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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

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August 17, 2023

A Deep Look Into Intentional Annihilation Of America By The Two-Party Crime Syndicate Ruling Over Us, Beholden To Global Govt And Secret Societies But Surely Not The American People

By Alan Barton - All News Pipeline

Uniparty, or just optics? Wiktionary defines that term as (politics)Having only onepolitical party, especially whereoppositionparties areoutlawed and Involving only oneparty(person or group). Good enough for this column, but I would also like to add their noun definition as it relates directly with todays topic; Multiplepolitical partiesthat have a shared vision which tends to uphold the same powerful elite regardless of party affiliation with the added notation that it is a derogatory term in US politics. Derogatory is definitely the way it is commonly used, and I might add, well deserved although not really the ideal way to approach things. It is my contention that Conservativepedia has a bit better definition, and that is "Uniparty" is a term that describes theglobalistestablishment's control over politics and policy to the extent that every or nearly every major political party or politician are controlled by them and, thus, have far more in common than different, policy-wise. It is essentially synonymous with thedeep state, as it retains control almost regardless of which political party or politician is elected.

This definition contains the better and more complete and accurate definition as it relates directly with the reality that we see if looked at it with more than a glancing eye. There is a reason why so many politicians seem to have views that are so close it can be difficult to tell them apart even though they are of different parties. Just look at the election rhetoric of the Kenyan and Mitt in their quest to run the New World Order objectives here in the USA as a great example. In real terms, there isquite a huge difference between our two political parties, at least in theory, and a brief overview is in order. One overview is given in an article that briefly but informatively covers the difference between the Dem and Repube parties found here.

Basically, one faces left while the other faces right. On a side note, historically the left has been associated with evil while the right with good and that is an accurate method of differentiation still today. One is Marxist while ostensibly one is libertarian, or tries to appear that way. While we could spend a considerable amount of space comparing the Democrat and Republican parties, it would be more beneficial to compare the Democrat and Communist parties. Although from the perspective of the radical left the Repubs are advertised by the lefts propaganda machine as being closer, that is just one more massive lie that they push. In fact it is the Democrats that are directly linked with the US Communist Party by more than just verbiage, but also by their platforms and policies and stated, official claims of closeness (they are one and the same party). There are of course very widely divergent views within each party as we are all independent persons with our own views, so we need to look at the official claims of their beliefs to really get anywhere. One specious claim is that it is not a good thing for the polarization between the parties that we see, and that is a major mistake to not only claim but to strive for. That polarization is the difference between Good and Evil, between slavery to the party and its mandates and the right to think for yourself. That is fundamentally why I am not a member of either of them. If everyone had the same views on everything, if the political parties were the same without any real arguments, we would be under a dictatorial mind control regime which, incidentally, is exactly what the left are trying to accomplish.

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The one obvious political grouping where they are so close is between the Rhinos and the Jackasses errr, I meant to say donkeys, and the reasoning for that is evident when other factors are examined. In order to set some checkmarks for linking the left, both democrat and communist, with each other lets briefly list some of the commonalities, keeping in mind that so many Rhinos also follow theseconcepts.

The platform of the Communist Party USA states that It is shameful and unacceptable that any child should live in poverty, and that anyone should go hungry, homeless, without medicine, or without a living wage in our nation of such great wealth. A truly noble thought and if we were following the teachings of our Risen Lord, such would be the case. The big problem is that it is done under governmental force, with NO deviations allowed. Except, of course, for those administering the programs as they slurp down any and all profits they can make for themselves in doing so. That is the fundamental reason why of all the trillions going to the numerous and varied welfare systems, only a very small percentage actually gets to the intended targets with the bulk going to bribes, payoffs, money laundering and so forth to cover the expenses of getting those bills passed to begin with. Have you ever wondered how lowly Congressmen can rise from barely making ends meet to massive wealth in just a couple of years? All of their fund raising is not on top of the table regardless of whatever laws are involved, those special interests that pay for reelection require some services in return, and massive grants of money to their coffers in exchange for far more massive spending bills is the reason. The famed military industrial complex is a primary showcase for this, but every EVERY other program is in just exactly the same cesspool.

Meet the needs of working families, with massive SOCIALIST programs that do nothing but drain the money from the intended beneficiaries to pay the politicians grift. Make corporations pay more in taxes, and then put restrictions on them because they needed to cover expenses to pay those massive taxes. Foreign Policy for Peace and Justice, when just as in every other thing they do, results in exactly the opposite of what is claimed to be the benefit of those new laws and agreements. Defend Democracy and civil rights. One question, do they know what democracy actually is? Likely they do, but as it is used as the major Marxist propaganda tool, that slavery to the masses must go on, regardless of the fact that it is not the masses, but the elite that dictate the goals and results of that democracy. Whenever you hear the left state anything that is because of or relates to their holy term democracy please be aware that it is directly referencing their power grab and has NOTHING whatsoever to do with any sort of actual democratic process. When they state whatever the right may be doing is harming Democracy they actually mean it is harming their power grab and wealth schema. Remember that wealth is power and power is wealth, one of the most fundamental precepts of Satan. A Washington Times headline last May put it succinctly; Platforms dont lie: Democrat is socialist is communist.

