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June 26, 2022

As Abortion Activists Rage & Riot Over Roe v Wade Being Overturned, Baby Killing Supporters In The MSM And Politics Continue To Lie By Calling Abortion 'Reproductive Health'

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

As churches and pregnancy centers in California are on high alert, and a Christian pregnancy center in Colorado was vandalized and burned, with rioting in Arizona, among other acts of violent raging on the part of pro-abortion supporters after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade and sent the issue of abortion back to the states, the MSM, democrat politicians, and liberals online and offline continue to screech about "reproductive health."

Before getting to the points I want to make in this article, people need to see how crazed and unhinged people are getting because there is no longer "federal" permission to unlimited abortions across America. Now the states decide, and "we the people" in those states have the ultimate say-so by electing their officials.

That is just a small sample of the insanity being seen across the nation.

The people above and other abortion supporters are obsessed with using abortion as "birth control," rather than taking responsibility for their own actions and sexual decisions.


Every adult knows what abortion is: The killing of an unborn child while still in the womb.

That is a fact and the terminology something that the MSM, democrats and liberal all across the nation absolutely refuse to accurately describe. Instead, they use the term "reproductive health," or "reproductive rights."

Sounds less offensive, which is why they do it, yet the neither term is accurate in any way, shape or form.

To reproduce is to create, not kill. Not one state that has what is called "trigger laws," which makes abortion automatically illegal in that state, is taking away any "reproductive" rights.

The Guttmacher Institute, a research group, says that 13 states have trigger laws that bar most abortions that will take effect immediately after the ruling Friday. They are Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.

Five more states had respective bans on abortion from the time before the Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973. They include Alabama, Arizona, Michigan, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Georgia, Iowa, Ohio, and South Carolina, according to the Institute, have laws that ban abortions after the 6-week mark. Those laws will be revisited after the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Meanwhile, the legislatures of Florida, Indiana, Montana, and Nebraska appear likely to ban abortion based on previous and current efforts, the group says.

Women in each of those states have the "right" to produce children or to decide not to, by not getting pregnant in the first place. They still have the unhindered "right" to get pregnant and have children, with nothing "restricting" said right.

Make no mistake, when you see the media write about "reproductive" health or rights, what they mean is they want the "right" to kill an unborn baby. They won't say that though because that terminology would make people think twice about supporting abortion.

The MSM by and large are performing abortion activism by inaccurately describing abortion as a "health" issue, or "reproductive rights" issue. They attempt to conflate miscarriage, which is not the deliberate killing of a baby, and is a health issue, with abortion.

That is as intellectually dishonest as it gets.

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Never before have I witnessed the insanity I have been watching since the decision was first leaked in May, increasing in sheer lunacy when the official decision was announced.

Watch below:

These people are literally raging because in some states women will not be able to kill the unborn. Crying because states, mainly red states run by conservatives, are protecting unborn children.

Another disturbing aspect is large corporations immediately came out to say they would pay the costs for their employees to travel to a state that allows abortions.

Yes, businesses are announcing they will help women kill their babies.

Google took it a step further: "Google tells workers they can relocate 'without justification' following Supreme Court decision." Evidently, for Google, wanting to kill an unborn child is "justification" enough.

How on earth did we get to a point in America where saving millions of babies lives is something to rage and riot over?


Sixteen states so far, have "legal protection for abortion enshrined in state law."

Suggestion to the baby killers, move. Go. Let America be divided up into red states that protect the sanctity of a child's life, and blue where the birth rate will be much lower because the states encourage the killing of the unborn.

The red states will grow, thrive, while the blue states will slowly die just as assuredly as the babies in their bellies are being slaughtered.

This should not be about politics, but there is no getting around the fact that an overwhelmingly majority of conservatives are against killing the unborn, and the same overwhelmingly majority of democrats/liberals are in support of killing the unborn.

The woman below is representative of the type of person that is "angry" over the Roe v Wade decision.

Truthfully, wouldn't you rather she, and all her merry band of baby killing supporters go live together?

ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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