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August 6, 2015

Elite Are In A Panic About What's Coming To America Insider Warns - Is This Video Another Sign Of The Coming 'End Game'?


Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:7

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

With preparation for 'global economic reset' ongoing now across America and much of the world, we get to hear from an alternative energy insider that the elite are now in a panic, buying up any kind of 'survival items' that they can possibly get their hands on, in the brand new video below from Quite interestingly, the interviewee in this video is in the alternative energy business and he tells us right away that he recently received a phone call from 'someone on morning TV' who wanted to buy out his entire store.

While the 'media elitists' continue to tell us that everything with the economy is fine and dandy, their actions are telling us something else entirely and after listening to the 20 minute video below in which we learn of the actions being taken by some of them, we see an entirely new warning and one that we should all pay close attention to.

As astutue commenters on the video/story have pointed out, does the fact that this man is involved in the solar power industry, who needs no new business as he's already far behind in keeping up with his plentiful orders, foreshadow some kind of an 'emp event' in Americas future that will leave us without electrical power?


Just listening to the tone of this conversation tells us that this elitist media figure who wanted to buy out this man's entire store is clearly panicked; has he gotten some kind of inside information of an event to come? As we have shared on ANP before, an EMP attack upon America would likely leave up to 90% of Americans dead within the following year to 18 months.

ANP also recently warned of a survival food run after speaking with several survival food companies who ARE STILL out of stock of many basic goods as we head towards September 2015 with Americans stocking up for something huge in near record numbers. Should the warning within this video add weight to everything else that we have been watching and hearing about across the country and world lately?

We strongly feel that the info shared in this video is another sign of what lies ahead for America and Americans and reemphasize our previous warning that we all need to be prepared, for anything. The paragraphs excerpted below from a Washington Post story interview with former Maryland Congressman Roscoe Bartlett tells all.:


Deep in the West Virginia woods, in a small cabin powered by the sun and the wind, a bespectacled, white-haired man is giving a video tour of his basement, describing techniques for the long-term preservation of food in case of an emergency.

We dont really think of those today, because its so convenient to go to the supermarket, he cautions. But you know, youre planning because the supermarket may not always be there.

The electrical grid could fail tomorrow, he frequently warns. Food would disappear from the shelves. Water would no longer flow from the pipes. Money might become worthless. People could turn on each other, and millions would die.

I have no television, and you cant really get radio there very well. . . . We just dont turn it on, Bartlett says of his cabin. I enjoy being isolated. And I ask myself, you know, if the world fell apart I wouldnt know it here, would I?

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