One might list just a few areas where the lefts ideas and the rights are often exactly the polar opposites; one for slavery and the other for Liberty. Perhaps we will do just that.

Free education for all children in public schools.
-- Communist Manifesto; 1848, Karl Marx & Frederick Engles

A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
-- Communist Manifesto; 1848, Karl Marx & Frederick Engles.

State suppression of religion, as seen in the current war upon the Christian faith and in the motto of the mythical separation of church and state.

But communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.
-- Communist Manifesto; 1848, Karl Marx & Frederick Engles.

The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.

Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

-- Communist Manifesto; 1848, Karl Marx & Frederick Engles.

Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
-- Communist Manifesto; 1848, Karl Marx & Frederick Engles.

Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
-- Communist Manifesto; 1848, Karl Marx & Frederick Engles.

The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.

-- Communist Manifesto; 1848, Karl Marx & Frederick Engles.

The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality.

-- Communist Manifesto; 1848, Karl Marx & Frederick Engles.

Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
-- Communist Manifesto; 1848, Karl Marx & Frederick Engles.

We could keep going on, but I believe we can easily see that this is just exactly what the Democrat party (including the Rinos) have been doing to us, with the Repubes going along with it in order to protect their fount of ill-gotten wealth by pandering to the radical evil of the left. The Democrat party IS the communist party, and our government has degraded to the point where it will be impossible to correct without massive internal warfare just as every other evil regime has required in order to freethe people again. The left call for this when they advocate eliminating the liberty loving right, but the same method is used to remove them as well. And that is why civil war is looming ever so close now.

Remember, there really is a difference between the parties, but in the realm of their corruptions they are controlled by the Deep State; they ARE the Deep State, and the Deep State is based on war, drugs and child trafficking as the method of creating that wealth for power. And that is the reason why they appear to be just one party, the Uniparty. The first video below covers that to some degree, but he fails to really state that they are fundamentally different even though they follow the same power and wealth fundamentals. He does accurately state the position of Trump in this scheme.

Just as the Rinos are the rights turncoats, the NeoCons are the lefts version. They are the deep insiders that push the agenda for war pretending to be somewhat conservative and even pretending to be republicans in some cases but are in fact radical leftists full of evil the same as the Rinos and democrats. We can see the results of this in the almost total elimination by war of the young men in the Ukraine and the destruction of that nation by baiting Russia to commit genocide on them. We can see it in the destruction of our once great American economy and the creation of homeless camps in all of the major democrat run cities along with the ongoing destruction of the business models that created the wealth of the nation to begin with. We can see it in the all but total elimination of any fiscal responsible spending that has put our nation in a death spiral economically that will result in terminal destruction of our money system. We can see it in the tremendous increases in crime including murder, human trafficking, drugs, and death by medicine, and horrendous alien invasion over our once somewhat secure borders. A two tiered justice system where if you are one of them you are fine, but if you are still a real American and not a perverted commie you are treated like scum by our laws, federal agencies and courts.

The war upon the only President in the last one hundred plus years that was not a member of the secretive owl worshipping cult was Donald John Trump. The Bohemian Club, best known for its satanic worship site more commonly called the Bohemian Grove in California, a Gentleman ONLY club of members from around the world that worship Moloch and supposedly sacrifice a child to him (even if virtually) is a descendant of the owl worship cult that seems to have originated in Leeds in about 1600 then moved to Yale in about 1700, eventually ending up in the Bohemian Grove. Some articles link it with the Disney 1937 Snow White film because of the presence of an owl in it, but I would not be too sure as there is a LOT of false information, even a mythos associated with all of that.

There are many rumors of what exactly goes on, and since they are sworn to secrecy as in so many other secret societies, we will not go into that as you can find out for yourselves in a quick search what is involved. The owl and the ceremony of the Cremation of Care is what most often comes up, but also recognize that the owl has been involved as a symbol in Luciferianism since the beginning of time it appears. Some link it with the Skull and Bones, with the higher rites of Masonic teachings, with other death cults and so forth. One thing is certain: the Deep State, perhaps better called the New World Order, is directly involved as they are the Church of Satan on this earth. Ever wonder why the left hates Christianity?

So overall, no, there is not one single Uniparty as such, but the effect is the same with all of those involved being directly linked to wealth and power that supports and purchases the temporary servitude of our politicians through the various secret societies. Supposedly, Trump is also the only president that has not had the ownership of slaves in his ancestry supposedly. But who actually believes much of the propaganda out there? At least we know he is the only one that was ousted from power by an outright coup dtat by the opposing factions, and they will NOT allow him to reign again as they fear the damage he can do so they will appoint another lackey to do their bidding.

God Bless

Related:Comparison of the Republican and Democratic Party Platforms on Key Issues

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