oregon. The Oregon/Washington line was updated in 1958. Its time to move other state lines.
This proposal is different from creating a new state because it does not affect the balance of power in the US Senate. This means that its more likely to be approved by the Oregon Legislature.
Given the heightened tensions and outright hostility between liberals and conservatives, something that is getting worse, not better, and showing no signs of decreasing, moving state lines so conservatives are part of a more conservative state, and liberals not having to deal with conservatives in liberal states, may be the answer we need.
This stems from the leftist argument that red counties and states cannot survive economically when detached from blue regions.
It's simply not true.
Firstly, if rural counties are a financial sinkhole for progressive states, then why are they so opposed to rural counties leaving? Would this not enrich blue counties beyond belief? While at least one study shows that Idaho would incur expenses such as Medicaid costs, it also shows that the state actually stands to gain an extra $170 million in net revenue with the new counties in place, along with an even greater conservative majority population, all without people being forced to relocate.
Secondly, if we are talking about economic usefulness, it's important to remember that the majority of people that grow food, produce goods, repair goods and keep the supply chain running are conservative leaning. Leftists produce very little other than complaints and misery.
Most states have their separate liberal and conservative counties, districts and cities already, so for some states, the ones with conservative bastions close to a border with a red state, this could be the blueprint to work off of.
The issue will be getting liberally run states to agree to changing state lines and giving up territory, but with the tensions continuing to rise exponentially, as well as conflicting ideologies about guns, illegal immigration, abortion, taxes, government and a whole host of other issues, that may not be an issue for long.
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