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May 26, 2023

The Obscene Joke Pretending To Be The 'US Government' Is A 'Potemkin Village,' A Farcical Facade For The Pure Evil Fascist Overseers Waging War On Their Own People

By Alan Barton -All News PipeLine

Blazing Saddles is one of the funniest movies out there in my opinion. Satire, outrageous wit, corny lines, race irreverence, mild sexual innuendo, great filmography, excellent puns both visual and spoken, and a lot more are included to amuse the most critical audience; I really love that comedic picture show. In it, the Waco Kid and Sheriff Bart concoct a plan to use a fake village made of just store fronts to fool the evil cowboy ranch gang into entering a kill zone. Also known as a Potemkin village, a reference to supposed artificial villages in order to hide weak points like Grigory Potemkins rule of New Russia posing under the overseer-ship ofEmpress Catherine the Great. Many view that as an apocryphal story, but the idea still sticks to this day.Merriam-Websterdefines Potemkin village as an impressive facade or show designed tohide an undesirable fact or condition and covers fake business numbers, phony voter totals such as the insanely fabricated ones for the Biden election coup, as well asfake actual villagesor cities such asKijong-dong in North Koreaand all of those empty cities in China. One might even claim that the fake war stories coming out of Zelenskys propaganda teams are Potemkin villages.

The Western Journalhad an interesting story regarding Sen. John Fetterman and how he gets around strict Senate dress rules for any men entering the Senate floor by wearing his shorts and hoodies into doorways or closets opening to the chamber to cast his votes, thereby pretending to fill his role as a Senator while at the same time proving he is an incompetent puppet of the evil regime in power. Evidently The senators staff had originally asked him to always wear suits, which he famously hates. But after a check with the Senate parliamentarian upon his return, it became clear that he could continue wearing the casual clothes that were often his uniform back at home in Pennsylvania, as long as he didnt walk on to the Senate floor and proving his unfitness for that office as well as his obstinacy in following any rules or decorum cementing himself as a low class cad (an ill-bred man) and poser not counting his stroke limited brain. Just the kind of performing monkey the evil dictatorship infesting the Peoples government needs to pass whatever it needs to gain yet more power and riches. He is not the only farcical faade in the Potemkin village of Washington DC.

In that same vein we had the seemingly always drunk Nancy Pelosi (thank heavens she is out now) and her constant and even continuous drinking binges embarrassing herself and us as a nation, the babbling nonsense of the limited intelligence of AOC, the incompetent absence hiding from any real duties of the flat-backer posed as the supposed Veep Harris, dont forget the very ill and old Feinstein that pretends she was in for work rather than in the hospital trying to stay alive, the poor little girls pretending that anything the regime says somehow makes any sense as they play the part of press secretaries, the bumbling clown Little Petey Buttigieg knows absolutely nothing and yet is in charge of the whole transportation agency farce, another cross dressing perverted luggage thief that finally was forced to leave, and so many more dull idiots and usurping posers and losers infesting our nations capitol not to exclude the vapid actor pretending to be Lil Joey Dementia himself. That is the makeup of the Potemkin village that is the obscene joke presented as and pretending to be our government. Imagine, if you will, the movieIdiocracybrought to real life while at the same time being far worse than the movie and supposedly it is not run by puppeteers behind the scenes, which it actually is. Supposedly as it is in fact just a Potemkin village of fake store fronts being cast as a legitimate leadership. That scene is not humorous or funny as in Blazing Saddle, and the script is far worse than anything even Mel Brooks could come up with; nevertheless the whole world is laughing at us and the Idiocracy that is the Potemkin Village of Washington DC with nukes.

Back in February we wrote acolumn on 15 minute citieswith the headline stating that future Americans will be Prisoners of the State living in open air jails with full government control of everything with no privacy or freedom to act independently or move around. That sounds just like a real life prison concept that is known as a Panopticon. AFrench philosopherby the name of Michel Foucault (1926-1984) believed thatknowledge is always a form of power, explaining it this way; Knowledge linked to power, not onlyassumes the authority of 'the truth' buthas the power to make itself true. All knowledge, once applied in the real world, has effects, and in that sense at least, 'becomes true.' Knowledge, once used to regulate the conduct of others, entails constraint, regulation and the disciplining of practice. Thus,'there is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field of knowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time, power relations. In other words, power exists everywhere and comes from everywhere and produces what we see as reality. His goal was to work out nothing less than how power worked andthen to change it in the direction of a Marxist-anarchist utopia.How convenient to the modern push for a one world authoritarian hell. He used the Panopticon as a metaphor declaring that power and knowledge comes from observing others. When only certain people control that knowledge oppression is the most likely outcome especially as modern high technology surveillance is being used far more often and in almost every aspect of our lives and is used to control or modify our behavior and track our lives.

To better understand the above, perhaps we should be sure you knowwhat a Panopticon is. In 1791 the philosopher JeremyBentham designed a buildingwhere the occupants would be under observation continuously and was always in sight of observers no matter what he was doing. This design became realty a century later in Cuba when the worlds largest Panopticon was built. As the term Panopticon means all seeing it is literally an adaptation of the idea of theAll Seeing Eyesuch as used on American currency and so many Masonic designs and many ancient relics as well. It was designed in such a way that the observed did not know if he was actually being observed or not at any particular moment as he could not see the observer thusly making the overall principle true thatpower should be visible and yet unverifiable. Guardians of the Galaxy and Star Wars had versions of that kind of prison in them.

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As technology developed, Panopticons become more than just a design for prisons and became a metaphor for the surveillance state. One such instance would beMicrosoft announcingthey have launched AI powered moderators of harmful content and inappropriate speech and images for their online communities and virtual environments. Microsoft has been working on solutions in response to the challenge of harmful content appearing in online communities for over two years. We recognized that existing systems werent effectively taking into account context or able to work in multiple languages, the Microsoft spokesperson said via email. New [AI] models are able to understand content and cultural context so much better. They are multilingual from the start and they provide clear and understandable explanations, allowing users to understand why content was flagged or removed. Considering how bad Bings AI engine has behaved, I seriously doubt their claims and as we mentionedin our May 18thcolumnon AI it isthe ability to gather and analyze vast amounts of data very rapidly that is the forte of AIand that is the fundamental realm of the AI super computers such as the DHS using them to censor social media and theDepartment of Homeland Security plans to force social media to crack down on speech that they deem disinformation ormore correctly,speech that tells the truth about their war against us.

My one major question remains unanswered and that isWHOdefinesHarmful and Inappropriate and what disinformation is and what it is not. Remember that a few months ago Microsoft laid off their Ethics and Society team within the AI groups in their structure. Not that I would trust their interpretations, but to destroy any visible moral agency is absurd or even criminal. I will not consider MSs Azure AI to be any more reliable than their radical left wing programmers can pattern it after their own perversions of reality. As a portion of notes inlectures on Computer Sciencetitled Surveillance, Persuasion, and Panopticon we find this interesting quote from the Introduction; There is clearlyan increasing interest in various forms of surveillance and information gathering activities. This tendency may be understood in terms of the Greek neologism Panopticon(pan meaning everything and opticon meaning vision), which was made famous by the British jurist and philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832). Panopticon was originally the name for a specific kind of prison (see below), butit has come to signify the wish or the will to let everything be seen and recorded. In modern society this desire seems to be very strong. All sorts of companies, organizations, and institutions want to store data about members, customers, patients etc.Such data are sometimes used forother purposes than those for which they were originally intended. Surveillance systems and IT systems are used to monitor people for different purposes for instance the purpose of facilitating learning or daily work, or for security reasons.

The Guardianhad a good comparison when they said that unlike the Panopticon, in the modern secret surveillance state that the relevance of the panopticon as a metaphor begins to wither when we start thinking about whether contemporary types of visuality (effectively digital and data-driven) are analogous to the central tower concept. For example,whether this type of visuality is as asymmetrical, and I think more importantly being co-opted for the same political exercise.Does the fact that we dont know were being watched meanwe are being normalised in the way the panopticon was intended to correct behaviour?They are absolutely wrongwhen they mention the Snowden leaks and infer that the original emphasis, and still the emphasis today, hasnt been on correcting behaviour but on providing security, namely from terroristsand that is just the opposite of reality. In fact, the EXCUSE is that we are being protected from terrorists (when in fact the worst terrorists are those doing the surveillance) andthe primary purpose is in fact mandating our behavior.

This nightmare comes full circle when Tomorrow.City asked if the panopticon can be used in todays Urbanism (The culture or way of life of city dwellers) as the original is (a way of building blocks or buildings that allows the people within a building to be observed without knowing when they are being watched, but knowing that they may be observed) and used the example that In 1987, various researchers wrote a piece on Disney World's use of the panopticon and the development of the urban discipline. The American theme park was an "exemplar of modern private corporate policing". Its concept of guards who do not coerce you but dissuade the conflict or the incorrect use of the space is the same as that used today in cities around the world, where law enforcement officers patrol the cities on foot or on bikes. They reference an article that is now found only in the web archives that said of Disney parks designs that Control strategies are embedded in both environmental features and structural relations. In both cases control structures and activities have other functions which are highlighted so that the control function is overshadowed. Nonetheless, control is pervasive.

This nightmare comes full circle whenTomorrow.City askedif the panopticon can be used in todays Urbanism (The culture or way of life of city dwellers) as the original is (a way of building blocks or buildings that allows thepeople within a building to be observed without knowing when they are being watched,but knowing that they may be observed) and used the example thatIn 1987, various researchers wrote a piece onDisney World's use of the panopticonand thedevelopment of the urban discipline.The American theme park was an "exemplar ofmodern private corporate policing". Its concept ofguards who do not coerce you but dissuade the conflict or the incorrect use of the space is the same as that used today in cities around the world, where law enforcement officers patrol the cities on foot or on bikes.

Theyreference an articlethat is now found only in the web archives that said of Disney parks designs that Control strategies are embedded in both environmental features and structural relations. In both casescontrol structures and activities have other functions which are highlighted so that the control function is overshadowed. Nonetheless,control is pervasive.

The Potemkin of the Panopticom, i.e., the illusion of security but more importantly the illusion of privacy is paramount to the evil regimes power through control and the pervasive surveillances and data gathering gives them massive power over us which are their methodology of absolute control. Just as the Potemkin Village of Blazing Saddles allowed the towns citizens to destroy the evil cowboys, the evil overseers of our Potemkin village use their Panopticon total surveillance to have maximum control over everything our lives includes, including whether or not we keep our very lives as indicated by the bio-weapon called a C19 vax and the insane mandates that they pushed to protect us from the non-existent threat. We see it in the methods used to round up those that protested the most obvious coup perpetrated on the American People during the January 6thraid against law abiding and patriotic Americans and subsequent incarceration in the gulag system of a very broken and evil perversion of the American system of Justice. We see it in the extensive monitoring and censorship in everything in our lives, we see it in the control mechanisms inherent in modern technology that is only increasingly worse every day.

Psychology Todayput it this way speaking of the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin; Its really nothing more than a large field full of grey blocks of cement arranged in a regular grid across an undulating ground surface. When we visited the memorial for the first time in June, it looked empty other than for the occasional bobbing head of a visitor walking through the grid. Perplexed but intrigued, my wife and I stepped into the space and began to walk. I led. I meandered through the narrow alleyways between the blocks, randomly choosing left and right turns, slowly descending into a valley so that the blocks towered above my head. From behind, I heard my wife sobbing. I had to make a few turns to find her and when I did I held her in my arms. I could feel her sadness and I shared it.

Whats wrong? I asked.

I thought I was going to lose you, she sobbed.

And this was precisely the point. The memorial may look like nothing more than a bleak collection of blocks from the outside, butonce you enter the space, the experience of the body overtakes you quickly. The gaps between the blocks are too narrow to walk side-by-side. Youre alone. Not only this, but youre quickly submerged in the form with a strong feeling of disorientation and placelessness. Youre lost. But at the same time,because of the long, straight alleyways, you areperpetually visible to any observer who happens to peer down one of the alleysfrom the outside. Youre exposed and vulnerable, skewered on the long sightlines. The visitor to this memorial, swept off of the happy, bustling streets of downtown Berlin, isquickly and effectively immersed in a powerful and alienating experience that stands as a strong metaphor for what it must have been like to have been one of the thousands of Berlin residents who were persecuted by the fascist regime in Germany in the 1930s.

Yeh, that sounds like the design is a Potemkin that allows Panoptican like observational reality, but more important is the feelings of being exposed and vulnerable just as our Fascist Regime overseers constant spying on us does. That is a major reason why people feel so helpless and unable to make things connect, to be found in a harness under the whips of the work masters, to beenslaved and put under a microscopeat every turn in our existence. And it is getting worse but as we head off to major war,that may all breaklike a glass hitting the concrete from windows blown out of place in the destructions of our cities and Panopticons.

May God Bless

His goal was to work out nothing less than how power worked and then to change it in the direction of a Marxist-anarchist utopia.

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